高考英语一轮总复习 第一部分 教材知识梳理 Unit 1 Cultural relics课件 新人教版必修2 课件

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《高考英语一轮总复习 第一部分 教材知识梳理 Unit 1 Cultural relics课件 新人教版必修2 课件》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《高考英语一轮总复习 第一部分 教材知识梳理 Unit 1 Cultural relics课件 新人教版必修2 课件(41页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、必 修 2,Unit 1Cultural relics,重点短语,重点句型,重点单词,1.rareadj.稀罕的,稀有的,珍贵的 rarelyadv.很少,罕有地 2.valuableadj.贵重的,有价值的 valuen.价值 3.survivevt.选拔,重点短语,重点句型,重点单词,7.designn.设计;图案;构思 vt.设计;计划;构思 vi.设计 designern.设计者 8.fancyadj.奇特的;异样的 vt.想象;设想;爱好 9.stylen.风格;风度;类型 stylistn.设计师,造型师 10.decoratevt.离开 13.doubtn.怀疑,疑惑 vt.怀疑

2、,不信 doubtfuladj.可疑的,令人生疑的 doubtfullyadv.可疑地,重点短语,重点句型,重点单词,14.formeradj.以前的,从前的 latter(反义词)adj.后者的,后面的 15.worthprep.值得的;相当于的价值 n.价值;作用 adj.古值钱的 worthyadj.有价值的;值得的 16.trialn.审判,审讯;试验 17.evidencen.根据,证据 18.explodevi.爆炸 explosionn.爆炸;爆发 19.entrancen.入口 exit(反义词)n.出口;通道,重点短语,重点句型,重点单词,20.sinkvt.使下沉,使下落

3、vi.下沉,沉下 n.洗涤槽 sank/sunk(过去式) sunk/sunken(过去分词) 21.informaladj.非正式的 formal(反义词)adj.正式的 22.debaten.争论,辩论 vi.争论,辩论,重点短语,重点句型,重点单词,1.in search of 寻找 2.belong to 属于 3.in return 作为报答,回报 4.at war 处于交战状态 5.less than 少于 6.take apart 拆开 7.think highly of 看重,器重,重点短语,重点句型,重点单词,1.这是在两国交战的时期。 This was a time whe

4、n the two countries were at war. 2.毫无疑问,这些箱子后来被装上火车运往哥尼斯堡,当时它是波罗的海海边的一个德国城市。 There is no doubt that the boxes were then put on a train for Knigsberg,which was at that time a German city on the Baltic Sea. 3.在审判中,法官必须断定哪些目击者的话可以相信,哪些不可以相信。 In a trail,a judge must decide which eyewitnesses to believe

5、and which not to believe.,Several tons of amber were selected to make the Amber Room because 1.of their beautiful yellow-brown color.The design of the room was in the fancy style in those days and it 2.was decorated(decorate) with gold and jewels.The Amber Room took the countrys best artists about t

6、en years 3.to make(make). In 1716,the King of Prussia, Frederick William, 4.to whom the Amber Room belonged,decided to give it to Peter the Great.In return,the Czar sent him a troop of his best soldiers.The room served as a small reception hall for important 5.visitors(visit).Later,Catherine had her

7、 artists add more details to the Amber Room.Almost six hundred candles lit the room,and its mirrors and pictures shone like gold. In 1941,the Nazi army was near St Pertersburg.This was a time when the two countries were 6.at war.In less than two days 100,000 pieces of the room were put inside some 7

8、.wooden(wood) boxes.There is no doubt 8.that the boxes were then carried to a German city on the Baltic Sea.After that,what happened to the Amber Room remains a mystery.,The King of Prussia,Frederick Williamcould never have imagined that his 9.greatest(great) gift to the Russian people would have su

9、ch an 10.amazing(amaze) history.,重点短语,重点句型,重点单词,survive vi.幸存,活下来;存留下来,保存下来 vt.经历某遭遇后幸存,幸免于;从中逃生;比活得长 Is it enough to have survived for a long time?它能够保存很长时间吗?(教材原句P1) Her parents died in the accident,but she survived.她的父母死于这次事故,但她幸免于难。 He felt lucky to have survived the war.能从那场战争中存活下来他感到很幸运。 Few b

10、uildings survived the earthquake.地震过后存留的建筑物寥寥无几。 常见用法 survive sth.幸免于;熬过 survive from.从中存活下来 survive on.靠存活下来 survive sb.(by+时间段)比某人活得长(),重点短语,重点句型,重点单词,People who survive from earthquake will remember their terrible experiences forever.在地震中幸存下来的人们将永远忘不了那些可怕的经历。 The man survived his sister by three

11、years.那个人比他姐姐多活了三年。 特别提醒 1.survive的主语常是custom,manuscript,record,relic,remains,species,tradition,victim等。 2.survive 后多接accident,attack,battle,cancer,challenge,crash,crisis,disaster,earthquake,fall,fire,illness,injury等名词作宾语。 拓展延伸 survivor n.幸存者 survival n.幸存者;生存;残存物,重点短语,重点句型,重点单词,现学活用 用survive的适当形式填空

12、 1.The film Titanic is based on the experience of a survivor. 2.In the traffic accident,no one survived except a few people who were badly injured.,重点短语,重点句型,重点单词,design n.设计;方案,计划;目的,意图 vt.设计;计划 vi.设计略图;设计 The design of the room was in the fancy style popular in those days.屋子的设计采用了当时流行的别致的建筑式样。(教材原

13、句P1) This is a tractor of the latest design.这是一台最新设计的拖拉机。 The thief was not able to carry out his designs because of a dog.由于有狗,小偷不能实施他的计划。 He designs for our dress department.他在我们的服装部门做设计工作。,重点短语,重点句型,重点单词,常见用法 1.by design=on purpose 有意地,故意地 2.be designed for=be intended for 为而设计/准备的 be designed to

14、 do sth.被设计/计划用来做某事 These books are primarily designed for the use of beginners.这些书主要是供初学者使用的。,重点短语,重点句型,重点单词,现学活用 用design的相关短语的适当形式完成句子 1.实验的目的是试验新药。 The experiment is designed to test the new drug. 2.这些手套适用于严寒地区。 The gloves were designed for extremely cold climates. 3.我们不知道那是偶然的还是故意的。 We dont know

15、 if it was done by accident or by design.,重点短语,重点句型,重点单词,remove vt.搬开;移动;除去,排除 vi.迁移,移居 Before the Nazis could get to the summer palace,the Russians were able to remove some furniture and small art objects from the Amber Room.在纳粹分子到达夏宫之前,俄国人只能把琥珀屋里的一些家具和小型艺术饰品搬走。(教材原句P2) He removed the pictures and

16、put them in the drawer.他把画取下来,放到抽屉里。 Doctors advised me to have it removed.医生们都劝我把它割掉。,重点短语,重点句型,重点单词,常见用法 remove to(把)迁移到/搬到;把(军队)调往 remove from从中移开/拿走;将(某人)撤职 remove ones doubt消除某人的疑虑 remove into a new building 搬入新居 remove sb.from office 解除某人的职务 Theyre going to remove into a new building.他们准备搬进一座新楼。 现学活用 单句填空 1.He removed his children to the countryside. 2.Bad habits are no way easy to be removed(remove). 3.Teenagers shouldnt be removed from school although they dont do well in studies.,重点短语,重


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