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1、谦虚的英语作文带翻译 Modest since ancient times is seen as a virtue. Yes, modesty is the best way to improve, people is the important condition to success. Only learn humility, people will continuously enterprising, make greater achievements. Situation is not equal to inferior, some people dont fully understa

2、nd oneself, ability to degrade yourself too much, as long as there is a task to him, he always said: I do bad, you still find someone else! Others have dont understand the question for him, he is always lower the head and said: I dont know. This is modesty? No, this is a sign of inferiority. Low sel

3、f-esteem tend to be humble false packaging, inferiority, as well as pride, stupid. It is often accompanied by laziness, it is usually to their own survival of explanation. This is worthless. Inferior never s appearance, often hid themselves and laziness to fabricated the trap of their own. Inferior

4、fear of failure, will never succeed. But the eagle can fly less than chicken, but chicken will never fly to eagle is so high. Inferior is willing to do a fall behind of chicken, also dont want to be a failure of the eagle. The modest man progress is endless. When people praise of their achievements,

5、 a no to display with noble moral character. Inferior will only put the I cant I wont excuse to escape. It is this seemingly humble, seemingly sincere confession, became the imprison their shackles. Those under the modesty conceal not aggressive inferior, need is out of ignorance, behind the shadow,

6、 feet on the ground, only to the confidence, the courage to face yourself to be successful. The composition Instructions, inferiority is not modest, humble will never contain inferiority. 虚心自古就被视为一种美德。不错,虚心的确是人们不断完善的最好途径,是通向胜利的重要条件。只有学会虚心,人才会不断进取,取得更大成就。 情形不等于自卑,有些人不能充分熟悉自己,过分贬低自己的力量,只要一有任务交给他,他总是说:

7、我做不好,你还是找别人吧!别人有不理解的问题问他时,他也总是低下头说:我不知道。这是虚心吗?不是,这是自卑的表现。自卑往往被虚心虚伪的包装,自卑同傲慢一样,都是愚蠢的。它往往伴随着怠惰,往往是为了自己的苟活作无谓的解释。这是一文不值的。 自卑者永久不会出头露面的,常把自己与怠惰隐蔽于自己编造的陷阱中。自卑者可怕失败,永久不会胜利。殊不知雄鹰可以飞得比鸡低,但鸡永久不会飞到鹰那么高。自卑者愿做一只落伍之鸡,也不愿做一只失败的雄鹰。 虚心者的进取是永无止境的。当人们赞美他们的功绩时,一句不足挂齿足以显示拿高尚品德。自卑者只会把我不行我不会作为躲避的借口。正是这看似虚心,貌似恳切的表白,成为了禁锢自己的镣铐。那些在虚心掩饰下不求进取的自卑者,需要的是走出无知,落后的阴影,脚踏实地,勇于面对自己,只有走向自信,才能胜利。作文 须知,自卑不是虚心,虚心也永久不包含自卑 3


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