高考英语抓分训练 应用文型基础写作

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《高考英语抓分训练 应用文型基础写作》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《高考英语抓分训练 应用文型基础写作(5页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、2014高考英语抓分训练:应用文型基础写作(限时:每篇15分钟)假设你是林华,广东省某中学高三学生,请你根据以下学生会侣议书的内容给某英文报 社写一封信,叙述拟开展活动的内容并发表自己的看法。写作内容倡议书为了更好地利用学习资料,我们建议高三年级同学在毕业Z际捐出用过的书等,赠给低 年级同学。活动意义:增进友谊鼓励节约活动地点:校图书馆一楼活动时间:6月10日20日学生会3月30 口写作要求1. 只能使用5个句子表达全部内容;2. 信的开头和结尾已为你写好,不计入总句数。评分标准句了结构准确,信息内容完報,篇章连贯。参考词汇:增进promote 鼓励节约encourage economyDea

2、r editor,I am a student of Senior Three in a middle school in Guangdong Province.I hope that this kind of activity will continue in the future. Yours sincerely,Lin HuaB请根据以下内容为学校英语报写一篇报道。最近,我国教育专家对我国中学生所喜爱的节口进行了一项调查,北京和广州的1000多 名中学生接受了调杏。结果如下:写作内容1. 调查的时间、对象和调查内容;2. 调查的主要数据;3. 调查结果表明:80%的学生知道我国的春节等传

3、统节口;年轻人也很重视外国节口。写作要求只能使用5个句了表达全部内容。评分标准句了结构准确,信息内容完報,篇章连贯。C以下是政府颁布的有关禁止食用野生动物的规定的主要内容。 目的:1. 加强野生动物资源保护,维护生态平衡;2. 侣导文明的生活方式和健康的饮食习惯。相关规定和措施:1. 餐饮业经营者不得加工、出伟禁止食用的野生动物及其产品;2. 对于违反木规定的经营者,将被勒令停业并可能予以罚款。 写作内容根据以上内容写一篇英文报道,内容包括:1. 禁止食用野生动物的目的;2. 规定和措施。写作要求只能用5句话表达全部内容。评分标准句了结构准确,信息内容完報,篇章连贯。One possible

4、version:Dear editor,I, am Q_sti】deof_Senior; Three, in_ & middleschool.in GuangdoProvince.In order that we can make the best of learning materials, the Students Union of our school is arranging an activity. We students of Senior Three are called on to give away our used books, newspapers or magazine

5、s to the students in the lower grades. The idea, which is inte nded for prom oting frie ndship “nd encourag ing econo my, is highly praised and supported by the teachers and students alike. The activity will last about ten days, from June 10 to 20.As a student, T am strongly for the activity because

6、 it is very meaningful and helpful.I_hope_that_ thi s_j i n c_of_act i v i t y_wi 1 l_cont i nue_i nhe_f uture Yours sincerely,Lin HuaBOne possible version:Recently some Chinese educational experts did a survey among more than 1, 000 students from Beijing and Guangzhou on their favourite festivals .

7、About half of the respondents choose the Spring Festival as their most favourite. Next comes Christmas Day and Mothers, / Fathers Day, with 20% and 10% respectively. However, Mid-autumn Day accounts for less than 10%. From the survey, we can see although 80% of the students are familiar with our tra

8、ditional festivals, like the Spring Festival, more and more young people favour the foreign festivals.cOne possible version:In order to protect wild animals and keep the balance of na/ture, the government has made a regulation to forbid the eating of wild animals. Meanwh订e, the regulation is aimed t

9、o encourage people to live a civilized life and keep a healthy diet. According to the ban, all the restaurants are not allowed to process and sell wild animals and their related proclucts. Those who break the regulation will be forced to close their restaumnts. Whas more, some of them may even be fi



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