Unit 3 Conservation Lesson 2 课件高中英语北师大版(2019)选择性必修第一册

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1、Unit 3 ConservationLesson 2 War on Plastic PacketsVocabulary Vocabulary Vocabulary Vocabulary 1. convenientIts convenient for sb. to do sth. 对某人来说做某事很方便convenience n. 便利,方便;便利的事物/ 设施at ones convenience 在某人方便时for convenience 为方便起见表示“对某人来说方便”时不能用sb. is convenient,而要用 it is convenient for sb.练习:It is v

2、ery _ to pay by credit card. convenient2. set outset up 建造、创立set aside 留出,节省(时间/钱)set off/ out for + 地点 动身去某地set off 引爆set about doing sth. 开始做/ 处理某事set out to do sth. 开始做/ 处理某事练习:We _ to find the truth behind the mystery.set outVocabulary Vocabulary Vocabulary Vocabulary 3. stopfromprevent (from) d

3、oing sth. 阻止做某事keepfrom doing sth. 阻止做某事keep sb. doing sth. 使某人一直做某事在prevent/ stop (from) doing sth. 结构中可省略from,但在keep.from doing sth. 结构中,from 不可省略。另外,在prevent/ stopfrom doing sth. 的被动语态结构中,from也不可省略。练习: You cant _ people _ saying what they think.stopVocabulary Vocabulary Vocabulary Vocabulary from

4、Leading inLeading inLeading inLeading inDo you often use plastic packets and boxes? What are the advantages and disadvantages of using them? Use the words and phrases to help you.ACTIVATE AND SHARESuggested Answers:A lot of things we buy in the supermarket are in plastic packets and boxes. Its conve

5、nient to buy meat or fruit or vegetables that are in packets or boxes because it makes shopping quicker and it keeps the products fresh and helps it last longer. However, it is wasteful as most people dont recycle the packets.You are going to listen to two people, Kevin and Alicia, talking about pla

6、stic packets. Use the Skill Builder to decide whose opinion each statement is from. Write K (Kevin) or A (Alicia).LISTEN FOR LISTEN FOR UNDERSTANDINGUNDERSTANDING1. It is stupid to wrap coconuts in plastic. ( )2. Plastic packaging keeps the product fresh. ( )3. Plastic packaging is bad for the envir

7、onment. ( )4. The packaging should be recyclable. ( )5. We should do away with packaging completely. ( )6. Refillable containers are not convenient. ( )KAKAKALISTEN FOR LISTEN FOR UNDERSTANDINGUNDERSTANDINGListen again and decide if they are for or against plastic packaging and find out their reason

8、s. Then role-play Kevin and Alicia.Plastic PackagingKevin: For AgainstAlicia: For AgainstEach coconut was wrapped in clear, thin plastic.Isnt this _ of packaging ever?But its completely _. It already has its own natural packaging. Its got a _ thats almost impossible to break!A lot of the plastic use

9、d in packaging _. lts terrible _: Our oceans are _ and animals and birds end up _ as a result.But there is_. Supermarkets wantto make sure that coconuts reach the consumer _. The packaging helps to _, the product _.But the plastic wrapping also _. It stops coconut hairs from _ during transport. And

10、it keeps the coconut _. But lets be realistic: We still need packaging. We just need to use the _ packaging.the most stupid examplewasteful and unnecessarytough shellnever recyclesfor the environmentfull of plastic wasteend ups swallowing the plastic and dyinga reason for thisin the best conditionke

11、ep the product freshwill last longerhas other usesgetting into other foodcleanright kindLISTEN FOR LISTEN FOR UNDERSTANDINGUNDERSTANDINGListen again. Answer the questions.1. What did Kevin see in the supermarket?He saw each coconut was wrapped in clear, thin plastic.2. What does Kevin think about th

12、is?Its stupid and wasteful.3. What solution does Alicia suggest?Using recycled packaging.4. What does Kevin suggest?He suggests we should do away with packaging completely and take our own refillable containers.LISTEN FOR LISTEN FOR UNDERSTANDINGUNDERSTANDINGListen to the conversation and answer the

13、 following questions.1. What are Lisa and Amy talking about in their conversation?They are talking about how to become more environmentally aware.2. What kind of wastes did they simply throw away that can be reused or recycled?They easily throw away newspapers and glass bottles.3. Are they alone in

14、action to protect the environment?No, there are lots of groups of people online who share ideas on how to reduce and recycle and who are committed to contributing to a better future for our planet.FOCUS ON FUNCTION: MAKING AND ACCEPTING SUGGESTIONSListen again and complete the table.FOCUS ON FUNCTIO

15、N: MAKING AND ACCEPTING SUGGESTIONSWastes that can be reduced or reusedWhat Amy and Lisa decide to do in the futurePlastic bagsTakeaway food packagingCartons and plastic cutleryNewspapers and glass bottlesBuy reusable shopping bagsCook at homeTell restaurants not to give any plastic cutlery, chopsti

16、cks or paper platesSort rubbish and take them to a recycling centreListen and imitate. Complete the Talk Builder.FOCUS ON FUNCTION: MAKING AND ACCEPTING SUGGESTIONSMaking and Accepting Suggestions1. _ try to cook for ourselves more often.2. _ like a good start.3. _ sort our rubbish and take it to a recycling centre from now on. 4. Wonderful! _ these are all realistic and achievable stepsWe shouldThat soundsLetsI thinkOnline shopping is becoming more and more popular. However, it produces lots of


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