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1、SYBASE缺陷及规避措施的详细说明附件:SYBASE DUMP/LOAD产生缺陷的详细说明据Sybase最新官方资料显示,对于所有ASE版木Dump出来的数据库备份,若Dump时 使用了超过256*maxpagesize的BlockSize或者源数据库备份server的RUN文件使用 了大于48M的f选项,并旦目标库的设备与源库在逻辑设备上的映射关系不一致,则会导 致load时产生数据库的-致性错误。日前各分行SYBASE数据库环境现状如下:1、首先,各分行存在发生此问题的条件/可能:(1)大部分使用了-m256M参数;(2)生产机与开发机之间数据库的分配并不严格一致;(3)多数据库共用同一

2、逻辑设备的情况也存在。2、过去曾经发生过此类问题,只是没有明确原因,但都通过使源/目标数据库一致得以 解决;3、好在该问题并不影响dump文件的完整性,只可能发生于load过程;鉴于此,经与 Sybase公司研讨,建议做以下调整以规避load时的数据库一致性错误:1、取消Backup Server RUN文件中的-m选项(需要重新启动Backup Server以生 效);2、使用DBArtisan抽取的源库建库脚本来创建备份库,确保备份库同源库的设备映射 关系一致。对于已经使用f选项Dump出来的数据库备份,load时需要注意以下几点:1、load到备份库时,确保备份库同源库的设备映射关系一致

3、(建议使用DBArtisan抽 取的源库建库脚本来创建备份库);2、load |叫源库时,确保源库的设备映射关系在该Dump操作前后没有发生变化。SYBASE官方详细资料原文如下:Urgent from Sybase: Possible data integri ty i ssue when loading a database from a dump, affecting versions of Adaptive Server Enterprise 15. 0, 12.5, and earlierMarch 2006Urgent from Sybase: Possible data inte

4、grity issue when loading a database from a dump, affecting versions of Adaptive Server Enterprise 15.0, 12.5, and earlier You are receiving this notification because you are a designated Sybase Technical Support Contact at a customer site that is using Adaptive Server Enterprise.Attached is a TechNo

5、te that describes the problem and solution.We apologise for any inconvenience this problem may have caused you and your company. Wehave communicated this problem to you as soon as possible to minimize or eliminate anyimpact on your business. We wou1d like to encourage each of you to connect periodic

6、ally to the technical support section of MySybase () for continued updates.If this email does not display correctly the document can be accessed at Sybase Customer Service and SupportUrgent from Sybase: Possible data integrity issue when loading a database from a dump, affecting versions of Adaptive

7、 Server Enterprise 15.0, 12.5, and earlierSummary: This document describes a potential data integrity issue with Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) that may occur when reloading a database dump that was taken using a blocksize that is greater than 256 times ASEs logical page size, and the physical lay

8、out of logical devices of the destination database di ffers from that of the database from which the dump was taken.ContentsThis document contains the following sections:Customer AlertRecommendationCustomer AlertUnder certain circumstances LOAD DATABASE may not load a database correctly. Database pa

9、ges may be written to the wrong locations on the 1ogica1 devices, resulting in corruption to both the database being loaded and possibly otherdatabases that use the same logical devices as that database. In order for this to occur two specific conditions must be met.1. The dump is loaded into a data

10、base that has a different mapping of databasefragments on the logical devices to that of the database from which the dump was taken.2. When the dump is created backup server reads and stores contiguous blocks of morethan 256 logical pages. This can happen when EITHER:The backup server used to create

11、 the dump was started with the -insize option and size is greater than the default value of 48Mb.The DUMP DATABASE command used to create the dump specified the BLOCKSIZE parameter and BLOCKSIZE is greater than 256 times ASE,s logical page size.Note:1. The integrity of the dumps themselves is unaffe

12、cted by this issue, even if 一m or BLOCKSIZE parameters were used. This issue only occurs as part of the LOAD DATABASE process.2. The only way to be certain if the dump contains contiguous blocks of more than 256logical pages is to use LOAD DATABASE WITH LISTONLY二FULL. See the Symptoms section below

13、for a fuller explanation.This issue is being tracked under Sybase CR# 419772. This CR is fixed in the fol lowing EBFs, or ones that supersede them. These EBFs are not yet available. Please see the Recommendation section for i nformat ion on their scheduled availability.ASE 12. 5.3Platform AIX 32-bit

14、 AIX 64-bitHP-UX PA-RISC 32-bit HP-UX PA-RISC 64-bit HP-UX Itanium 64-bit HP Tru64Linux x86 32-bit Linux x86 64-bitLinux Itanium 64-bit Linux on POWER Mac OSSG IRIX 32-bit SG IRIX 64-bitSolaris SPARC 32-bit Solaris SPARC 64-bit Solaris x86 Windows x86EBF# (ESD# 7) 13326 13327 13328 13329 13337 13330

15、 13332 13339 13336 13340 13335 13333 13334 13324 13325 13338 13331ASE 15.0EBF# (ESD# 2) N/A 13446 N/A 13445 N/A N/A 13447 N/A N/A 13449 N/A N/A N/A 13443 13444 N/A 13448Workaround: Until the EBFs are available, or if you intend to remain on one of the affected versions of ASE after that, you should

16、not specify a blocksize that exceeds 256 times ASEs logical page size, or you should ensure that the target database has exactly the same device mapping as the source database.Symptoms: When the problem has occurred, ASE may report errors 692, 695, 697, or 903 on the loaded database or on other databases on the same logical devices. DBCC consistency c



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