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1、实用英语词汇流利说章节模拟答案实用英语词汇流利说章节模拟答案绪论单元模拟1、通过本门课程学习英语词汇可以有助于A:提升英语表达能力B:增强文化体验C:通过英语等级考试D:提升跨文化交际能力答案:【提升英语表达能力;增强文化体验;提升跨文化交际能力】第一章单元模拟1、Fiancee means。A:未婚妻B:校友C:驴友D:未婚夫答案:【未婚妻】2、Be on good terms meansA:条件好B:表现好的学期C:任职期间D:关系好的答案:【关系好的】3、shoot off ones mouth meansA:信口开河B:洗耳恭听C: 一饱眼福D:大发雷霆答案:【信口开河】4、Sissy

2、means someone who loves himself.A:错B:对答案:【错】5、Anturned-upn nose means 朝天鼻。A:错B:对答案:【对】6、What does down in the dumps mean?A: angryB:happyC:afraidD:unhappy答案:【unhappy】7、Which of the foiling means 双子座?A:GerminiB:AriesC:AquariusD:Taurus答案:【Germini】8、Head over heels means someone is out of love.A:对9、A st

3、ag party is the party for the bride.A:错B:对答案:【错】10、A smart cookie means a very delicious cookie.A:对B:错答案:【对】第二章单元模拟1、A castle is a house for animals.A:错B:对答案:【错】2、A nursing home is a place for the old and sick.A:对B:错答案:【对】3、In which place can you park your car?A:barnB:balconyC:roofD: garage答案:garage

4、4、Where do you put your clothes?A:blindsB: wardrobeC:screenD:cushion答案:【wardrobe】5、With what can you make juice?A:microwaveB:air conditionerCalenderD: grater答案:【blender】6、With shampoo you can wash your hair.A:错B:对答案:【对】7、A hat stand is something that you can put your hat andclothes on.A:对8、Deposit i

5、n Chinese meansA:首付B:利率C:押金D:公证人答案:【押金】9、which of the following means 续租?A:renewB:splitC:rangeD:sign答案:renew 10、A bricklayer means 电工。A:对第三章单元模拟1、He failed the exam last summer, but fortunately he gets in September.A:bowl of cherriesB:sour grapesC:a second bite of the cherryD:top banana答案:【a second

6、bite of the cherry 】2、Second banana refers to the second most important person in an organization or activity.A:错B:对答案:【对】3、belongs to Chinese-style meat products.A:salamiB:sausageC:baconD:stewed meat答案:【stewed meat4、is not soft drink.A:sodaB:teaC:ginger aleDmectars答案:tea5、If you dont drink any alco

7、hol, you are a(an).A:abstainerB:alcoholicC:drunkD:teetotaler答案:【teetotaler】6、The meanig of take care of the checkn is similar with that of npick up the tab.A:对B:错答案:【对】7、In a fast food restaurant, you can orderA:popcornB:saladC:wineD: steak答案:popcorn8、Spinach is a kind of high volume fruits.A:对B:错答案

8、:【错】9、Meat contains protein and vitamins.A:对B:错答案:【对】10 Hunan cuisine has a clear, pure and not greasy taste.A:对B:错答案:【错】第四章单元模拟1、You can buy bread and cakes at a.A: bakeryB:convenience storeC:DIY storeD:flea market答案:(bakery 2、After you pay for the goods in a supermarket, youll get aA:promotionB:re

9、ceiptC:trolleyD: bakery答案:【receipt】3、In the eyes of, fashion far outweighs function.A:rational shopperB:indecisive shopperC:brand-oriented shopperD:bargain shopper答案:brand-oriented shopper4、A possible or likely customer is a.A:prospectB:passing tradeC:regularD: patron答案:【prospect】5、The basic element

10、s for mans business professional attireincludes.A:chinosB:polo shirtC: a button-up shirtD:sweaters答案:【a button-up shirt 】6、In and you can shop for cheap and used clothes.A:boutiquesB department storesC:thrift storesD:resale stores答案:【thrift stores;resale stores 7、The most popular payment method of o

11、nline shopping ispaying by.A:gift cardB:credit cardC:Debit cardD:check答案:credit card 8、Black Friday is the day after Christmas.A:对B:错答案:【错】9、”秒杀in English is _.A:be brokeB:hand-choppingC:seckillingD:pre-sale答案:seckilling10、Online shopping is a form of electronic commerce.A:对B:错答案:【对】第五章单元模拟1、A lane

12、is a section of the road wide enough for one car.A:错B:对答案:【对】2、If you encounter bumper-to-bumper traffic, it means the traffic is extremely smooth.A:错B:对答案:【错】3、Which is not the facilities you might see on the road?A:penaltyB:overpassC:underpassD:flyover答案:penalty4、At an ATM, you can withdraw cash,

13、deposit money,or send money to someone.A:check your account balanceB:check order feeC:go to a branchD:change the inerest rates答案:check your account balance5、Which product of service does not belong to retail banking?A:housing loansB:vehicle loansC:working capital loansD:savings bank account答案:【worki

14、ng capital loans 】6、Which is not a symptom?A:chest painB:coughingC:headacheD:immune答案:immune7、Which word refers to a doctor?A:surgeonB:sprainC:diabetesD:fever答案:surgeon8、Which is not a treatment?A:quinsyB:jabC:massageD:infusion答案:【quinsy】9、Book ormeans arranging to stay in a hotel at aparticular time in the future.A:liftB:check inC:reserveD:reception答案:【reserve】10 Which can not be found in the hotefs bathroom?A: wardrobeB:bathrobe


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