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1、语言手段12料写作的目的是考查考生整合信息和信息表达,并用适当短语、句型等语言手 段产生出连贯语篇的能力。现介绍十二种常用的语言表达手段,这些语言手段 在近年的广东高考题中和各地模拟写作题中出现的频率非常高,掌握这些语言 手段对提高写作能力一定帮助很大。一、同位语手段同位语主要用于介绍人物、事物、地点、产品、书名等。例如:姓名:Steve Jobs别名:苹果教父(godfather)出生地:美国加州三藩市(San Francisco)出生日期:1955年2月24日逝世日期:2011年10月5日Steve Jobs, the godfather of Apple, was born in San

2、 Francisco, California, the USA on February 24th, 1955 and passed away on October 5th, 2011.二、主题的呈现手段要用到的词语有很多,简单的有about, on, as to等,复杂的有concerning, regarding, with respect to 等。典型例题1信息点:效应:(这本书)引发中美教育方式孰优孰劣的讨论(2011广东)信息表达:The book has received a heated discussion on the advantages and disadvantages

3、 of Chinese and American educational ways.翻译1:上周末我校在2600名学生中进行了有关“幸福感”的相关问题调查。Last weekend, a survey about The feeling of happiness was carried out (conducted) among 2600 students in our school.翻译2:最近,你班就“高三学生是否需要吃补品(tonics)来保持健康”展开了讨 论。Recently we have had a discussion in a class meeting about whet

4、her Senior 3 students should take a lot of tonics to keep fit.三、观点的呈现手段可用短语如according to sb.(根据某人的看法),in my opinion /in my view(在 我看来,我认为),from ones point of view(在某人看来),as far as Vm concerned(对我而言),as for(至于 ,就 而言)等,句型有sb.believes/ thinks/ claims, sb. told us that., sb. pointed out that(某人指出)等。翻译1:

5、我的看法是我们应保护自然资源,减少环境污染。In my opinion, we should try to protect natural resources and decrease environment pollution.翻译2:依我看,合作需要有效的交流,没有它人们会盲目地做事情。From my point of view, cooperation calls for effective communication, without which people will do things blindly.翻译3:你的观点:微M(microblog)提供大量信息,应根据个人情况谨慎使用

6、。As far as I am concerned, microblog provides us with large quantities of information, so we should be cautious while using it according to our personal situation.四、比例的表达手段1. 百分比的表达。如:(1) 70% of. (2)seventy percent of. (3)70 percent of the(注意:考生最易漏用 of)2. 其它一些比例的表达手段。如:(1) 一 半:half of the. =fifty pe

7、rcent of the(2) 四分之一(25%): a quarter of =25 percent of the.(3) 四分之三(75%): three quarters of =75 percent of the.3. 分数表达法:分子是基数词,分母是序数词。如:1/4: one fourth 2/3; two thirds7/8: seven eighths五个当中有三个:three out of five, three in five典型例题|信息点:相关数据:(目前中国)吸烟人数:约3,5亿(2)分布:男性75%,女性:25%(2010广东)信息表达:Currently Chin

8、a has about 350 million smokers, among whom 75 percent are men and 25 percent are women.五、排位的表达手段表“排位”要用到的词语有:rank +(the+)序数词,be +the+序数词,be+ in the + 序数词+place或get the +序数词+place等;也可以用“is the +形容词最高级+范 ”来表达。翻译:江苏卫视的非诚勿扰(You are the One)这个相亲节目的收视率排第一。The ratings of Jiangsu TVs You are the One among

9、all the programs.六、建议的表达手段短语:从句:advise sb. to do(劝某人做某事)(1) Sb suggests that(2) Sb. gives sb. a suggestion that(3) It is suggested that(4) It is highly advisable that.(5) give sb. some advice on翻译1:你对班上同学的建议:学习时尤其是听课时要充分利用眼、脑、口、 耳、手等器官共同参与,这样学习才更有效。when studying, especially in class students should

10、make full use of the brain, eyes, ears, hands, and other organs for joint participation, which will make their study more efficient翻译2:因此我强烈地建议那些同学不要沉迷于这些网络活动而把更多的时 间花到有意义的活动中去,如锻炼身体。Therefore, I strongly get addicted to these online activities and spend more spare time on meaningful activities, suc

11、h as taking exercise.七、提醒的表达手段 表示提示或提醒的表达有:Sb. reminds / warns us that.(某人提醒我们)Sb. reminds / warns us (not) to do sth.(某人提醒我们做/不要做某事)翻译1:提醒大家不要轻易在网上透露个人信息和不要随意打开不认识的人 发来的文档。 to keep secret our personal information, including our real name, phone number, email address and so on, and not to open any f

12、iles from a stranger.翻译2:温馨提醒:有效期:一个半月;过期后果自负。信息表达:that you have to undertake theresponsibility after one and a half month.八、“与有关”的表达手段这种表达方式也有很多。如:1. be connected with/to 2. be related to3. be relative to4. be relevant to5. have something to do with6. be in/with relation to9. be bound up with7. be

13、associated with8. be linked to翻译:食品安全:最令人担忧的问题,与我们的健康息息相关。信息表达: Food safety is the most worrying problem because it our health.九、目的的表达手段表目的的表达手段很多,用作不同的成分有不同的表达。1. 用谓语表达:aim/intend to do sth.(目的是,旨在)2. 用状语表达: so as to /in order to /in an effort to do(为了 做某事)(2)with the purpose of doing sth.(带着的目的,为了

14、)(3)in hopes/the hope of(怀着的希望)(4)with dreams of doing(带着的梦想)(5)with the goal of doing sth.(目的是)3. 用不定式作表语表达:(1)The purpose of doing sth. is to do.(做某事的目的是)(2)Our goal is to do.(我们的目标/的是)(3)The aim is to do.(目的是)4. 用从句表达: so that.(以便)(2)in order that.(为 了)(3)in the hope that(怀着的希望) 典型例题信息点:目标:所有室内公共

15、场所无烟 实施时间:2011年1月1日起(2010广东) 信息表达:This decision, which aims to make all indoor public places smoke-free, will come into effect from the first day of 2011.或 This decision, aiming to make all indoor public places smoke-free, will be carried out from January 1, 2011.“无车日(Car-free Day)是一项节能环保的活动 活动时间:每年9月22日参与者:全国108个城市活动目的:提高人们节约能源与保护环境的意识信息表达:Car-free Day is launched in 108 cities in China on September 22 every yean十、原因的表达手段介词短语:because of, due to, owing to, thanks to, for the reason that+从句 从句:because, as, sinc


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