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1、主题语境(五)认识自我,丰富自我,完善自我(2)第一部分人与自我主题群一生活与学习01培育学科素养五年高考真题重做主题语境词汇存储奇特语言现象探究135246879213456879213456879312456879412356879412356879245136879245136879245136879245137689245138679924513867924513867成就;完成;达到;成绩 杰出的;显著的 目标;物体;宾语 反对 不满 重新夺回;拿回;再体验 宁静的;安静的 飞跃;跳跃 唤醒;使觉醒 谦虚地;适当地 天才 一圈;大腿 运动的,运动员的;体格健壮的 脚踝 重新调整;微调

2、 使发声 回答;反应 成就;完成 average dream require ashamed journal confidence task curious curiously arrangement determined determination forgiveness awesome interviewer interviewee perfection imperfection protection follow the crowd go ahead hit the street on the spot a variety of of are interviewed to confide

3、nce Determined a protection to attend 名人 例如 并计算它们落地的 时间 走上街头 但一旦遇到并喜欢上了他们,我们就会想,如果我们错 过了这个机会,那会是多么的糟糕。 无论你如何开始,记住,没有比现在更好的开始时间了, 因为你永远不会比此刻更有活力。 实际上,我得到了和第一名同样的奖牌。 与其纠结于怎样才能做得更好,为什么不给自己一个富 有同情心的回应呢? 02掌握必备知识核心词汇用法归纳常考句型结构分析of for lacking lacked the skill to communicate with others were lacking in th

4、e skill to communicate with others Lacking the skill to communicate with others countless on/upon in It is not how much you read but what you read that counts. occupied in occupation has been occupied in Occupied in getting used to everything Occupying herself in getting used to everything to belong

5、ings belonging belongs to dates back to belonging to his family dates back to the Ming Dynasty dating back to the Ming Dynasty belongs to his family about/over to buy hesitation hesitate to ask us for help ask us for help without hesitation had spotted staring on The police arrived at the spot where

6、 they found the evidence. did does clean did attend be told noticing making resulting in serious traffic confusion in the whole area 03提升关键能力夯基固本知识落实强技提能知识应用夯基固本知识落实Occupying belongings Do causing to follow a on/upon on of with 强技提能知识应用铸就核心价值04话题写作概要写作话题写作parted from by regularly corresponding with

7、On second thoughts approve of your dropping out of school prove that one is a failure Make the acquaintance of catering for sharing (in) your success If only you could make the acquaintance of some friends who are fond of studying. Find a way catering for you, and you will make progressgradually. 概要写作点击右图进入课时提能练谢谢观看 THANK YOU!



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