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1、外国名著英文高中生读后感20XX年5篇 名著对人物形象的塑造源于丰富的生活体验,所描写的人物不但形象性格鲜亮丰富而且有层次感。这些形象描绘又是通过场景、人物语言对白、环境描写来凸显出来的。有些外国名著是通过多层次的描述方法来表现这个人物的性格特征。下面给大家共享一些关于外国名著英文高中生读后感5篇,供大家参考。 外国名著英文高中生读后感作文(1) The tle of two cities is historicl story, one of Dickens longfictions。The bckground to the novel is the revolution of Frnce 。

2、It portryed brutl nd bloody story , but it lso contined love nd friendship。 In the novel, Dickens srcsticlly described typicl cruelnoblemnmrquis of Evermonde 。 When he ws young he nd his brother stole countrywomn by force nd killed her fmily 。Whts worse , he used his power toimprison Dr Mnette , kin

3、d nd honest mn who knew ll the things they hddone nd wnted to disclose their crimes 。 In order to hide their crimes。Mrquis of Evermonde nd his brother threw Doctor Mnette into prison for 18yers 。 During these 18 yers,Doctor Mnette lost his freedom nd suffer gretin spirit 。 I felt unthinkble tht Mrqu

4、is of Evermonde nd his brother killed peoplejust s esily s they killed chickens。 They deprived other peoples freedom sthey liked nd they thought it ws norml nd unremrkble。 They hd neverrelized tht they hd done something wrong or something improper。 Becuse theirnture ws cruel nd evil, like demons。 Th

5、ere is n old sying which mens:People who mit too mny crimes will kill themselves。 fter ll, there is justicein the world。 The demons cnt be rmpnt forever。 Becuse the world will notforgive them。 They will py their lives for their crimes。 Lets see theconsequence of the Mrquis,He ly there like stone wit

6、h knife pushed intohis hert。 I think it ws just wht he ought to gin nd it is rel excitingscene。 The Mrquis deth ws just the beginning of peoples resistnce to thenoblemn。 Grdully more nd more people joined in the revolution。 One fternother noblemn were sentenced to deth nd their heds were cut down 。H

7、owever, some innocent people were implicted in the revolution。 Chrles Drneyws one of them He ws the nephew of Mrquis of Evermonde。 To the opposite ofhis uncle, Drney ws kind nd independent young mn。 Dickens spoke highly of kindness mercy nd love in the novel too。 This isthe other thone of the novel

8、when Doctor Mnette ws relesed from prison。 Itws his dughter Lucie who took cre of him nd helped him return to norml。During this time, Dr mnette nd Lucie knew Chrles Drney nd Sydeny Crton,the two young mn fell in love with Lucie t the sme time 。 t lst, Luciemrried Chres Drney 。Dr Mnette ccepted Drney

9、 s his son-in-lw lthough heknew tht Drney ws the nephew of the mn who threw him into prison for18yers。 This is the love between fther nd dughter。 nd Sydeny Crton , thevery gret mn ,loved Lucie deeply。 He promised Lucie tht he would doeverything for her hppiness。 He did it truely ,he scrificed himsel

10、f insted ofDrney who looked the sme s him。 This is love for lovers 。 This is the mostwonderful thing in the world。 It lso reminds us tht no mtter how no mtterwhen there is true love existing。 t the end , Lucie, Dr Mnette nd Drneyrrived in Englnd sfely。 The tle of two cities is different from other h

11、istoricl fictions。 Itschrcters nd min plots re fictionl under the rel bckground of therevolution of Frnce。 The uthor mde the experience of the fictionl chrctorDr Mnette s the min clue。The plots re plicted, nd they re flexuous nddrmtic。 The structure is plete nd rigorous。 Dickens hd der love nd hte。

12、He prised those who ought to be prisednd ttcked those who ought to be ttcked。 The motivtion of the novel mybejust wrn the English domintors。 But I think we cn lern something meningfulfrom the tle of two cities。 外国名著英文高中生读后感作文(2) Recently I red novel clled Tle of Two Cities。 The novel is bsed onthe F

13、rench Revolution。 It ws 1775,both Englnd nd Frnce were on the verge ofRevolution 。Englnds king ,George ,ws hving trouble with his mericncolonies 。nd Frnce s king ,Louis, ws too concerned with his own welth toworry bout his people 。 Therefore, neither king noticed the chnges tking plce in his country

14、。They didnt relize ,or cre ,tht the pesnts were hungry nd unhppy 。Theynever thought tht nything ws wrong with the wy things were 。They werewelthy ,nd they thought only of themselves。 But the pesnts were tired of being treted unfirly。 They were tired ofwtching the kings wste money while their own chi

15、ldren strved。 So, in bothLondon nd Pris, the lower clsses prepred to revolt 。They were redy to forcethe kings to mke chnge。 Then one dy in July of 1789, the Revolution begn in Frnce 。rmedpesnts rn through the streets of Sint ntoine 。Their leder, Ernest Defrgecontinued to pss out wepons。 The men chee

16、red nd wved their wepons in their 。Then, they mrched towrd the Bstille。 The novel lso tlks the story of two men, Chrles Drny nd SydneyCrton。, who look similr but re very different in personlity。 Drny is romntic French ristocrt, his uncle is the Mrquis St。 Evremonde。 The Mrquis is infmous for his cruelty。 While is cyniclEnglish brrister。 However, the two re in love with the sm



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