四年级英语上册 Unit 6基础知识和重点过关 人教版PEP

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1、四年级英语上册Unit 6基础知识和重点过关姓名 班级 分数 一、听音,标号。(12分)二、听音,圈出正确的图片。(10分)三、听句子,圈出正确的单词。(8分)1. family/formally2.ant/aunt3.baby/boby4. parent/parents5. uncle/under6. member/remember7.much/many8.buddy/puppy四、听音,判断。(10分)五、听音,选择正确的句子。(10分)( )1. A. Welcome to my family. B. Come and meet my family.( )2. A. How many p

2、eople are there in your family? B. How many apples are there in your bag?( )3. A. Whos your uncle? B. Who are they?( )4. A. My family has seven members. B. My family has six members.( )5. A. They are my parents. B. They are my parents and me.六、将下列单词正确抄写到四线格内,并连线。(10分)七、匹配选择。(7分)( ) 1. How old is you

3、r mother? A. Four.( ) 2. How many people are there in your family? B. No, Im a student.( )3. Is this your mother? C. She is in the classroom.( )4. Who are they? D. Theyre my grandparents.( )5. Whats your grandma? E. Shes a farmer.( )6. Where is your teacher? F. Yes, she is.( )7. Are you a driver? G.

4、 Shes 37.八、读句子,圈出正确的图片。(10分)1.My family has five members.2.They are my parents and me.3.A : But thats only six. B: And my little puppy.4.A: Are they your parents? B: Yes, they are.5.A: Is this your uncle? B: Yes, he is.九、选择合适的单词填写在横线上。(8分)grandmother grandfather uncle aunt1. mothers mother 2. father

5、s mother 3. mothers brother 4. mothers sister 5. fathers brother 6. fathers sister 7. mothers father 8. fathers father 十、给短文标号,并判断短文下面的图片。(15分)( ) Is this your father?( ) Look at my family photo.( ) Yes, Im watching TV in the living room.( ) Are you in the living room?( ) Yes, he is.( ) Yes, he is.

6、My father likes playing computer games. My mother is in the kitchen.( ) Thank you. Look, this is me.( ) Is he in the study?( ) Oh, shes beautiful.( ) You have a happy family.A. Dad is in the study. B. Dad likes playing computer games. C. Mom is in the living room. D. Im in the kitchen. E. I have a h

7、appy family.参考答案听力材料一、Sally: Look at my family photo.Susan: How many people are there in your family?Sally: 3. My parents and me.Susan: I have a family photo; too, my family has 7 members.Sally: But thats only 6.Susan: And my little puppy.二、1.This is my uncle.2. This is my mother.3. This is my baby

8、brother.4. This is my aunt.5. They are my parents.三、1.Come and meet my family.2. This is my aunt.3. My baby brother is short.4. This is my parent.5. My uncle is tall.6. My family has 3 members.7. How many people are there in your family?8. My little puppy is lovely.四、1. My uncle is short and thin.2.

9、 My mother has short curly hair.3. My dad has short hair, and he is short4. My aunt has big eyes.5. My baby brother has 2 big eyes and a small mouth.五、1.Come and meet my family.2. How many people are there in your family?3. Who are they?4. My family has even members.5. They are my parents and me.参考答

10、案一、1 4 2 3二、1. A 2.A 3.B 4.A 5.A 三、1.family 2.aunt 3.baby 4.parent 5.uncle 6.member 7.many 8.puppy四、1. 2. 3. 4. 5.五、1.B 2.A 3. B 4. A 5. B六、1.家庭 2.父母 3.阿姨 4.叔叔 5.小弟弟七、1G 2A 3F 4D 5E 6C 7B八、1B 2A 3B 4A 5B九、1grandmother 2grandmother 3uncle 4aunt 5uncle 6aunt 7grandfather 8grandfather十、2,1,9,8,3,5,7,4,6,10 A B C D E


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