高中英语 Unit1 Getting along with others学案 牛津译版必修5 学案

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1、2012高二英语学案:Unit 1 Getting along with others(牛津译林版必修5)一. 单词应用根据单词的首字母或汉语意思填写正确单词,注意形式变化。1. You have every right to feel b_ by your friend if she did tell your secret to others, but it seems unlikely that she did.2. Sometimes, other children say we are no fun because we are both very _ (学术的)and like t

2、o study, but we like it that way.3. We went to wash our hands in the girls toilets before lunch and I a_ how badly I had done.4. I thought that Hannah must have d_ told everyone about my mark after promising not to.5. I dont think I can forgive her. Now Ive lost my best friend and everyone _ (取笑) me

3、.6. He kept on saying really mean things to hurt me. I feel really _ (内疚的) because I said some really cruel things too.7. Since the match, he hasnt spoken to me even though we sit next to each other in class. Its really _ (别扭的,不自然的)8. The things he said hurt me too, but he has not a_ to me.9. Howeve

4、r, if you feel that she is very bad at keeping secrets and likes to e_ you in public, youd better find a new friend.10. Although you both said mean things to each other, one of you has to be first to say sorry. Dont be s_ .11. Dont let a small _ (分歧) ruin your friendship.12. We will listen to your p

5、roblems and offer you _ (实用的)advice.13. Boys and girls have different a_ towards friendship.14. These results have been _ (一致的) worldwide.15. It has also been shown that many _ (青春期的) boys cant name a single best friend.16. There are some things about Amanda and her friends that _ (使困惑)Robert.17. Sh

6、e says I spend an _ (不合理的) amount of time online.18. Mum says I had better pass my exams, or she will sell the computer as _(惩罚).二词形转换1. amusement(n.)-_(v.)_(adj.) 2. admit (v.) - _(n.)3. deliberately (adv.)- _ (adj.) 4. cruel (adj.) - _ (n.)5. embarrass(v.)-_(adj.) _(adj.) 6. apologize (v.) - _ (n.

7、)7. strength (n.) - _ (adj.) _(adv.) 8. unfair (adj.) - _ (反)9. disagreement (n.) _ (反) _ (v.) 10. cheerful (adj.)- _ (v. &n)11.discourage(v.)- _(adj.)_ _(adj.) 12. anxious (adj.) - _ (n.)13.puzzle (v.) - _ (n.) _ (adj.) _(adj.) 14. hesitate (v.)- _ (n.)三. 补全佳句。1. Joe explained that he _ _ _ _ (没有打算

8、伤害) Sarah. He just wanted to _ _ _ _ _.(和她开个玩笑)2. I cant _ _ _ others shouting.(容忍) 3. Mother _ me _ (阻止) chatting deep into the night.4. John _ _ _ (肯定花费了) about 20,000 pounds on his new car.5. _ _ (最后), he _ _ _(承认偷了)the diamond necklace.6. When _ (inform) of what he said in the letter, I _ _ _(禁不

9、住笑了)7. They sat on the bench, _ _ _.(有说有笑)8. She _ _ us for _ _. (为迟到向我道歉)9. He _ _ _ what he did.(为感到羞愧)10. The soliders _ _ _(决心) do _ they could to save the villagers trapped by the flood.四. 句型转换1. That is to say, never does he betray his friends. In other _, he never _ his friends.2. I must be r

10、eally stupid if I coulnt even pass an easy Maths test. I must be really stupid if I even _ to pass an easy Maths test.3. They are still sitting on the sofa and are absorbed in conversation. They are still _ themselves on the sofa , _ in conversation.4. I made up my mind to be cheerful, but Hannah se

11、nsed something was wrong. It was _ to be cheerful, Hannah _ something was wrong.5. It seemed that he was absent-minded and as a result of his careless playing, we didnt win the game. _ seeemed absent-minded and _ of his _, we _ the game.6. If he does sth wrong, he admits that he was wrong and doesnt

12、 hesitate to make an apology. If he does something wrong, he admits his _ and _ without _.7. Besides this, a good student is always ready to help his friends _ they are in trouble. _ from this, a good student os always ready to help his friends _ they are in trouble.8. I thought Hannah must have tol

13、d everyone about my mark on purpose after promising not to. I thought that Hannah must have _ told everyone about my mark after _ not to.9. He makes full use of his time to learn both in and out of class. Hard work comes first no matter how brilliant he is. He _ his time to learn both in and out of class.and hard work comes first _ brilliant he is.10. No matter what these friendships are based on, shared feelings or activities, the important thing to remember id that both of them are friendships. _ of what these friendships are based


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