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1、医疗纠纷诉讼制度一、 医疗纠纷诉讼概述o 办法时期的医疗纠纷诉讼:限制性诉讼o 办法第十一条规定,病员及其家属和医疗单位对医疗事故或事件的确认和处理有争议时,可提请当地医疗事故技术鉴定委员会进行鉴定,由卫生行政部门处理。对医疗事故技术鉴定委员会所作的结论或者对卫生行政部门的作的处理不服的,病员及其家属和医疗单位均可在接到结论或者处理通知书之日起十五内,向上一级医疗事故技术鉴定委员会申请重新鉴定或向上一级卫生行政部门申请复议;也可直接向当地人民法院起诉。o 讨论o (1)是何种性质的诉讼?o (2)该制度的利、弊?o (3)现实中大量只要求赔偿的纠纷能不能通过这一条解决?一、 医疗纠纷诉讼概述o

2、 索赔经济损失允许直接诉讼(1990年1月7日,最高人民法院针对四川高院请示的患者只索赔经济损失能否直接诉讼的问题作了复函)o 该复函的内容是:医疗事故技术鉴定委员会所作的医疗事故鉴定结论,系卫生行政部门认定和处理医疗事故的依据。病员及其亲属如果对医疗事故鉴定结论有异议,可以向上一级医疗事故技术鉴定委员会申请重新鉴定,如因对鉴定结论有异议向人民法院起诉的,人民法院不予受理。o 如果当事人对卫生行政机关做出的医疗事故处理决定不服依法向人民法院提起行政诉讼的,人民法院应当受理。当事人仅要求医疗单位赔偿经济损失向人民法院提起诉讼的,应依照中华人民共和国民事诉讼法(试行)的规定,按民事案件立案受理。一

3、、 医疗纠纷诉讼概述o (二)条例及其以后的诉讼机制o 条例第四十六条 发生医疗事故的赔偿等民事责任争议,医患双方可以协商解决;不愿意协商或者协商不成的,当事人可以向卫生行政部门提出调解申请,也可以直接向人民法院提起民事诉讼。o 讨论直接诉讼的利与弊?二、诉前准备o (一)原被告的确定o 刘X英产科纠纷案o 案由:刘X英因孕38周至广东Y医院分娩,后因新生儿重度缺血缺氧抢救无效死引发纠纷,诉至法院(补充:刘女士的配偶:周先生)o 原被告怎么确定?二、诉前准备o (二)证据材料的收集o 民事诉讼证据(8种)o 最为重要和特殊的是病历资料,尸体解剖意见及医疗损害鉴定(后面专题讨论),电子证据也越来

4、越重要(自媒体)。病历资料o (一)办法时期o 1986年卫生部、公安部发布的关于维护医院秩序的联合通告规定“ 任何个人未经院方许可, 不得私自翻阅、索要、涂改、损毁病历及其它医疗文件。” o 1988年卫生部发布的关于医疗事故处理办法若干问题的说明规定“ 病人所在单位、病人、家属、事故当事人及其家属不予调阅病历。” 病历资料o (二)条例时期o 第十条 患者有权复印或者复制其门诊病历、住院志、体温单、医嘱单、化验单(检验报告)、医学影像检查资料、特殊检查同意书、手术同意书、手术及麻醉记录单、病理资料、护理记录以及国务院卫生行政部门规定的其他病历资料。 o 患者依照前款规定要求复印或者复制病历

5、资料的,医疗机构应当提供复印或者复制服务并在复印或者复制的病历资料上加盖证明印记。复印或者复制病历资料时,应当有患者在场。o 案例介绍 病历资料o 第十六条 发生医疗事故争议时,死亡病例讨论记录、疑难病例讨论记录、上级医师查房记录、会诊意见、病程记录应当在医患双方在场的情况下封存和启封。封存的病历资料可以是复印件,由医疗机构保管。 实体材料o 第十七条 疑似输液、输血、注射、药物等引起不良后果的,医患双方应当共同对现场实物进行封存和启封,封存的现场实物由医疗机构保管;需要检验的,应当由双方共同指定的、依法具有检验资格的检验机构进行检验;双方无法共同指定时,由卫生行政部门指定。 o 疑似输血引起

6、不良后果,需要对血液进行封存保留的,医疗机构应当通知提供该血液的采供血机构派员到场。 尸体解剖o 第十八条 患者死亡,医患双方当事人不能确定死因或者对死因有异议的,应当在患者死亡后小时内进行尸检;具备尸体冻存条件的,可以延长至日。尸检应当经死者近亲属同意并签字。 o 尸检应当由按照国家有关规定取得相应资格的机构和病理解剖专业技术人员进行。承担尸检任务的机构和病理解剖专业技术人员有进行尸检的义务。 o 医疗事故争议双方当事人可以请法医病理学人员参加尸检,也可以委派代表观察尸检过程。拒绝或者拖延尸检,超过规定时间,影响对死因判定的,由拒绝或者拖延的一方承担责任。 第一审程序o病历资料的质证及处理(


8、格式书写等形式瑕疵的,不影响对病历资料真实性的认定。三、医疗纠纷诉讼实证结果o 诉讼程序:略o 李丙教授的研究内容(2009年之前的案例)o 司法实践o A. OutcomesoThe most striking aspect of the cases is that plaintiffs received some compensation in 117, or 77%, of 152 reported cases. This does not mean that all those plaintiffs won: Most damage awards were modest, in par

9、ticular when compared to plaintiff demands. o Some 103 decisions included information on plaintiffs demands; plaintiffs received 50% or more of the amount sought in just twenty-one cases. o Courts ordered plaintiffs to pay court fees or to share court fees with defendants in nearly two-thirds of the

10、 first-instance cases and just under half of appellate cases, suggesting that courts believed that plaintiffs claims were at least partially without merit. o Plaintiff dissatisfaction with first-instance outcomes was also evident from the fact that more than half of the appeals of first-instance dec

11、isions awarding damages to plaintiffs were brought by plaintiffs. o Nevertheless, the finding that plaintiffs do recover damages in a significant percentage of cases contrasts with claims by critics of the medical malpractice system that plaintiffs have little chance of recovery through the formal l

12、egal system.o Courts in Municipality A were most likely to impose liability in three broad categories of cases: first, in cases in which defendants violated medical practices or standards, such as giving overdoses of medication or using drugs despite the existence of contraindications; o second, in

13、cases involving outrageous or extreme outcomes resulting from common procedures, such as incomplete removal of a placenta; and third, in cases where misdiagnosis was clear, such as failure to diagnose cancer despite cancer cells revealed in a biopsy.o County-level (in rural areas) or district-level

14、(in urban areas) hospitals were the most common defendants and were named as defendants in fifty-five of the first-instance cases and thirty-two of the intermediate court cases. o This is not surprising: These hospitals are by far the largest providers of inpatient care in Municipality A. Municipal-

15、level hospitals, generally the hest hospitals in Municipality A, were defendants in seven first-instance and ten intermediate court cases. o Township health offices, which generally provide lower-standard facilities than county or municipal hospitals, were named as defendants in seventeen first-inst

16、ance cases and ten intermediate court cases.Private clinics were named as defendants in five first-instance cases and two appellate cases; individual doctors were named in only nine first-instance cases and six appellate cases. o In suits against hospitals, the names of doctors who treated the patient are rarely mentioned. This reflects the fact that most doctors are employees of state-run hospitals and are not subject to personal liability.o 第二部分,司法实践o D. Equity and Compromiseo Court decisions



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