《成本会计的英语简历范文参考 》

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《《成本会计的英语简历范文参考 》》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《《成本会计的英语简历范文参考 》(12页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、本钱会计的英语简历范文参考英语简历是本钱会计求职者个人资历、才能以及个人形象的书面表述,下面是小编整理的会计电算化专业的英语简历范文,以供大家阅读。Name: Gender: MaleWedlock: Single Nation: HanResidence: Guangdong-Dongguan Age:Location: Guangdong-Foshan Height: 172cmTarget Locations: Guangdong-Guangzhou、 Guangdong-Zhongshan、 Guangdong-ShenzhenTarget Positions: Financing/A

2、udit/Stat.-AccountantFinancing/Audit/Stat.-Finance AnalysisFinancing/Audit/Stat.-OtherTarget Jobs: accountant、 manager assistantDesired Salary: NegotiableWhen Can Start: within 01 monthEducation20xx-09 20xx-07 East china transportation university Accounting and English Bachelor DegreeTraining20xx-10

3、 20xx-10 America whalen representative office Accounting20xx-07 20xx-09 Wabisen Accounting Firm AccountingWork Experience5 years 0 months work experience,and served on 2 Companies.20xx-10 20xx-07Company Type: Private Enterprise Company Category: Furniture,Household appliances,Handicrafts,ToysJob Tit

4、le: Accountant & Finance Management Positions: Financial affairs plans professional staffJob Description: Key responsibilities:1. Overseas sales management including account receivable management.2. Overseas branches accounting management including treasury, bookkeeping, budget, expenses etc.3.D

5、ivision performance analysis including price management and operation analysis.Achievement:1.Personal quarterly performance was evaluated as “A2. Annual performance was commented as “The Best Supporting3. Project working of Account Receivable verificationReason for Leaving: Family emergency20xx-10 2

6、0xx-10Company Type: Foreign Enterprise Company Category: Trading,Commerce,Imports and ExportsJob Title: Accountant Positions: AccountantJob Description: deal with daily vouchers and ledgers, control foreign nationality peoples expenses happened in china reasonable, report employees expenses and bank

7、 statement to headquarter in America financial people needed, to report the payment amount which happened in china and also employees expenses reimbursement, weekly, monthly finacial budget etc .Reason for Leaving: searching broad space to develop20xx-07 20xx-09Company Type: Foreign Enterprise Compa

8、ny Category: Consulting and Investigation industryJob Title: Positions: AccountantJob Description: 20xx.06-20xx.09 Wabisen Accounting FirmWhen graduated from university, I got my work in wabisen which is a big international accounting firm, In my 1.5 years working period I always tried my best to wo

9、rk hard to study and improve, and set a goal what I must attain ,and now I can say I was successful in the past two year , and I am so confident to do everything no matter how difficult it will be !Reason for Leaving: change career fieldSpecial SkillsProfessional Title:Computer Level: intermediateCo

10、mputer Skills: Have a good command of windows operation and well control about office software like word 、excel and power point etc , skillful handling in finacial software such as kingdee etc.Strengths: *Have 2.5 years work experience both in international accounting firm and America representative

11、 office , well know about local financial regulations and operations ,have been worked for ten kinds of different enterprise as an accountant when i served in the accounting firm .本钱会计的中文简历范文参考一姓名: 叶女士性别: 女婚姻状况: 未婚民族: 汉族户籍: 湖北-襄樊年龄: 24现所在地: 广东-东莞身高: 158cm希望地区: 广东-东莞希望岗位: 财务/审统计类-税务专员/助理财务/审统计类-本钱分析/

12、核算员寻求职位: 本钱会计、 税务会计待遇要求: 可面议 要求提供住宿最快到岗: 01个月之内教育经历20xx-09 20xx-07 枣阳市白水高中 普高 高中培训经历20xx-07 20xx-05 光华时代财经培训管理中心 助理睬计师20xx-11 20xx-07 光华时代财经培训管理中心 电算会计 会计从业资格证*公司名称 20xx-03 至今公司性质: 外资企业 行业类别: 纺织品业服饰、鞋类、家纺用品.担任职位: 总账会计 岗位类别: 会计工作描绘: 1、月初15号之前准时出免、低、退税报表2、月初对相关部门税务、统计、财政的报表申报3、原始凭证的录入及审核4、月末做好会计凭证、帐簿、

13、账物等的装订及保存工作5、月薪、工人工资的核算及发放6、月初提交全厂费用预算表7、对于涉及公司财产的各事项,进展提议改善并推展执行离任原因: 追求稳定具有开展的空间*公司名称 20xx-07 20xx-03公司性质: 外资企业 行业类别: 纺织品业服饰、鞋类、家纺用品.担任职位: 本钱会计 岗位类别: 本钱分析/核算员工作描绘: 1、原始凭证的录入2、核对仓库原材料账3、核算物料账并做产成品本钱分析表4、核算人工在成品分析表5、核算各部门费用本钱及分析表6、核算原材料及物品单价分析表7、年终提供原材料盘点表8、固定资产的管理及清算离任原因: 寻求更大的开展空间,挑战自我*公司名称 20xx-0

14、7 20xx-07公司性质: 外资企业 行业类别: 纺织品业服饰、鞋类、家纺用品.担任职位: 应收应付会计 岗位类别: 会计工作描绘: 应收职责:1、根据合法规定和客户合法要求开具增值税票,按期抄税2、月底做INVOICE及对账单与客户对账,并进展欠款跟催工作3、在MOS系统及ERP系统开销售发票及销款4、每月出账龄分析如AR5、出销售月报应付职责:1、月初提交盘点表数据2、月中提交各供给商月结及C.O.D付款申请表3、每月出账龄分析如AC离任原因: 内部调转*公司名称 20xx-04 20xx-05公司性质: 外资企业 行业类别: 印刷、包装担任职位: 应付会计 岗位类别: 会计工作描绘: 1、核对当月送货单与订购单数量、单价、金额是否一至2、将核对无误的单据按期申请付款3、月底提供准备无误的账龄分析表4、根据月结客户的送货单编制转账凭证离任原因: 另求开展*公司名称 20xx-05 20xx-02公司性质: 外资企业 行业类别: 纺织品业服饰、鞋类、家纺用品.担任职位: 会计助理 岗位类别: 会计助理工作描绘: 1、独立核算公司人员的工资及考勤记录.2、负责应付账款的核算工作及凭证的录入.3、独立负责公司人员网上参保业务.4、统计各


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