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1、whose与whom的用法whose的用法whose的用法一:优秀英语作文:我的偶像霍金 导语:霍金是继爱因斯坦之后最杰出的理论物理学家和当代最伟大的科学家,人类历史上最伟大的人物之一,被誉为“宇宙之王”。下面是yuwenmi办公室王老师为大家整理的优秀英语作文,欢迎阅读与借鉴,谢谢! 我的偶像霍金 Stephen Hawking is considered the worlds foremost living theoretical physicist. Hes an expert on black holes whose stated intention is to unify quant

2、um mechanics with Einsteins general theory of relativity, forming a single theory to explain the origin (and end) of the universe. Hawking, a professor of mathematics at Cambridge University, is the author of the bestxselling book A Brief History of Time and something of a celebrity: he has made gue

3、st appearances on the TV shows Star Trek and The Simpsons. Hawking has suffered from ALS (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, also called Lou Gehrigs disease) since he was a young man and is confined to a wheelchair. In 1974 Hawking calculated that black holes emit a form of energy now known as Hawking r

4、adiation. Since then he has analyzed the shape and fate of the universe in technical studies and popular books. Although Hawking has been afflicted with severe progressive muscle degeneration since the early 1960s, he manages with the use of a speech synthesizer to continue as Lucasian professor of

5、mathematics at Cambridge University (since 1979), the chair once held by Isaac Newton. In 1979 Hawking took the post of Lucasian Professor of Mathematics at Cambridge. According to Hawkings own site, The chair was founded in 1663 with money left in the will of the Reverend Henry Lucas, who had been

6、the Member of Parliament for the University. It was first held by Isaac Barrow, and then in 1663 by Isaac Newton. 史蒂芬霍金被认为是世界上最重要的活理论物理学家。他是一位黑洞专家,其目的是将量子力学与爱因斯坦的广义相对论结合起来,形成一个解释宇宙起源和终结的单一理论。霍金,一个在剑桥大学的数学教授,是畅销书的一个时间和一个名人简史作者:他客串电视剧星际旅行和辛普森。霍金患有ALS(肌萎缩性脊髓侧索硬化症,又称Lou Gehrig病)是因为他是一个年轻人,坐轮椅。 在1974霍金计算

7、黑洞发射一种能量现在被称为霍金辐射。从那时起,他分析了宇宙的形状和命运的技术研究和流行的书籍。尽管霍金患有严重的进行性肌肉变性自20世纪60年代初,他管理的一个语音合成器继续在剑桥大学卢卡斯数学教授的使用(1979年),曾为艾萨克牛顿主席。 1979霍金曾在剑桥卢卡斯数学教授的职位。根据Hawking自己的网站,“主席成立于1663的钱留在Reverend Henry Lucas的意志,谁一直是议会成员的大学。这是第一次举行的巴罗,然后在1663由艾萨克牛顿。 更多相关文章推荐:1.优秀英语作文:我的偶像霍金2.人物英语作文:我的早期偶像3.偶像刘欢的英语作文4.我的新偶像英语作文5.我的偶像

8、英语优秀范文6.我的偶像英语作文:刘欢7.我的偶像姚明英语作文whose的用法二:小学定语从句优质课件 小学定语从句优质课件 一教学目标 1 复习和掌握定语从句中关系代词和关系副词的作用和功能,能准确选择定语从句所需的关系代词或关系副词。 2 能较好地运用定语从句,能正确组织包含定语从句的复合句。 3通过学习调动学习积极性,使学生体会到英语的趣味和实用性。 二、重难点: 提高学生对语法复习的兴趣和积极性,较好地掌握定语从句的用法,理解定语从句,运用知识点解题。 三、学情分析 语法向来是学生头痛的一项内容,而定语从句在历来的中考试题中都有所体现,因此,掌握这一内容显得尤其重要。而对于我们农村学生

9、来说,英语的基础比较差,再加上语法复习基本以呈现理论为主再辅以练习,内容枯燥,学生兴趣不够,容易分散注意力,所以应溶入一些新的教学元素。中学生争强好胜,喜欢新事物,于是我考虑借用大家感兴趣的话题通过竞争法、音像法等促进学生的热情,增强学习的效果。 四、教学方法 以学生为主体,尝试创新思维,联系社会采用讨论、协作、探究、竞争的教学模式,引导学生灵活运用所学语法知识。 五、教学手段 利用多媒体计算机创设教学情景、问题情景,扩大教学容量,增强教学的趣味性和时效性。 六、课前准备 教师准备相关多媒体课件。 七、教学课时:一课时 八、教学过程 Step 1:示范 教师利用多媒体向学生展示本校优美的校园和

10、丰富的校园生活。请学生描述所看到的情景和人物,教师同时向学生用含有定语从句的句子总结学生的表述,引出定语从句。 学生:This is our classroom. It is bright and big. Or: This is our classroom. We study in the classroom every day. 教师:This is our classroom that is bright and big. Or: This is our classroom where we study every day. 学生:This is our English teacher.

11、 He loves us all. Or: This is our English teacher. His pronunciation is perfect. 教师:This is our English teacher who loves us all. Or: this is our English teacher whose pronunciation is perfect. 设计意图: 课前用数码相机拍几张校园里的人和物的图片,上课时用多媒体展示给学生看,让学生有亲近感,拉近了师生距离,使学生产生表达的欲望。 学生的已有语言基础充许他们介绍所看到的图片,教师在学生描述的基础上,用合并

12、两个简单句的方法,导入定语从句。 Step 2:语言活动 Game 1:一个比划一个猜 游戏规则: 1 两个人配合,一个人面对屏幕、另一个人背对屏幕,面对屏幕的用英语解释屏幕上出现的某种事物,背对屏幕的那个人则要根据同伴的解释猜出它的名称。 2 规定所猜的单词必须是教室范围以内的。 3 全班分几个小组,老师在屏幕上展示一张物品或人物图片,然后由面对屏幕的同学用英语来进行解释,解释对了而且同伴答对了,加一分,如果使用定语从句进行解释,就再加一分。 Some objects that are used in the game: Computer, dictionary, textbook, cha

13、ir, money, door, eraser, television, pocket, chalk, window, pen, glasses, shoes, paper, knife, pencil, keys, clock, door, water, knife, wall, keyboard, floor Door: something you open before you enter a house or a room Water: something that you drink when you are thirsty Television: something which c

14、an broadcast news and other programs 其中有一些单词需要用介词加关系代词引导的定语从句来进行解释,如: Dictionary: a book in which we can find the meanings or the pronunciation of a new word Chair: a piece of furniture on which people sit Money: something with which we can buy things Computer: a machine with which we are playing th

15、e game Game 2:竞猜游戏 1 活动形式:68人小组活动 2 情境设置:教师先对教室里的人、事或物进行口头描述。学生听后作出口头反应。例如: T: She is a girl who got three gold medals in the last sports meet. S: Wu Yan. T: Right. Now another one. It is a book that can tell you the meaning of new words when you study English. S:A dictionary. 3 游戏规则:游戏分初赛和复赛;初赛后每组选出优秀选手3人参加复赛。为了使任务更加有趣,组员每猜中一次可得一分;教师将学生猜中的人或物写在黑板上,以防重复猜测;最后角逐出前三



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