高中英语 Unit 1(Living with technology-welcome)学案 牛津译林版选修7 学案

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1、M7U1 Living with technologyWelcome to the unit学案第一部分:重点讲解:1. record n. 记录;成绩;履历v. 记录,记载;录音,录象recording n. 录音,录音制品recorder n. 录音机record player 电唱机归纳拓展an official record of the accident事故的正式记录a school record学业成绩his employment record他的工作经历break/beat the record破记录set up the record创记录hold the record 保持记录

2、keep a record of sth把记录下来make a record制作唱片make a recording of录制 练练吧!1). the score in a notebook. A. kept a record B. kept the record C. recorded D. kept the record of2). The police keep record of all the traffic accidents.(改错)3). She (保持着世界记录) for the 100 meters.4). You should (记录) how much you spen

3、d.5). Im fond of listening to r of famous singers ,such as CoCo Lees and Sun Yanzis.6). She took her Sony tape r out of her bag and placed it down.7). It all began in 1877 when Thomas Edison made the first r of a human voice. 捐献2. contribute to 贡献给 有助于,对起作用练练吧!1).所有的孩子把空余时间花听音乐会上了.2).充足的新鲜空气有助于健康.3)

4、.他的粗心大意是造成事故的原因. It is certain/uncertain that (不)确定(certain/uncertain不能用sure/unsure替换)3. be uncertain about/of 对没把握 in no uncertain terms 明确有力地 uncertainly adv.拿不准地 uncertainty n. 忧郁; 拿不准的事练练吧!1).我们俩都不确定该怎么办.2). I told him what I thought of him (直言不讳地).3). Im (不确定他会不会赢) in the round.4). Its what his

5、 role in the company will be, and he is a bit anxious about it at moment. A. certain B. uncertain C. sure D. unsure5). They smiled at one another. A. uncertain B. uncertainty C. uncertainly D. in uncertain terms4. be superior to 超过 ; 比 优越 be inferior to劣于 练练吧!1).这家公司比我三年前工作地那公司好. 2).我认为,手工做的裤子比机器做的好

6、.3). They are superior us numbers. A. to ; in B. over ; to C. to ; by D. over ; by4). He is my superior in knowledge . He in knowledge.5. come onto the market上市;面练练吧!1).这所房子是昨天才投放到市场出售的.2). 在一个新产品上市前有许多事情要做.6. wind ( wound wound )vt.上发条;缠;绕 wind up 给上发条;使某人高度兴奋 wind down (钟表)慢下来,停住; (人)松弛下来练练吧! 1).你

7、的表上发条了吗?2).这条河蜿蜒流向大海.3). This year has been too busy for me; I need a holiday . A. winding up B. to wind up C. winding down D. to wind down4). The wind is too strong; please wind the window . A. down B. in C. up D. back 1. Talk about how modern electronic devices affect our lives and ask for informa

8、tion over the telephone. ask for: 要求得到;要求给予 eg; He had written to his friends in Hong Kong, asking for information. 联想拓展: ask for trouble 自找麻烦 ask sb. for sth. 向要求;请给予 ask for : 要接电话;或要求见 eg: There is a gentleman here asking for you. ask for: 请求 eg: She asked for time to think this all over.2. Now w

9、e can record music using computers. 1). record: vt. 记录;记载 eg: I record the score in a notebook. 我在笔记本上记下了分数。 n. 记录;成绩;履历;比赛的最高记录 eg: You should keep a record of how much you spend. 你应该把花的钱数记下来。 She holds the world record for the 100 meters. 她保持着100米的世界记录。 短语系列: break/beat the record 打破记录 hold the re

10、cord 保持记录 set up the record 创记录 keep a record of sth. 把记录下来 make a record 制作唱片 2). using computers:现在分词作定语 (1). 现在分词作定语时,和形容词的功能是相似的。单个的现在分词作定语,一般放在被修饰词的前面。 eg: a smiling face 一张笑脸 a leading figure 一位领导 (2). 现在分词短语作定语,则放在被修饰词的后面,可以转换为定语从句。 eg: She went on board the train leaving for Shanghai. = She

11、went on board the train which is leaving for Shanghai. 她乘坐去上海的火车。 注意:现在分词作定语时要注意下面两种情况: (1). 表示正在进行的动作 (变为从句时需要用进行时态) 。 eg: Did you notice the girl talking with your brother? = Did you notice the girl who was talking with your brother? (2). 表示经常性、习惯性的动作或现在 (当时) 的状态 (变为从句时多用一般现在时) 。 eg: We lived in a

12、 room facing the south. = We lived in a room that faces the south.3. How have different electronic devices changed over time? over: prep. (时间)在期间;直到过完;一边一边 eg: Hell stay on the farm over the weekend. They had a pleasant chat over a coup of coffee.4. make a list of: 把列成表/单 list: vt. 列出 make/ draw up

13、a list 列表;造表 n. 清单;表 a price list 价目表 a reading list 阅读书目5. Technological developments in the last few decades have been breathtaking. (1). development: 发展;发育;成长;展开;开发;发达 develop vt. 1). 使发达;使发展;使成长;使发育;使启发 eg: He believes that sports can develop mind and body. 他相信运动有益身心发展。 He developed the little store into a big department store。他把那家小商店扩展成为一家大型商店。 His business developed quickly. 他的事业迅速地发展起来。 Some children develop more slowly. 有些小孩发育较慢。 2). 开发(土地;资源;新产品等) We need to develop solar energy even furt


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