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1、2021-2021 同步译林英语必修一新突破讲义:Unit+1+Section+ Reading()( Project )和答案Section Reading Project .匹配以下单词的词性及汉语意思1.runA vt.选择,选择2.hostB n.负责,掌管vt.使承担责任;收费3.approveC n.预备,筹备4.chargeD n.主持人;主人,东道主5.broadcastEn.毕业6.preparationFvt.& vi .批准,通过;赞成,同意7.eventG n.一代,一代人8.graduationH vt.& n.广播,播放9.generationI n.重要大事;社交

2、活动;竞赛项目10.selectJvt.治理;操作 答案15JDFBH610CIEGA .选择以下句中词组的汉语意思A 快速地检查B不仅仅,超过C负责,掌管 D报名参与E想出,提出F赞成,支持1.I approve of your trying to earn some money,but please dont neglect忽视your study.2.Look over the answers before handing your test paper in.3.The head teacher left the monitor in charge of the class when

3、he was away.4.The question was so difficultthat nobody could come up with a good answer except Tom.5.True friendship is worth more than money.6.At presen,tstudents in China cannot sign up for and participate in theCollege Entrance Examination in other provinces freely. 答案16FACEBD- 1 - / 32021-2021 同

4、步译林英语必修一新突破讲义:Unit+1+Section+ Reading()( Project )和答案第一步速读 明白文章主题和段落大意速读 P18 教材课文,选出正确答案;The main idea of the passage is A some information about a radio club B some information about a literary clubC some information about “Poets of the Next Generation”D some information about a radio club and a li

5、terary club 答案D其次步细读 把控文章关键信息细读 P18 教材课文,选择正确答案;1The radio clubA was started by Mr Owen B is open every Friday C is run by Kate Jones D was started two years ago2From the passages we can conclude thatA the radio club is very helpfulB the hosts can play anything they likeC all the students can join“P

6、oets of the Next Generation” D the hosts read poems during break times3When the writer attended the first meeting of“ Poets of the N,ext Generation heA selected a poem and read it B wrote a song and sang it C wrote a poem and read itD collected some messages and broadcast them4Which of the following

7、 is NOT true.A The radio club is run by the students.- 2 - / 32021-2021 同步译林英语必修一新突破讲义:Unit+1+Section+ Reading()( Project )和答案B The headmaster approved Kates suggestion. C The radio club has nothing to do with exams.D“Poets of the Next Generation” can help students learn poems. 答案14DACC第三步研读 才能升华接轨高

8、考依据 P18 教材课文,在空白处填入1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式;Two years ago students started a radio club and are in charge of it themselves.It 1.broadcastsbroadcastduring break times every day.It plays mor2e.than music,and it tells about the weather,recent news, special messages and so on.During exam time it tells studen

9、ts what they should do 3.to preparepreparefor the exam.At the end of theschool year,many 4.graduatesgraduateusethe club to give messages.Whenparentscome,it informs them 5.of some school events.The literary club 6.was startedstartby our English teacher.Members meet on the last Friday of every month.Members select and read the poems that they love alo,udand also discuss7.themtheyThe 8.firstonetime I read a poem by myself,everyone was so nice that I stopped 9.worryingworry I once read a composition 10.which/that the members said was one of the best.- 3 - / 3


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