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3、。实验过程以问卷,测试以及访谈为辅助实验工具。通过对实验过程数据的收集以及分析,本研究得出以下结果:实验后几乎所有受试者解决实际翻译问题的能力都有了不同程度的提高。实验组学生的提高幅度普遍比控制组明显,用人单位对实验组译文质量评价更高。实验组学生对过程教学法持普遍肯定态度,表明借助过程教学法这一教学模式在高职院校开展专业英语翻译教学能更好地调动学生学习翻译的积极性,也能好地拓展学生的思维,有效地指导学生的翻译实践。本研究有助于提高各高职院校对高职学生专业英语翻译能力的重视,为教师改进翻译教学方法和课堂设置提供有益参考。【英文摘要】Recent years have witnessed a ra

4、pid development of higher vocational education.Against the background of Chinas more frequent communication with foreigncountries, English teaching is in a superior position in Higher Vocational TechnicalCollege (HVTC). According to the basic requirements for Higher VocationalTechnical Education Eng

5、lish Course issued by Ministry of Education, Englishteaching in HVTC should lay emphasis on educating practical talents, and it isimportant to promote the judicious blend of English teaching and social demands.Non-English major students account for the majority in HVTC, they will inevitablyencounter

6、 some translation tasks after graduation. Unfortunately, a large number ofHVTC graduates show a complete lack of translation competence, which willnegatively influence the communication and cause losses on their employers. Thereason may lie in the HVTC studentsrelatively poor English competence, whi

7、le thefact that most of the translation courses designed for non-English majors were carriedout with product-oriented approach, which cannot motivate the students to study, mayattribute to such a situation. So, English teachers in HVTC should ponder on how toimprove the non-English major studentsEng

8、lish translation competence with a moreeffective approach, and foster the technical talents with English-applying ability intheir future job.An empirical research was conducted in the present study on 30 subjects, aiming tofind out how to improve HVTC students specialty English translation competenc

9、e onthe basis of process-oriented method, and to test the effectiveness of the method.The subjects majoring in computer science were from Jinan EngineeringVocational and Technical College. In the experiment, they were divided into twogroups according to class division. One is the experimental group

10、who participated ina process-oriented class, while the other is the control group that studied in atraditional product-oriented class. The whole experiment lasted for three months. Theexperiment included such steps as the pre-test, the process of developing translationcompetence and the post-test. Q

11、uestionnaires,tests as well as follow-up interview were adopted as the experiment instruments.According to the data collected from the questionnaires, tests and the follow-upinterview, the findings are shown as follow: Nearly all subjects in both groupspromoted their English translation competence a

12、fter the experiment. Subjects in theexperimental group in particular made more remarkable progress than those in thecontrol group, and their translation enjoyed high evaluation of potential clients. Theinterview indicated that the process-oriented approach was popular with subjects inthe experimenta

13、l group. In HVTC, it could positively motivate students to deal withproblems encountered in translation, and improve their translation competence.This research lends itself to call attention of English teachers to the importance ofspecialty English translation competence of non-English majors in HVT

14、C, and topresent a new perspective for the improvement of translation teaching methods.【关键词】高职院校 实证研究 翻译能力 过程教学法【英文关键词】HVTC empirical study translation competence process-oriented approach【目录】基于过程教学法的高职学生专业英语翻译能力的实证研究Abstract7-8摘要9-10Chapter 1 Introduction10-151.1 Research Background10-131.2 Purpose

15、 of the Study131.3 Significance of the Study13-141.4 Structure of the Thesis14-15Chapter 2 Literature Review15-292.1 The Definition of Translation Competence15-172.2 The Application of Product-oriented Approach and Process-oriented Approach to Translation Teaching17-262.2.1 Product-oriented Teaching

16、 Approach18-192.2.2 A Review of Process-oriented Teaching Approach19-212.2.3 Shift of the Translation Teaching Approach21-262.3 The Application of Process-oriented Approach to Translation Teaching in HVTC26-29Chapter 3 Methodology29-353.1 Subjects of the Study29-303.2 Hypothesis303.3 Instruments30-333.3.1 Questionnaires313.3



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