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1、龙湖镇小乔小学课堂观察导学案初审人:代红丽审批人:王宏杰课题Unit4 Then and now 第三课时课型会话课主备人代红丽审批人王宏杰学习目标1. 借助录音或老师的范读,能听出、说岀、读准“Beforewas.Now,I 并能够在恰当的情景中运用2. 能在老师的帮助下,听懂Let s by部分的录音,并完成try部分的题;能 完成talk下血的练习。学习重点能听出、说出、读准“Beforewas.Now,I并能够在恰当的情景中运用学习难点能够在恰当的情景中运用“Beforewas.Now,I.”学习方法诱导法、小组合作法、创设情境法课前准备多媒体课件,班班通电子白板评价设计1、针对学习目

2、标1,通过通过观察口型,个别提问,小组展示,95%的孩子能 听、说、认读句子并在实际情境中进行简单的交际。2、针对学习目标2,通过自读时教师巡视、观察齐读情况和个别展示,90%的 学生能正确清晰的仿读、朗读对话,做到发音准确,语调达意。学习过程Step 1 热身听唱歌曲:Changes in meStep II导入1 .Daily English2Jntroduce myselfTecher shows an old picture and a new picture,compare them.Then let students say about themselves.Steplll.fr

3、授1 Lets chant2.Lets tryMikels friends are visiting his home.Listen and circle(1) What are they talking about?(2) What grade was Mike in?Check the answer.3.对话新授。Lets talk第一步:设置情境,导入T: This is Mike,John and Chen Jie.Theyre looking at the old photos and talking about their changes.What are they like be

4、fore?第二步:听看辅助,整体感知Watch the cartoon with the question: What are they like before?学生根据听到的内容,完成问答。Check the answer.第三步:根据提示,美读对话Read the dialogue after the tapePay more attention to the toneI may help them.学生打开书,将符号标注在书上。第四步:机械操练,巩固新知Read the dialogue by themselves.Read in different roles.Read in pair

5、s,and call someone to show in front.(落实IT标1)第五步:限定时间,识记对话Give the students one minute to recite the dialogue,then have a check.(落实目标1)StepIV .情境中拓展运用1 Game(1) 老师根据板书引导学生理解和梳理 I/She/He was .before. I/She/He did/didn(before.Now I/She/Heam/is.的用法,并归纳学过的相关句型。(2) 以小组为单位,每位学生说两句话描述自己,以“开火车”形式进行,直到有人说错停止。

6、示例如下:SI : I was very short 5 years ago,but now I am tall and strong.S2:He was short 5 years ago, but now he is tall and strong.I dicing like yellow before,but now I like it very much.2.Listen and guess老师收集一些名人或学生的近照与旧照,每次以三四个人一组用PPT打印出来,让学生按小组选人根据看到的照片进行描述,其他同学猜猜是谁,猜对得分。描述示例如下:He was shoeHishair was long.He could swim.He didnt wear glasses.Now.he is not tall.Who is he?(落实学习目标2)StepV. Homework :1 .Read Let* s talkfor 10 minutes2.Recite and write HLetf s talk.反思


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