六年级英语Lesson 9—10人教四年制知识精讲

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1、六年级英语六年级英语 LessonLesson 9 91010 人教四年制人教四年制【同步教育信息同步教育信息】一. 本周教学内容Lesson 910二. 本周重点及难点(一)重点词语及表达1. be found 被发现 au be found 表被动语态;主语是动作的承受者The bones of Peking Man were found there . 北京人的骨骼就是在那里被发现的。2. be like 像一样His head was like a monkeys . 他的头象猴子的头。3. an ape-man 猿人 ei4. cave 洞穴 ei5. make out of 用制造

2、He made things out of stones . 他用石头制成东西。6. nearby 附近的,既可当形容词也可当副词使用。例:He got water from the river nearly .(形容词)他从附近的小河里取水。My friend lives nearby .(副词)我朋友住在附近。7. made by 由制造的例:The kite is made by Lucy . 这个风筝是露茜做的。They also saw small art work made by Peking Man . 他们还看见了由北京人制作的小工艺品。(其中 made by Peking M

3、an是 work 的后置定语)8. hundred , thousand , million当这几个词作为形容词使用时即便在前面加上数词,two,three时也不能加 s,例three hundred students,但后面加上 of 构成短语时,则要加 s,例 hundreds of 数百个;thousands of 上千个;millions of 上百万个9. use to do 用某物做某事He used stones to kill animals for food . 他用石头杀死动物作为食物。注:注:use使用动词用途名词)()(z:jus:ju用来冬季取暖。他生火做饭并生火取暖

4、.winterinwarmkeeptoandcooktofiremadeHefiremake.11warmkeep.10 12. make clothes 做衣服 13. animal furs 动物毛皮 :14. make from 由制造,用为原料制取He made clothes from animal furs . 他用动物的皮毛来制做衣服。三. 本周出现的动词及过去式1. 规则变化enjoyenjoyed visitvisited learnlearned playplayed waterwateredstaystayed livelived useused2. 不规则变化getgo

5、t eatate wearwore makemade drawdrew findfoundkeepkept seesaw四. 课文学习Lesson 9Yesterday Lisa and her parents went to see Peking Man at Zhoukoudian near Beijing . The bones of Peking Man were found there . Peking Man lived about 300,000 to 500,000 years ago . His head was like a monkeys . He was an ape-

6、man . He lived in a big cave . He made things out of stones . He used stones to kill animals for food . He got water from the river nearby . He made fire to cook and to keep warm in winter . Lisa and her parents saw some drawings on the cave wall . They also saw some small art work made by Peking Ma

7、n . Lisa really enjoyed visiting Peking Mans home .昨天 Lisa 和她的父母到北京附近的周口店参观北京人。北京人的骨骼是在那里被发现的。北京人生活在大约 30 万到 50 万年前。他的头像猴子的头。他是一个猿人。他居住在一个大山洞里。他用石头制做东西。他用石头杀死动物作为食物。他从附近的河里取水。他生火做饭并用来冬季取暖。Lisa 和她的父母在洞穴的墙壁上看见了一些画儿。他们还看到了北京人制做的小艺术品。Lisa 确实很喜爱参观北京人的家。Lesson 101. He drew pictures on the wall . 他在墙上画画儿。2

8、. He used stones to kill animals for food . 他用石头杀死动物作为食物。3. He ate plants and meat . 他吃植物和肉。4. He made fire to cook . 他生火做饭。5. He made clothes from animal furs . 他用动物的皮毛做衣服。【模拟试题模拟试题】一. 判断划线部分发音,相同画“”,不同画“”:1. topic holiday( )2. only nose( )3. found ground( )4. meat great( )5. use us( )6. animal was

9、( )7. wonderful funny( )8. stone ago( )9. enjoyed visited( )10. parent plant( )二. 写出下列动词的过去式:live get eat wear use make draw look learn walk talk run tell speak am can will go spot say see take do write stay call buy want come begin read 三. 用所给词的适当形式填空:1. School keeps (close)for about two months in

10、summer . 2. I (use)it last night , but it (not work). There (be)something wrong with it . 3. She (wear)a red skirt yesterday and today , she is (wear)a brown skirt . 4. They (talk)about Tom when he (come)in . 5. I (buy)a pen just now . I (put)it here . But where is it now ?6. I (tell)him (not do)it

11、, but he wouldnt listen . 7. Im sorry for (say)those words to you . 8. My brother (not have)a bike like this . 四. 看图,补全短文:Mother bought a of for Bill . This morning , Bill his new shoes . He was very and kicked(踢)an old box all the to school . He is in sports .This afternoon , he football for two ho

12、urs . After school , he home . Mother was with him and him to look at his new shoes . They were very . Bill felt very and could say .五. 补全对话:A:Hello , Lucy .B:Hello , Linda . You were yesterday . Where you ?A:I was in bed . But now I am . Would you like to go to see Peking Man with me ?B:I would lov

13、e . He lived in a big . He things out of . His head was like a .A:Really ? and shall we meet ?B:Ill for you two oclock outside the school gate tomorrow afternoon . A:All right . 六. 阅读短文,完形填空:Mr. and Mrs. Jones never go out in the evening , but last Saturday Mrs Jones said to her husband , “ There is

14、 a good film at the cinema tonight . Shall we go and see it ? ”Mr. Jones was quite happy about it . So they went , and both of them enjoyed the film very much . When they came out of the cinema , it was already 11 oclock . They got into their car and began driving home . It was quite dark . Mrs. Jon

15、es said , “ Look , a woman is running along the road very fast and a man is running after her . Can you see them ? ” Mr. Jones said , “ Yes , I can . ” He drove the car slowly near the woman and said to her , “ Can I help you ? ”“ No , thanks , ” said the woman , but she did not stop running . “ My

16、husband and I always run home after the cinema . Because whoever(不论谁)gets home late will wash dishes(碗碟). ”( )1. Mr and Mrs Jones .A. often stay at home in the evening B. often go out in the eveningC. often go out to have supper D. often go to the cinema in the evening ( )2. Last Saturday , they .A. went out for a walk B. went to see a film C. went to see a woman D. went to buy a car( )3. enjoyed the film very much . A. Mr Jones B. Mrs Jones C. Both Mr and Mrs JonesD. The woman( )4. On their way



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