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1、 Unit 4 Food and RestaurantsLesson21 At the Market七年级上册学习目标1、学习的任务和目的1. To learn the new words and phrases: market,grape,carrot,sweet,pear,take.to.,like to,look good.2. To learn take.to.,fruit,soup,delicious.3. To know the market and culture.新课导入Have you ever been to the morning market? 你曾经去过早市吗?新课导

2、入cabbagewatermelongrapecarrotpear(一) 单词(Word:1.市场_2.葡萄_3.胡萝卜_4.洋白菜_5.西瓜_marketgrapecabbagecorrat自主反馈watermelon二短语 : 阅读课文找出以下短语1.在市场_2. 你喜欢._3.它们味道真好_ 4.看什么_ 5.它们很甜_At the market The y are sweetLook at sthIts delicious!Do you like. 自主反馈自主反馈试着把以下句子译成汉语并想一想这些句型的用法。1. Many people buy fruit and vegetable

3、s here._2. Potatoes is my favourite._3. I like to eat cabbage in soup._4. How about the pears?_许多人在这里买水果和蔬菜。土豆是我的最爱。我喜欢在汤里吃卷心菜。梨子怎么样?新课学习Do you like carrots?Yes, I do.新课学习Do you like apples?No, I dont. Cabbage is my favourite.1. my favourite +名词 表示“我最喜欢的e.g. my favourite colour my favourite food2. D

4、o you like? 表示“你喜欢吗?肯定答复:Yes, I do. 否认答复:o, I dont.e.g. Do you like English? Yes, I do. / No, I dont.知识探究3. How about you? 你呢?/你怎么样?同义句型: What about you? 例如:Im hungry. I want to eat an apple. 我饿了。我想吃个苹果。How about you? 你呢?Im not hungry, but Im thirsty. I want to drink.我不饿,但是我口渴了,我想喝水。知识探究4. They are

5、not so big in Canada. 在加拿大,他们没有这么大。 (1) 在某个国家用in+国名,一般不用 冠词。例如: in China 在中国 in England 在英国 (2) so 在此句中是副词,修饰形容词, 表程度,译为“这么,那么。 Dont walk so fast! 别走那么快。知识探究分组活动.Lets do itLets do itRead the lesson and write true(T) or false(F).1. Danny doesnt want to go to the supermarket. ( )2.Danny writes donuts,

6、 cookies and chocolate on the list. ( )3.Danny and his mum have everything on their list. ( ) F T T 分组活动Listen and fill in the blanks.marketvegetablessweet分组活动Read the lesson and write true(T) or false(F).T T F 分组活动 Look at the pictures and fill in the blanks.Grapes watermeloncabbage分组活动Work in pair

7、s.Do you like fruit and vegetables?Interview your classmates and fill in the table.单项选择1. Kate has_ lunch at home.A the B / C an D. a 2 I want sweet milk. Put some_in my cup, please.A ice B soup C salt D sugar3. _he like to eat cabbage in soup?A Is B Do C Does D Are随堂检测BDC4. _ are these apples?Two y

8、uan a kilo(千克)A. How many B. How many C. What D. Where 5 . There is_one bottle of milk in the fridge.A only B a littleC very D muchBA随堂检测作业布置1. Do you like fruit and vegetables? Interview your classmates and make a short dialogue.2. Make sentences with the new words in this lesson.3.下载Lesson 22导学案,根据导学案完成预习任务。


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