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1、21春电科大学英语1(专科)课程在线作业1答案He spent the whole morning _ for the coming exam.A.to preparingB.having preparedC.preparingD.being preparedThe porter helped Mark Twain a lot, so he gave him _he usually paid for a porter.A.as twice more asB.twice as much asC.twice as many asD.as twice much asHe was paid _ the

2、 rate of 6 dollars a day.A.inB.withC.onD.atAnd while I am going to school I want a wife _ my children.A.looking afterB.to look afterC.looking aboutD.to look aboutIn wanting nothing, he _ nothing.A.needB.need forC.lacksD.lackThe USA _ a great advanced country without the labor of the newcomers.A.coul

3、d becomeB.can becomeC.couldnt have becomeD.couldnt becomeI watched him from the _ of my eye.A.sideB.cornerC.lightD.outsideThe King cried, “I command that all spindles in my kingdom _ burned!”A.are to beB.will beC.beD.shall beThe Great Wall ran _ high mountains and deep valleys.A.ofB.upC.overD.toWe s

4、tudents have our own odds and ends. Take time _.A.as instanceB.for instanceC.in exampleD.to exampleThe lines in her face have been earned one _.A.at one timeB.for one timeC.at a timeD.for a timeThe child _ cold if he had put on more clothes.A.were to catchB.should catchC.wouldnt have caughtD.caughtH

5、ave you ever _ anyone who thought of becoming great by wearing fine clothes?A.heard ofB.heardC.listenedD.listened to_their degrees, they refuse to do what they think is “low” work.A.As a result ofB.As a resultC.As a matterD.As a matter of factHis mothers life had been so hard _ she had finally gone

6、mad.A.so thatB.thoughC.whenD.that Do you like to play basketball? _A.Perhaps.B.No, Xiao Wang does not like it.C.I am pleased about it.D.I am crazy about it.What was the use of having such high heels, when people seemed to _ a blind eye to them.A.giveB.turnC.makeD.takeMany stories are told _ the fish

7、es that get away.A.inB.ofC.onD.forHe came into the room and found her, the sleeping beauty, _ on the floor.A.to lieB.to lyingC.layD.lyingIm ashamed of _ I did.A.whichB.thatC.asD.whatI am _ of money at the moment. Could you lend me some?A.shortB.longC.needD.wanting _ Thank you, I certainly will.A.Hap

8、py birthday to you.B.Let me help you with your Math.C.Please remember me to your mum.D.Dont forget to post the letter. Oh, sorry to bother you. _A.Thats Okay.B.No, you cant.C.Thats good.D.Oh, I dont know.We grew _ as the fight was coming to an end.A.having uneasyB.be uneasyC.to uneasyD.uneasyActuall

9、y, the busier he is, _ he feels.A.happierB.the happyC.the happierD.happier moreThe beggar was asking at every door _ a few cents to buy something to eat.A.inB.toC.forD.out ofIf someone had the fine things all above his fortune, he would have_ debt.A.involvedB.running intoC.involvingD.run intoThe emp

10、eror combined these walls into one _ wall.A.continueB.continuousC.connectionD.connectedThere are plenty of eggs in the basket. Take _ as you like.A.as muchB.as moreC.as littleD.as manyHis favorite saying was “Do not do to others _ you would not have them to do to you.A.whatB.whoC.whichD.thatIf he, b

11、y accident, knocks someone, or _ their way, he say “ Excuse me” or “Im sorry”.A.gets onB.gets inC.gets byD.gets to You dont have to have the radio so loud, do you? _A.Oh, thats nothing.B.Its very kind of you to say so.C.Oh, I do apologize.D.Be careful.I planned _ the night train to New York and go o

12、n a journey with a friend.A.to getB.takingC.havingD.to take I was worried about my Math, but Mr. Brown gave me an A. _A.Dont worry about it.B.Congratulations! Thats a difficult course.C.Mr. Brown is very good.D.Good luck to you!“Niggers are dirty,” he said. “_ mud,” said I. “And I am not as dirty as

13、 you, yet.”A.It isB.That isC.So isD.Nor isGood manners really mean to be kind and helpful to others, especially those _than ourselves.A.older or weakerB.elder or weakerC.older and weakD.old and weakerWhen people _ for a bus, or in a post office, he takes his turn.A.are waitingB.waitC.waitedD.were wa

14、itingAll the guest around the kings daughter _ their breath.A.heldB.stoppedC.caughtD.pauseThe faster we get this assignment done, _ we can go out and play.A.soonB.soonerC.that soonD.the soonerThe man _ at the other side of the table rose.A.to sitB.to seatC.sittingD.seatingEducation is entirely _cost in that s


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