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1、太谷县职业中学校学案纸课题Unit 8 The Business World备课时间2014-4课型New备课形式集智式讲课时间2014-4-9教学 坏节教学过程教法、学法导图片导入,2010上海世博会1904The Worlds FairPlease look at these pictures. What is this ? It is about shanghai expo. Do you know its theme ? no ?ok, please look at here.Now please look at this picture .it is another expo. Bu

2、t it takes place in America in 1904. the story in our text happened hereNow let us talk about tea. Do you like tea? Please look at these teas. Can you say it in Chinese?black tea green tea red tea/oolong scented tea pu-reh teaBut this class we are going to learn a story about iced tea. Look here. Do

3、 you want to have a drink?图片导入新课标Learning Aims and Demands(教学目标与要求)一、Knowledge Objects(知识冃标)学习目标 定位岛考1、Key wordscreate dark control event luck situation storyuniversity offer opportunity dream desiresample failure react choice2 Phrases:deal with ;take a turn ;give away ;be interested in ; go mad ; f

4、rom then on;mix with 等二、Moral Objects1、培养大家自主学习意识、小组合作学习、探究学习 的良好习惯。2、通过对课文的学习,让大家了解冰茶的来历,培养 服务意识和创业敬业的精神。三、Learning key points and dif打culties(重、难点)重点:1、学握重点单词和短语2、动词ing形式的用法难点:掌握快速阅读的技巧四、Learning Aims(学习目标)1、掌握重点词汇,顺利完成相关基础练习。2、掌握动词ing形式的基本用法。3、读懂课文内容,顺利完成阅读题目,复述课文内容。出示学习目标,学生心中有标去完成教学任务。学Now plea

5、se read the text quickly and find the answer to this question . Who introduced iced tea in our life?Now let us divide the text into three parts and give the general idea of each part.The first part (the first paragraph)We cannot control all the event that happen in our lives, but we can control how

6、we deal with themThe second part ( from 2 to 4 paragraph)Tell the story about Richard Blechynden.The third part ( 5 paragraph)When things go wrong, we can react either positively or negatively.下面带着问题阅读课文、搜集信息:1、What important event took place in St.Louis , Missouri , USA in 1904?2、For how long was t

7、he Fair held in St.Louis?3、Why was the Fair called the Worlds University1?4、Why did Richard Blechynden go to the Fair?5、Why were people at the Fair not interested in his tea at first?6、What did Richard Blechynden do to change his way of布置学习任务,以 个人独立自学为 主,二人学习小组 为辅。个人自主学习,教 师保持相对安静, 不随便干预学生, 教师巡冋了解学

8、情。business?7、How was the iced tea welcomed at the Fair?8、How should we handle the situation when something goeswrong?议The worlds Fairfor seven monthsthe wonders and the cultures far from their everyday lives (远方的奇迹和文化)expand, sell his teavery hota lot of ice, freehitpositively, betterLanguage Points

9、单词(words)create(v)-一creation(n)happiness(n)-一happy (adj)dark(adj)一darkness(n) choice(n)一choose(v) failure(n)-一fail(v)wisely(adv)一-wise(adj)shopper 商家positively 反义词 negatively短语(phrases)be in control ;tell a story以组长为主,向老 师和同学讲清楚你 解题依据,同时, 组长把组内问题在 全班展示,组组交 流。师精讲点拨,突破 难点,重点解决学 生不懂的问题。give awaygo madm

10、ix.with.take a turnbe intrested in.from then ondeal withask for练1. If vou can not(控需yourself, vou will not be asuccessful person.2. In this(形势).everyone will be inspired (鼓舞).3. (失贝攵)is the mother of success.4.1 have no(选择)but to stay at home5. The school(提供)food to all the studentswho study there.6

11、. Some of the members did not(反应)positively tothe plan.7.1 will take the(机会)to enlarge mvknowledge of English.8. In the(大学).all the students will join at leasta club.9. It(天要黑了)and we shall go backhome.10. Martin luther King made a famous speech nI have a(梦想)”练习题围绕学 习目标设计,以 学生个人独立 完成为主,旨在 检测本节课学 生学握

12、知识情 况。结学生总结语言点从本文中你学到了什么?(可以是对知识的回顾,也U以是对牛活的理解。)教师引导学生冋顾 总结作业1 课本 language study :useful words and phrase2 .练习册:Comprehensive exercise 2-33 .作业本:翻译paragragh 4教后反思学生的回答情况:优展示环节表现情况:有待提高知识点的运用:不够精确表现好/欠佳的学生有:学牛在讲解过程中运用语言能力有待教师进-步指 点引导,使其更加顺畅并通俗易懂。鼓励学生写标准化 板书,对表现好的给出积极评价。对于表现欠佳的给予 鼓励,就是给出的部分反馈练习有些偏难,今后要注意 难题简单化,从学生的实际情况出发,由易到难,循序 渐进,把知识点做到小而精。



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