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1、如何克服GRE填空难点GRE考试改革之后,填空题的难度有所升级,尤其是新增了更长、更难的三空题,所以对中国考生而言,填空题已经不再可能如改革之前那般轻易拿下。下面小编就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。 名师教你克服GRE填空难点必杀技 GRE考试改革之后,填空题的难度有所升级,尤其是新增了更长、更难的三空题,所以对中国考生而言,填空题已经不再可能如改革之前那般轻易拿下。考生应如何应对?在填空部分,考生总会出现几个问题点。 问题一、语法知识贫乏,句子读不懂 很多考生都会觉得GRE填空不考语法。事实上,GRE考试不考语法是真,但是并不代表其对考生的语法知识没有要求。如果说词汇是建构语言的材料,那么语法就

2、是建构语言的基本规则。对语法知识缺乏起码的理解和掌握,很容易导致在阅读一段文字时毫无生词但难以理解整体句意,其结果则是答题时难以下手。这一点对GRE阅读和填空来说都是成立的。 实际上,GRE填空中所出现的语法知识,我们在初高中的时候已经学习了,所以考生做一定的回顾复习就可以了。 问题二、凭一己之见作为解题依据 GRE填空是推理题,也就是说考生需要根据题目中已知的信息推断出答案,所以考生不能够根据自己的生活经验、价值观、所学知识基础作为解题的线索和依据。如果利用题干之外的信息推理判断空格所填内容,很容易陷入个人经验和好恶的联想和解释,从而得出完全错误的答案。因此考生在做填空题的时候,切忌用题干以

3、外的任何内容作为解题依据,必须牢记一点:所有的解题线索能且仅能来自题干本身。 问题三、大难临头,找不出解题线索 GRE考试是一场公平的考试,所有学科的考生都会公平对待,所以考题中不会考查任何学科中的专有名词、专业术语和概念知识。但是这并不意味着GRE考试不要求考生有任何的知识基础。事实上,由于题目材料中包含的信息多样,有些较难的题目中又无明确提示解题线索的标志,必须理解句意才能确定地选出答案。否则在做题时就容易产生不确定感,进而易犯错误。所以考生解决这一问题唯一有效的途径,就在于读书、学习、思考和积累,没有捷径。 GRE考试填空题模拟练习 1. Certain weeds that flour

4、ish among rice crops resist detection untilmaturity by _ the seedling stage in the rice plants life cycle, therebyremaining indistinguishable from the rice crop until the flowering stage. (A) deterring (B) displacing (C) augmenting (D) imitating (E) nurturing 分析:空格填入一个现在分词,表示“某些杂草(some weeds)”对于“幼苗期

5、(seedlingstage)”做的动作,thereby表示前后一致,remaining表示空格1要体现“不容易和水稻区分(indistinguishable from therice crop)”的含义。A阻止;B移动,取代;C扩大,增加;D模仿;E养育,培养。D选项正确。 翻译:一些在水稻丛中生长茂盛的杂草要到成熟才会被发现,它们通过模仿水稻生命周期中的幼苗来做到这一点,因此直到开花阶段它们才能和水稻区分开来。 扩展:本题可以作为动植物自我保护机制的例子进行积累和扩展,杂草通过模仿(类似动物的拟态)相似的植物来避免自己被发现。我们也可以积累其他动植物进行自我保护的手段和具体的实例。 2.

6、Contrary to the antiquated idea that the eighteenth century was a _island of elegant assurance, evidence reveals that life for most people wasfilled with uncertainty and insecurity. (A) clannish (B) serene (C) declining (D) tranquil (E) recognized 3. Though environmentalists have targeted some herbi

7、cides as potentiallydangerous, the manufactures, to the environmentalists dismay, _ the use ofthese herbicides on lawns. (A) defy (B) defer (C) defend (D) assail (E) support 4. Parado_ically, Englands colonization of North America was _ by itssuccess: the increasing prosperity of the colonies dimini

8、shed their dependenceupon, and hence their loyalty to, their home country. (A) demonstrated (B) weakened (C) determined (D) altered (E) undermined 5. Because time in India is conceived statically rather than dynamically,Indian languages emphasize nouns rather than verbs, since nouns e_press the more

9、_ aspects of a thing. (A) parado_ical (B) stable (C) prevalent (D) unvarying (E) temporal 6. Because it has no distinct and recognizable typographical form and fewrecurring narrative conventions, the novel is, of all literary genres, the leastsusceptible to _. (A) misuse (B) imprecision (C) inquiry

10、(D) definition (E) innovation 7. Although ordinarily skeptical about the purity of Robinsons motives, inthis instance Jenkins did not consider Robinsons generosity to be _consideration of personal gain. (A) lacking in (B) contrary to (C) alloyed with (D) mitigated by (E) repudiated by 8. Because the

11、 report contained much more information than the reviewersneeded to see, the author was asked to submit a _ instead. (A) abstract (B) compendium (C) soliloquy (D) treatise (E) prerequisite 答案:DDCEBDCB GRE考试填空题模拟练习 1. Although the revelation that one of the contestants was a friend leftthe judge open

12、 to charges of lack of_, the judge remained adamant in herassertion that acquaintance did not necessarily imply_. Blank (i) Blank (ii) A detach ment D tolerance B disinterestedness E foreknowledge C prejudice F partiality 答案:BF 2. Although the feeding activities of whales and walruses give the seafl

13、oorof the Bering Shelf a devastated appearance, these activities seem to beactually_to the area, _its productivity. Blank (i) Blank (ii) A beneficial D encumbering B detrimental E redirecting C superfluous F enhancing 答案:AF 3. Our new tools of systems analysis, powerful though they may be, leadto_th

14、eories, especially, and predictably, in economics and politicalscience, where productive approaches have long been highly_. Blank (i) Blank (ii) A inelegant D elusive B philosophical E efficacious C simplistic F ephemeral 答案:CD 4. The _questions that consistently structure the study of historymust be distinguished from merely_questions, which have their day and thenpass into oblivion. Blank (i) Blank (ii) A philosophical D random B perennial E ephemeral C misjudgment F disappointing 答案:BE 5. A war, even if fought for individual liberty an


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