二年级英语下册 Module 5 Unit 1 练习题 外研版(一起)

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二年级英语下册 Module 5 Unit 1 练习题 外研版(一起)_第1页
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《二年级英语下册 Module 5 Unit 1 练习题 外研版(一起)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《二年级英语下册 Module 5 Unit 1 练习题 外研版(一起)(3页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、外研版(一起)二年级英语下册 Module 5 Unit 1 练习题一、Please listen and choose.请听课本18页的录音,根据听到的内容,选出正确的选项,给下面的小朋友配音。A One, two, three, four. I am opening the door .Five, six, seven, eight. Hurry up!Dont be late!B Those girls are playing clapping games.C Well, lets play clapping games together!D Daming and Sam are pla

2、ying hide-and -seek. Daming is hiding and Sam is seeking.F Lingling is skipping.G Do you like clapping games?H Fangfang are you sad?.I Yes, I do. J Yes, no one is playing with me.二、Please put the words in correct order and write.请给下面的句子排排序,使它们成为一个连贯的句子。1. hide-and seek are playing Sam and Daming_2.

3、to with me play do like you _3. are an Amy skipping Lingling._4. are playing girls Those games clapping _三、情景对话。从栏中找出与栏相对应的答语,并将序号填在题前括号内。(10分) ( ) 1. Wheres the present?A. My names Amy.( ) 2. How are you? B. Its in the bag.( ) 3. Whats your name?C. Thank you.( ) 4. Is it a blackboard?D. Im fine, thank you.( ) 5. Happy birthday!E. No, it isnt.



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