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1、词组句型归纳 unit 12 1. beyond belief 难以置信 have belief in 信任/ 信仰 believe in 信任/ 信仰/ 信任的存在make believe 假装2. make a living = earn a living 谋生3. apply for 申请 apply oneself to = devote oneself to 致力于 apply ones mind to 用心于4. lay the foundation of 奠定的基础 lay aside 储蓄/ 保存 lay down 放下/ 躺下/ 制定lay in 储存 lay off 解雇

2、lay out 展现/ 设计laylaidlaidlaying 产/放置 lielaylainlying 躺下/ 位于 lieliedliedlying说谎5. set out= set off 动身/ 上路6. come into collision with 与相撞/ 冲突 in collision 在冲突中7. be on board 在甲板/ 飞机上 go aboard = be aboard (ship / plane)上船/ 登机go abroad 出国 study abroad 留学8. put sb in prison = send sb to prison送某人入监狱 hol

3、d / keep sb prisoner 囚禁某人take sb prisoner 俘虏某人9. six pieces of luggage 六件行李 come true = come into reality成为现实10. in public 公开地 / 公然 in private =privately11. throw light on / upon = cast light on 阐明某事 throw doubt on 对产生怀疑throw oneself into 投身于 light up 点燃 bring to light 揭露 come to light 显露in (the) li

4、ght of 鉴于/ 由于 light up with sth 容光焕发12. hesitate about / at / in / over doing = hesitate to do sth做某事迟疑不决 without hesitation 毫不迟疑i am still hesitating about whether i should go home.13. cut up 切碎 cut across 抄近路/ 违反 cut corners抄近路 cut in 插嘴 cut into pieces 切成碎片cut off 切断/ 中止 cut out 删除 be cut out for

5、 适合于14. in the distance 在远处 keep sb at a distance = keep sbs distance from 疏远别人at a respectful distance 敬而远之15. make a sketch of 概述 / 制作草图16. sth need doing / to be done. be in need of 需要 in time of need 在必要时there is no need for sb to do sth.17. remind sb of sth 提示某人某事 remind sb (not) to do sth 提示某人

6、(不要)干某事remind sb that 提示某人18. he will be back before long (不久以后) he saw the film long before (很久以前)it was long before we knew what was wrong with our plan. 费了很长时间才it wont be long before we meet again. 不用多久19. make an effort to do sth = spare no efforts to do sth = make every effort to do sth 尽力做某事wi

7、thout effort毫不费劲的20. turn out (to be) = prove to be 结果是 turn up 消失 turn down 拒绝 turn in = hand in 上呈turn to sb for help = ask sb for help 向某人求助 turn over 反过去21. give a view of 流览22. to start with = to begin with 首先 end up with 以告终 begin with = start with 以为开头23. dream of 想到/ 梦到 dream away 虚度光阴 dream up 凭空虚构3


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