六年级英语下册 Unit 7 The Biggest Animal Lesson 3 and Lesson 4重难点讲解 教科版

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1、Unit 7 The Biggest AnimalLesson 3(一)大声读单词:1. ox n. 公牛2. lock n. 锁3. pork n. 猪肉4. dock n. 码头(二)重点词汇:1. ox 要点:n. 1)牛(不分性别的通称)2)公牛,尤指 金牛:主要被用作拉车的动物2. lock 要点:n. 锁Were having new locks fitted on all the doors of the classrooms.我们正在给所有的教室门装上新锁。vt., vi. 锁住 Lock the stable door after the horse has been sto

2、len. 贼去关门。亡羊补牢未为晚矣。Lock the door when you leave. 离家时把门锁上。The door wont lock. 门锁不上。People like that should be locked up! 像那样的人应该被关起来!3. pork 要点:n. The flesh of a pig or hog used as food. 猪肉:当作食品的猪肉 canned pork猪肉罐头 chopped pork剁碎猪肉, 猪肉馅 fresh pork鲜猪肉4. dock 要点:n. The area of water between two piers or

3、 alongside a pier that receives a ship for loading, unloading, or repairs.船坞:两个码头之间的或沿码头的水域用来容船装卸或修理等(三)重点解析:同级比较句型:请参看6732 Unit 6 (2)部分。Lesson 4(一)大声读单词:so adv. 如此地 conj. 因此,所以(二)重点词汇:so 要点:adv. 如是;这样Hold your pen so. 这样拿笔。She described the events so graphically that I could almost see them.她把那些事件描

4、述得活灵活现,我几乎像是能够亲眼目睹了。conj. 1)因此,所以He was sick, so they were quiet. 他病了,所以他们很安静。 You must not do so. 你一定不要那么做。2)为了;以便Be quiet, so he can sleep. 安静些,好让他能睡觉。 The speaker raised his voice so as to be heard.演讲人提高了嗓门,好让听众听到。【典型例题】1. Thats as as 100 cars. A. same B. some C. the same2. is a country in South America.A. England B. Canada C. Argentina3. He is as as two meters. A. taller B. tall C. tallest4. I have many . A. tooths B. teeth C. tooth5. Which stress of the following word is different from the others?A. America B. dangerous C. dinosaur答案:1. C 2. C 3. B 4. B 5. A



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