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1、必修四Unit 1Women of achievement单元教案Designed by: NorzinSchool: The Second Lhasa Nakchu Senior High SchoolUnit 1 Women of achievement 单元整体分析教师复备栏Analysis of teaching material 教材分析本单元以女性为主题,以Warming up, Reading, Listening的形式对 古今中外六位不同女性的成就进行了介绍。其冃的在于引导学牛了解有 什么样人格的人才是伟人;伟人是否是完人;我们在人格上离伟人有多 远。这些对学牛可起到一定的启发

2、作用,使他们能以这些伟人为榜样, 并坚定信念,塑造自我,创作未来。通过本单元的学习,学生们可以深 切第感受到无论男女,只要对他人有无私的爱,对事业有坚定的信心, 并不懈地为之倾注心血,都能成就一番事业。1. Warming up中的材料是古今中外六位杰出女性的简介。这部分要求 学牛通过讨论来区分伟人与名人。起作用有两点:一是统领全单元主题, 二是引导学牛树立正确的世界观,人牛观和价值观。教师在这一点上要 起到引导作用而不是简单地说教。2. Reading 这部分有 Pre-reading, Reading, Comprehending 三部分组 成。Reading 一-文介绍了 Jerne G

3、oodall与其同事们在非洲森林里的一 天,并由此引出她的工作方法及其所取得的成就。同吋阐明了她的观点, 既要理解,尊重和爱护动物。Pre-reading部分提出了两个问题,这两 道题给学牛这样的提示:在研究动物时如何体现科学与人道的结合。 Comprehending中针对课文内容从细节到中心思想,由浅入深地设计了 练习题,可帮助学牛真正了解Jdiw Goodal 1及其所从事的事业。3. Learning about Language这部分包含两方面的内容:词汇和语法。 词汇部分主要涉及一些构词法,重点词汇和短语。语法部分是主谓一致, 重点在如何确定集合名词的数。所有这些项H都设计了相应的练

4、习题, 让学牛了解词汇与语法如何具体运用,做到精讲多练。4. Using Language 包含听,说,读和写四个方面的内容,全面体现 对英语的综合训练。读的部分介绍了我国著名的妇科专家林巧稚。 文章的第二段体现了本单元的H标之一:学会运用介绍人物甜质的形容 词来描述他人的情况。这也为下一步的说与写打下来基础。5. Workbook中包含的听,说,读和写的内容更为丰富,它是对前面所 学的内容的复习与总结。6. SummingUp部分让学牛从内容、词汇和语法结构三方面对本单元进行 归纳与总结。词汇部分的小结可以从构词法的角度进行适当的拓宽。 LearningTip部分就人物描写提出了建议,即选取

5、典型事件,抓住人物 特征.Reunite of the text 教材重组结合我校学牛及课堂教学实际,现将教材作如下重组及安排:1. 将Words and Expressions作为一,堂词汇学习、理解及应用的综合课。2. 将Warming Up及Pre-reading整合在一,起上一节“热身课”。3. 将Reading与Comprehending整合在一起上一节“阅读理解课”。4. 将 Learning about Language 和 Workbook 中的 Using Words and Expressions及Using Structures整合在-起上一节“语言知识、语法学习 及应用

6、的综合技能课二5. 将 Using Language 111 的“Extensive Reading设计为一节“拓展性阅读教师复备栏课二6将Workbook中的Talking和Writing task结合在一起上一节口语练习 及写作的杠综合技能课,,1. Teaching important points 教学重点1. Have Ss learn some useful new words and expressions about this Unitand let them learn effective ways to remember English vocabulary.2. Enab

7、le the Ss to know something about how to make a person achieve.3. How to help Ss improve their reading skills and understand the passage fully.4. Let Ss learn the new grammar (Subject Verb Agreement) and try to use them correctly.5. Develop Ss,speaking ability. Enable Ss to describea person.6. Enabl

8、e the Ss to write biography.7. By reading A Student of African Wildlife, students can learn from Jane Goodall in at least two aspects: one is what is the humane way to study animals; the other is that it was her great personality - universal love and mercythat made her successful. If everyone had su

9、ch kind of heart, they would give everything benefit for all living things. Then our world will be full of love and peace, without any war and starvation.2. Teaching difficult points 教学难点General difficulties:1. How to help Ss improve their reading skills and understand the passage fully, especially

10、the ability to find out detailed information.3. Enable Ss to learn how to use Subject- Verb Agreementcorrectly.4. Get the Ss involved in teaching activities and practice more in reading and speaking.5. Let everyone believe that all of us can become Jane Goodall.Special difficulties:1. Master the imp

11、ortant language points in the unit.2. How to help Ss improve their reading skills and understand the passage fully, especially the ability to find out detailed information.3. Enable Ss to learn how to use Subject-Verb Agreement correctly.4. Get the Ss involved in teaching activities and practice mor

12、e in reading and speaking.5. Let everyone believe that all of us can become Jane Goodall.3.Examination points 考点:词语辨析旨在完形填空所需知识。 词性变化旨在语法填空所需知识。重点词汇,词组旨在综合运用所需知识。重点句子旨在阅读理解和完形填空中句子结构所需矢口识。主谓一致近儿年高考没有选择题,所以旨在语法填空所需知识。 阅读技巧旨在阅读理解题题所需技巧。教师复备栏4课时安排 Periods needed: 8Period 1VocabularyPeriod 2 Warming up, and Pre-readingPeriod 3 4 Reading and comprehendingPeriod5 Learning about language: useful words and expressions, GrammarPeriod6Using language: Extensive readingPeriod7Workbook: Talking and WritingPeriod 8 Revision and assignment for test


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