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1、全国自考(电子商务英语)模拟试卷一、词汇和语法l.Some people think that animal research is irrelevantour health and that itcan often produce misleading results.(A) with(B) at(C) on(D) to2. Americans have learned much about the way in which the system can be managedso as tothe peaceful transfer of power from one party to th

2、e other.(A) make it possible(B) make possible(C) make possibly(D) make it possibly3. their differences, they fell passionately in love with each other.(A) As for(B) Owing to(C) Despite(D) Through4. John didnt know how to get to the station, so he stopped.(A) to ask(B) asking(C) for asking(D) to aski

3、ng5. Many of the human problems associated with living in the ocean aretheproblems of living in outer space.(A) just as(B) such as(C) such that(D) the same as6. N0 one has been able to prove that fish isbetter for the brain than many otherkinds of food.(A) some(B) so(C) as(D) any7. Tomatoes were onc

4、e called love apples and were supposed to make those who atethemin love.(A) fell(B) feel(C) fall(D) felt8.Sam and Ifriends until he called me a coward.(A) were used to be(B) would be(C) used to being(D) used to be9.Our teacher wasn* t happy about the grades, and.(A) we were neither(B) neither we wer

5、e(C) either we weren* t(D) we weren* t either10. Which is, North America or South America?(A) bigger(B) the biggest(C) big(D) so big11. in the firm for so many years, he knew the people there very well.(A) To work(B) Working(C) To have worked(D) Having worked12. Whatever you say, I don* t think he w

6、ould beto help you.(A) as selfish as to refuse(B) selfish enough to refuse(C) so selfish as to refuse(D) too selfish to refuse13. Without the sun, life as we know.(A) would not exist(B) will not exist(C) would not have existed(D) did not exist14. Linda needn11 come if she doesn11 want to,?(A) doesn*

7、 t she(B) does she(C) needn t she(D) need she15.It* s a useful book, and, not an expensive one.(A) so(B) hence(C) therefore(D) what* s more16. Everyonefrom the building when the fire alarm sounded.(A) approached(B) fled(C) evolved(D) flew17. The President supports a globalon nuclear testing.(A) ban(

8、B) refusal(C) bar(D) dispute18.Our teacher told us it wasthat caused her to begin class half an hour laterthan usual.(A) we being late(B) our being late(C) us being late(D) ours being late19. There will be a full investigation towhat caused the accident.(A) do out(B) work up(C) do up(D) work out20.

9、There is oftenbetween becoming infected and the first signs of the illness.(A) a stop(B) an interruption(C) a lag(D) a lack完形填空为题目类型During recent years we have heard much about race : how this race does certain things and that race believes certain things and so on. Yet, the【Cl 】 phenomenon of race

10、consists of a few surface indications. We judge race usually from the coloring of the skin: a white race, a brown race, a yellow race and a black race. But C2 you were to remove the skin you could not tell anythingabout the race to which the individual belonged. There is C3 physicalstructure, the br

11、ain or the internal organs to indicate a difference. There are four types of blood.C4types are found in every race, and no type is distinct to any race.Human brains are the same. No scientists could examine a brain and tell you the race to which the individual belonged. Brains will C5 in size, but t

12、his occurswithin every race. Nor does size have anything to do with intelligence. The largest brain C6 examined belonged to a person of weak mind. On the other hand,some of our most distinguished people have had C7 brains. Mental testswhich are reasonably accurate show no differences in intelligence

13、 between races.High and low test results both can be recorded by different members of any race.C8 equal educational advantages, there will be no difference in average standings, either on account of race or geographical location. Individuals of every race cause civilization to go backward or forward

14、. Training and education can change the response of a group of people, C9 enable them to behave in a peculiar way.The behavior and ideals of people change according to circumstances, but they can always go back or go on to something new CIO is better and higher thananything in the past.21. Cl(A) com

15、plete(B) full(C) total(D) whole22. C2(A) since(B) if(C) as(D) while23. C3(A) something(B) everything(C) nothing(D) anything24. C4(A) All(B) Most(C) No(D) Some25. C5(A) remain(B) increase(C) decrease(D) vary26. C6(A) ever(B) then(C) never(D) once27. C7(A) big(B) small(C) minor(D) major28. C8(A) Provided(B) Concerning(C) Given(D) Following29. C9(A) and(B) but(C) though(D) so30. CIO(A) that(B)



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