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1、关于信息素养教育与人才培养的关系中英文对照On the relationship between information literacy education and training in Chinese and English 论文摘要:当代国际竞争归根结底是科技实力和创新能力的竞争,我国未来15年科技发展 的目标就是在2020年建成创新型国家。作为高等院校,如何培养出具有创新能力的人才, 是我国高等教育普遍关注的热点木文从信息素质和信息素质教育的概念和内涵出发,阐述 了信息素质教育在创新人才培养中的作用,并对高校如何开展信息素质教育提出了一些基本 看法。Abstract: the con

2、temporary international competition in the final analysis is a scientific and technological strength and innovation ability competition, the development of science and technology in Chinas goals for the next 15 years is to build an innovative country in 2020 As colleges and universities, how to cult

3、ivate talents with innovation ability, is the focus of attention of the higher education in china This article from the concept and connotation of information literacy and information literacy education, expounds the infonnation literacy education in the cultivation of innovative talents, and puts f

4、orward some views on how to develop the infonnation qualify education in Colleges and universities.一、信息素质与创新人才素质One, information quality and the quality of innovation talents信息时代的社会特征教育终身化、学习社会化、社会知识化对人的素质提出了新的 基本要求,即信息素质。信息素质最早是由美国信息产业协会主席PaulZurkowski于1974 年提出的。1989年,美国图书馆协会下属的“信息素质总统委员会”将信息素质定义为:

5、“一 个具有信息素质的人,他必须能够确定何时需要信息,并且具有检索、评价和有效使用所需 信息的能力二目前,国内学者对信息素质比较一致的看法是:信息素质一种有效发现自己 的信息需求,并据此从各种不同的信息来源中寻找、检索、获取、判断和组织信息以及利用、 交流和传播信息的能力,其实质是在学习、工作、生活中利用信息的意识和技能.信息素质 不仅成为信息时代每个社会成员的基本生存能力,而且也成为一个国家综合实力的重要构成 要素。The social feature of information era lifelong education, learning society, knowledge soc

6、iety the basic requirements of the new changes on peoples quality is put forward, namely information quality. Information literacy is put forward by the president of the United States of America PaulZurkowski Information Industry Association in 1974. In 1989, the American Library Association under t

7、he M information literacy of the presidents Council of H information quality is defined as: H a has the information quality of the people, he must be able to recognize when information is needed and have the ability to retrieve, evaluate, and use effectively the needed information I At present, the

8、domestic scholars on information quality more consistent view is: infomiation on the quality of an effective found their information needs, and to find, from a variety of different sources of infomiation retrieval, acquisition, organization and use of judgment and information, communication and diss

9、emination of information, its essence is the use of information consciousness and skills in learning in the life, work. Infonnation literacy is not only a basic survival ability in information age, every member of society, but also become an important component of comprehensive strength of a nation二

10、、大学生信息素质教育的目标与内涵Two, objective and connotation of infonnation literacy education of University Students信息素质教育的基本目标是通过对大学生信息道德的完善,信息个性的塑造,知识体系 的构建和信息技能的培养,形成富于创新精神和创新能力的信息素质结构。信息素质教育的 基本内容包括以下三个方面。The basic goal of the infomiation quality education of college students is through the improvement of in

11、formation ethics, shaping the personality training information, to construct a system of knowledge and infonnation skills, the formation of information quality structure of innovative spirit and innovative ability. The basic content of information quality education include the fallowing three aspect

12、s.(1) 信息意识教育。培养大学生对信息需求的自我意识,信息价值的思维感知能力和 关注相关信息的持久注意力,使大学生具有敏锐的观察力,能从繁杂的信息中获取有价值的 信息,并能清楚地理解信息对信息化社会及人类的影响,认同信息素质在终身学习和创新能 力中所起的作用。(1 ) the information consciousness educat io n. Cultivation of College Students1 self consciousness of information demand, sustmned attention thinking perception and at

13、tention to relevant infonnation of the value of information, so that students have keen powers of observation, can obtain the valuable information from the complex information, and can clearly understand the impact of the information on the information society and human identity, role information li

14、teracy plays in the lifelong learning and innovation ability.(2) 信息能力教育。培养大学生合理有效地利用信息技术,结合学习及科研的需要进行 收集、判断、评价、处理、传递、交流以及创造信息的能力教育,使大学生能够了解信息需 求及各类信息的特征,掌握检索和获取信息的方法与手段,提高判断信息的可靠性及权威性 的鉴别水平,增强运用技术手段进行信息分析、整合、交流、创新的能力。(2 ) the information ability education. Cultivation of College Students1 rational a

15、nd effective use of info mi at ion technology, combination of learning and research needs to be collected, judgment, evaluation, processing, transmission, exchange and education to create information, to enable students to understand the information needs and characteristics of all kinds of informat

16、ion, grasps the retrieval and methods and means of access to information, improve judgment to identify the level of reliability and authority of information, enhance the ability of using the technique in information analysis, integration, communication, innovation.(3) 信息道徳教育,是信息素质教育的主要方面。培养大学生自觉遵守信息行为规范, 保护知识产权,尊重他人隐私权。抵制色情、暴力、迷信、敌对等信息的渗透,在信息活动 中保持合作精神及契约精神;使大学生充分认识信息伦理的必要性以及承担必要的信息责 任,建立参与创造理想信息社会的正确态度。(3 ) the information ethics education, is the ma



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