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1、学习资料收集于网络,仅供参考2021高考英语二轮(文章题)训练(6 )及解析We all know that humans are damaging the environment, but what can we do about it. Some people are trying to do their best to be more environmentally friendly.Some people suggest recycling paper, tin, plastic and glass in dailylife. They use reusable products in

2、stead of disposable一次性旳 ones. However, more peopleare becoming interestedinreducingtheircarbonfootprint the amount of carbon they use up. They try to reduce their carbon emissions排放 by cycling, using publictransportorlivinggreen.Recentlysome undergraduatesofFujianUniversityof Technology built their

3、green living paper buildings.On May 10, 2021, ten engineering major students in this school made their uniquehouse a football-like paper building, which took less energy, during a “Low Emission, Green Living ”campaign. The campaign, which was initiated by the Architecture Department of Fujian Univer

4、sity of Technology, inspires students to use creativity to design andbuild a green building in the square of the school within 24 hours. Competitors had to live inside their buildings for one night. The competition attracted over two hundredentries (参赛项目) from students,and 22 piecesof work,withthe s

5、hape of a star,football,and pyramid finally staged in the grounds.Whilesittinginsidethefootball-likepaperhouse,theteamleaderofthe competition group smiled and told us that the building had large enough space inside.The amazing house drew much attentionand receivedhighpraisefrom studentsand teachers.

6、 He alsosaidtheinspirationforthedesigncame from thebeautyof motionina football match. These unique houses appeal to people to build housing projects specifically asenvironmentally friendly as possible to reduce the carbon emission.25. What is the text mainly about.A. The environment is becoming wors

7、e and we should protect it.B. The beauty of football moving made ten students design a football-like house.C. Houses should also be environmentally friendly to reduce carbon emission.学习资料学习资料收集于网络,仅供参考D. The campaign called“Low Emission, Green Living”took place in Shanghai University.26. The house m

8、ade by ten engineering students were different from others because .A. it had a football-like shape and was made of paperB. it took more energy than common houseC. it had much more space than common houseD. it looked like a star and neednt building materials27. This campaign in Fujian University of

9、Technology aimed to .A. teach students to build their own houses for livingB. make people build environmentally friendly housesC. encourage students to think of new ways to build a green houseD. ask the students to recycle paper, tin, plastic and glass in daily life28. The underlined word“initiated”

10、in Paragraph 3 possibly means .A. copiedB. steppedC. startedD. held【文章大意】 本文主要叙述了福建理工高校建筑学院勉励同学运用创新设计理念建造绿色住房,为环保做些事情25. 【解析】选C主旨大意题依据其次、三、四段 以高校生建造环保房为例 ,文章主要说明白为了削减二氧化碳排放量,住房也应是环保旳应选C26. 【解析】选A细节懂得题依据第三段第一句On May 10, 2021, ten engineering major students in this school made their unique housea foot

11、ball-like paper building, . . .可知27. 【解析】选C细节懂得题依据第三段其次句. . inspiresstudentsto use creativity to design and build a green building. . .可知28. 【解析】选C词义推测题这场由福建理工高校建筑学院发起旳活动勉励同学运用创新设计理念来建造绿色住房initiate“发起,创始”与 start同义*终止 一学习资料学习资料收集于网络,仅供参考An old man had been working for many years for a town. His job w

12、as to clear away natural wastefrom the pool water in the hills,whichmade up the lovelyriver flowingthrough the town nearby. Quietly and 1, the old man guarded the hills , 2 the leaves and branches, and cleaned up thedirt that wouldhave 3 and polluted the fresh flowof water. The town soon became a po

13、pular attractionfortourists. Elegantswans 天鹅 floated alongthe clear riverand the viewwas sobeautiful 4 words.Yearspassed.Oneeveningthetown 5 met.Astheyreviewedthebudget,one mans 6 caught sight of the salary 7 being paid to the seldom seen keeper of the river. He asked,“ Who is the old man. Why do we

14、 8 to employ him. No one in the town ever 9 him. For all weknow, the strange keeper of the hills isnt doing his job. His position isnt 10 voted to 11 the man.For several weeks, nothing changed any longer.” Then theyBy early autumn, the trees began to 12 their leaves. Small branches broke off and fell into the pool of the hills , 13 the flowof the shiningwater. One afternoon, someone noticed a slightyellowish- brown 14 inthe river.A few days later, the water was much 15 .Withinanother week, an oily something covered some


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