高中英语 Unit2 English around the world Learning Notes part4 Using language学案(无答案)新人教版必修1 学案

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1、 Unit 2 English around the world 语言点导练词汇导练1. standard读一读 朗读并指出下列各句中standard的词性和意义。 Her work is not up to standard.(词性: _;意义: _ ) This is the standard time.(词性: _;意义: _ )Part 4 Using Language 4. play a part in读一读朗读下列句子, 理解划线部分的意义并翻译句子。 Many students play an active part in school activities.( _ ) The

2、famous actor has played all kinds of roles in his life.( _ ) He always spoke highly of the role he played in the play, which of course made others unhappy.( _ )练一练 翻译下列句子。 妇女在战争中起着重要的作用。_ 联合国在国际关系中起着越来越重要的作用。_ 他在那部电影中扮演一位医生。_记一记play a part/role in 表示“在某方面起作用; 参加某项活动”时, part/role通常都只用单数。 表示“扮演角色”时, p

3、art/ role是可数名词。play the leading part/role in . 起主要作用, 起带头作用play the role/part of . 扮演角色 记一记express v. 表达; 表露; 快递express n. 特快列车expression n. 表情; 神色expressions n. 短语; 词语; 表达法facial expression 面部表情beyond expression 难以言表express oneself by/through 通过来表达3. eastern 读一读朗读并理解下列各句中划线单词的意义和用法。 Eastern part of

4、 the yard stand many tall trees. ( _ ) We finally found the cat in the southeastern corner. ( _ )练一练 翻译下列词组。 西方国家 ( _ ) 东北省份 ( _ )记一记表示东、南、西、北等方位的词后加-ern构成形容词。如:eastern, western, southern, northern, southwestern, northwestern等。 One must recognize that homesickness is natural. 我们必须承认, 思念家乡是合乎常情的。美句仿写

5、及难句分析1. Believe it or not, there is no such thing as standard English. 信不信由你, (世界上)没有什么标准英语。 (P13L2)句式分析 believe it or not是一个固定短语, 意为“信不信由你”。 no such thing 意为“_ ”。such与 all, no, some, any, few, little, many, much, several, one等词连用时, 应位于它们的后面。仿写 其实, 在我们图书馆有很多这样的书。 这样的书有一本就足够了。 我们班有几个这样的学生。2. This is

6、because in the early days of radio, those who reported the news were expected to speak excellent English. 这是因为在无线电发展初期, 那些播报新闻的人希望英语讲得很好。 (P13L3-4)句式分析 because引导的从句在句中作_; 注意because与why引导的表语从句意义不同, 前者表示原因, 后者表示相应的结果。如: He was caught in the rain. That was why he caught a cold. 他被雨淋了, 那是他感冒的原因。He caugh

7、t a cold. That was because he was caught in the rain. 他感冒了, 那是因为他被雨淋了。5. recognize读一读 朗读下列句子, 根据划线部分提炼出recognize的搭配及其意义。 Can you recognize him from the picture?(搭配: _;意义: _ ) We all recognized him to be a great leader.(搭配: _;意义: _ ) I recognize that I am not fit for the job.(搭配:_ ; 意义: _ ) John is r

8、ecognized as the best footballer in the school.(搭配: _ ; 意义: _ )练一练 用recognize的适当形式填空。We hadnt met for 10 years, so I could hardly _him. But I knew he _as the best writer in this city. I had to _ everything had changed over years. 记一记 recognize v. 作“认出”讲, 为非延续性动词, 强调认出原来已经见过的。而know 是延续性动词, 指相互间十分熟悉,

9、十分了解。 I didnt recognize you in your uniform. 你穿着制服, 我没有认出你来。 I have known him for 10 years. 我认识他已经10年了。 recognize作“承认、公认(有效或属实)”讲, 经常与to be, as连用, 也可以接that从句。 仿写 今早他起床迟了, 那是他上课迟到的原因。 他考试失败了, 那是因为他不努力学习。3. However, on TV and the radio you will hear differences in the way people speak. 然而, 在电视上或收音机上,

10、人们讲的英语会有所不同。 (P13L4-5)句式分析 the way后面接的是一个特殊的 _从句, 该从句中的引导词可以用 _, 也可以省略。 I dont like the way that/in which you laughed at her. 我不喜欢你嘲笑她的那种方式。 They didnt do the experiment the way in which/that we do now. 他们过去做实验的方式跟我们现在的方式不一样。仿写 他很粗鲁, 不要像他那样讲话。He is very rude. Dont speak _ . 他对待我的那种方式, 我感到极为愤慨。I felt

11、 most angry about _ 让我惊奇的不是他说的话, 而是他说话的方式。 _was not_ but _.同步作业一、词形变化1. The actor won _ (recognize) for his good performance from the public.2. It is not easy for us to master the _(use) of the new words and phrases.3. My worries about my son at that time were beyond _(express).4. He comes from the_

12、 (east) part of China.5. In the 17th century, English began _ (speak) in many countries.二、翻译句子1. 我承认自己犯了一个错误。(recognize)2. 你在童年时读过的书对你以后的职业选择会产生一定的影响。(play a part in) 3. 我给他们送鲜花表示感谢。(expression)4. 他直接到朋友那儿请求帮助。(straight)language. About three percent of the people in the world speak languages that are not in these major families.1. A language changes mainly with the changes of _.A. its grammar B. its voc


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