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1、(Mohinder) We are, if anything, 任何事如果让我们有安全感creatures of habit.觉得舒适而又为之熟悉drawn to the safety and comfort of the familiar.我们总是墨守成规So do they actually believe that pudding is a vegetable? 他们真的相信布丁是种蔬菜吗?(MohinderJBut what happens when the familiar becomes unsafe?但是当熟悉的事变得危险时会怎么样呢?When the fear that we

2、have been desperately trying to avoid finds us where we live? 当那些我们拼命尝试逃避的恐惧Something wrong?出什么事了吗?Jackie just killed my appetite.杰姬让我食欲全无Oh, look, the principafs gonna post校长要去公布Whoopee.哇喔.Well, arent you gonna go see if you won?你不去看看你是不是赢了吗?Whatfs the point?这是什么意思?Youre a finalist, Claire.Go.你进入了决

3、赛克莱尔去看看吧Good luck.祝你好运Kinda nervy for someone in your position to be running for homecoming queen. 就你的立场而言竞争返校节皇后My position?我的立场?You know. Pariah?你知道低人一等的You hospitalized the MVPannihilating any hope of us actually winning the game. 你把最优秀选手送进了医院Youre not deluded enough to think你不会还天真的以为youre actual

4、ly gonna win?你还能获得返校节皇后吧?No delusions.我早就不抱幻想Its a popularity contestant! youfve made it very clear 这是声望的竞争很明显你赢了 that I am no longer popular.我已经不再受欢迎了Its more than a popularity contest 这不仅仅是比谁的声望高Being selected homecoming queen is about serving your school. 被选为返校节皇后还关系着为你的学校服务God, Claire.天啊克莱尔I did

5、nt think you were that shallow.我想你不该那么肤浅Congratulations, ladies.恭喜女士们Make me proud.让我感到自豪Oh, my God,dont spaz out.天啊不要太吃惊了What?什么?I cant believe it.我真不敢相信I won?我赢了?Claire! Claire! Claire! 克莱尔!克莱尔!克莱尔!Claire! Claire! Claire! 克莱尔!克莱尔!克莱尔! Shut up, you freaks!闭嘴你们这些怪胎!Claire! Claire! Claire!克莱尔!克莱尔!克莱尔

6、!You didnt tell Peter about me buying this painting, did you? 你没有告诉彼得我买♥♥T这幅画是吗?You asked me not to.你让我保密的I dont get it.我不明白What is it?这是什么?Its one of a series,the work of Isaac Mendez, 这是艾萨克门德斯系列作品的其中一副 a rising artist.一个很有前途的画家Is it supposed to be Peter?彼得相信艾萨克能画出未来Is it supposed to

7、be Peter?这个人是彼得吗?Im not sure.我也不能肯定But Peter thinks he needs to be there.但是彼得相信他要去那里to save a cheerleader.拯救啦啦队长Union Wells High School.威尔斯联合高中Yeah.是的Peter thinks if he saves a cheerleader.彼得认为如果他拯救了啦啦队长hell save the world.他就能拯救世界Right.不错Is that the only copy?这是唯一的一副吗?Yeah.是的Why?为什么这么问?Peters got al

8、l these.ideas in his head.彼得满脑子都是这些东西Delusions of grandeur.幻想成为伟大的人He thinks hes supposed to make a difference.他认为他天生就该做些与众不同的事What are you doing?你在干什么?What are you doing?你在干什么?What are you doing?你在干什么?No! 不! Saving his life.拯救他的生活What?怎么?(Nathan)You believe it?你相信这些?Save the cheerleader,save the wo

9、rld?拯救啦啦队长就能拯救世界?Im not sure what to believe anymore.现在我不确定我还能相信什么了I am.我很清楚Nice!射得好!Whats the range on this?这把枪的射程是多少? MB The Kinsella 320Z, 肯赛拉320Z been known to pierce body armor at 400 yards. 即使在400码的距离还能洞穿防弹衣它因而闻名 Military grade.军用级别的 Thatll work.那就绰绰有余了Dont want to see his eyes, huh?不想看着他的眼睛吧?

10、Must really hate the guy. 肯定很恨那个家伙You have no idea.你不知道He took my son. 他抢走了我的儿子Damn.该死的You call the cops? 你报♥警 ♥ 了 吗?Cops canrt stop him.警♥察♥拿他没办法But I can, as long as he doesnt see it coming, 但我能对付他只要在安全距离内How much?多少钱?Two large.200元Were going hunting.我们开始狩猎之旅了heroes英雄So

11、 how long do you plan on keeping this up?那么你还打算继续这样多久?Till you turn around.直到你转头回去I told you,we cant go back!我告诉过你我们不能回去!And I told you Mom needs me.而我也告诉你妈妈需要我Its not safe with her,和她在一起不安全LookI still love her.我仍然爱她No matter what she doesa part of me always will. 无论她做过什么我内心深处会永远爱着她But your mom has

12、changed.但是你妈妈变了The good news is that好消息是从现在起its gonna be you and me from here on out 你和我会一直在一起Partners.成为伙伴You meanjike Batman and Robin?你的意思是像蝙蝠侠与罗宾那样吗?Yeah-Like Batman and Robin.是的就像蝙蝠侠与罗宾Only.aint wearing no tights.只是.我没穿紧身衣You could wear tights.你可以穿紧身衣Im not wearing tights.我可不会穿Need to hit the h

13、ead?要上厕所吗?Nah, Im good.不用了Micah!弥迦!Did you ever consider that these dreams你就从来没想过你做的这些梦that youve been having,are just that, dreams?不过只是普通的梦而已吗?Its impossible.这不可能They were talking about my sister Shanti, 他们在谈论我的姐姐-香提a sister I never knew I had!我从不知道有这么个姐姐!As children, we absorb powerful archetypes

14、that we bury in our subconscious. 幼年时我们会吸收那些埋藏在Your parents were obviously still grieving.你的父母很显然仍旧沉浸于over your sister.失去你姐姐的伤痛中Freud would tell you the same thing.弗洛伊德也会同样这么告诉你What about the boy? 那怎么解释那个男孩呢?The one with the soccer ball?那个拿着足球的男孩?Yes, how do you explain.是的你怎么解释我父亲的抽屉里his picture bei

15、ng hidden in my fathers desk.hun?藏着他的照片呢?He was one of them,right here in Chennai.他是他们中的一个就在这里在晨奈(注:印度第四大城市)Sanjog Iyer, my father identified the genetic marker. 善齐格埃尔我父亲鉴别出的遗传标记所有者It says the boy can enter your dreams, 上面写着这个男孩能进入你的梦境alter your perceptions,uh;a kind of spirit guide. 改变你的感知某种意义上是个灵魂导师You must



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