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1、英语写作福师大20春在线作业一答案It was _ a hundred people looked lost in it.A、so large a room thatB、so a large room thatC、such large room thatD、such large a room thatMy daughter has walked eight miles today. We never guessed that she could walk _ far.A、/B、suchC、thatD、asBecause there are only two competitors _, it

2、is almost inevitable that one will receive a majority.A、in the runningB、for the runningC、in the runD、for the runWe are leaving this afternoon, but we have not _ our suitcases yet.A、trappedB、insultedC、packedD、invitedIt isnt easy to be inspired in that spontaneous way for long periods _.A、at a stretch

3、B、for a stretchC、in a stretchD、on a stretch_ number of errors was surprisingly small.A、TheB、AC、OneD、LittleId rather you _ anything about the garden until the weather improves.A、shouldnt doB、didnt doC、mustnt doD、oughtnt to doAccording to one belief, if truth is to be known it will make itself apparen

4、t, so one _ wait instead of searching for it.A、would ratherB、had toC、cannot butD、had bestDo you really want to study philosophy? the professor asked, slowly and _ emphasis _ each word.A、placed . inB、placing . onC、being placed . atD、to place . byAlan is a good football player and never breaks _.A、leg

5、alB、regulationsC、limitationD、agreement_ of them know about the plan because it is secret.A、SomeB、No oneC、AnyD、NoneI was so _ in todays history lesson. I didnt understand a thing.A、confusedB、neglectedC、amusedD、amazedOur sleep influences our mood. Our mood _, affects our performance.A、by turnB、turn ov

6、erC、in turnD、after turnNot until quite recently _ that language was closely related to culture.A、I realizedB、do I realizeC、did I realizeD、I have realizedWould he have seen you if you hadnt _ to him?A、intendedB、wavedC、expressedD、debtWe are in a difficult position in _ we have nobody properly qualifie

7、d for this work.A、whichB、thatC、whatD、whereEveryone _ the right to his own opinion.A、imitatesB、requestsC、deservesD、outlinesYour _ in teaching is different from mine.A、altitudeB、approachC、fuelD、lumpHis wife had only her husbands interests _.A、on her heartB、on heartC、at her heartD、at heartMost of us re

8、quire an environment _ outside distraction.A、free ofB、free fromC、free awayD、free withoutJoe is not good at sports, but when it _ mathematics, he is the best in the class.A、comes up toB、comes around toC、comes toD、comes on toYou sang well last night. We hope youll sing _.A、more betterB、still betterC、n

9、icelyD、bestI went along thinking of nothing only looking at things around me _.A、in briefB、in doubtC、in harmonyD、in particularThe _ of the house is beautifully painted.A、underneathB、wellC、interiorD、imageIf you want a pen, look inside the _ of the desk.A、boxB、drawerC、majorD、meltTwo lines can form. an

10、 infinite number of _.A、anklesB、anglesC、angelsD、adultsUnder no _ will I go there again.A、circumstancesB、situationC、giantD、happenIt is an offence to show _ against people of different races.A、distinctionB、differenceC、separationD、discriminationThe more we looked at the abstract painting, _.A、the less

11、we liked itB、better we liked itC、we liked it lessD、it looked betterHow much are you going to _ me for repairing this bike?A、chargeB、requestC、requireD、need_ Sally likes the present is not clear to me.A、IfB、WhetherC、ThatD、WhatYou are responsible for the work _.A、for a wholeB、on the wholeC、as a wholeD、

12、on a whole_ nobody at home, the visitor decided to leave a note by the door.A、WhenB、SeeingC、SeeD、To seeDuring these ten years, many new methods have been _ in the field of foreign language teaching.A、adoptedB、adaptedC、alarmedD、aided_, we went swimming.A、Being a hot dayB、The day being hotC、Due to a h

13、ot dayD、It was a hot dayI am a new _. I was hired yesterday.A、employerB、employeeC、employmentD、fenceHe is fond of jazz, rock _.A、and so likeB、and the likeC、and likeD、such likesHis friend was injured in an airplane _.A、breakB、crashC、failD、fallingThis mountain range has many high _ and fertile valleys.A、peaksB、hillsC、phasesD、pinkHe made a request _ immediate help.A、atB、forC、onD、byIt is because English is very useful _ we study it hard.A、whyB、thatC、whatD、whichIn college I _ in science. What was your major?A、majoredB、orderedC、recordedD、touchedThey did find that _ appears in a dre


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