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1、学习必备欢迎下载污泥民族中学2021 2021 学年度其次学期半期考试七年级英语一听力部分( 0 分)一、词语挑选;听句子,选出句中所含有的单词,并将其字母代号填入题前括号内;( 5 分)I. 单项挑选( 15 分)(二)笔试部分(100 分)(每道题1 分)() 2、A takingB talkingC Tokyo() 3、A whatB thatC want() 4 A 100kB 1ikeC cook() 5、A ThereB HereC Where() 1、A whereB theirC weather号证考准 二、情形反应;依据所听到的问句,挑选正确答案,并将其字母代号填入题前括号内

2、; ( 5 分)线 (每道题1 分)() 6、A;He likes applesB He s medium height.C He s looking at a dog() 7、A Yes, she isB She is thin C She s my friend.() 8、A It s blackB He s my brother封C They are white 名() 9、A Yes, we areBNo, I can tC No, I don t姓() 10、 A I can singB I usually do my homework C Sorry , Im out 三、听短文,

3、依据其内容挑选正确答案;短文读两遍;( 10 分)(每道题2 分)() 11、 How many people are there in Mary s family.A Three B FourC Five() 12、 What does Mary s mother do.A She is a teacherB She is a worker C She is a reporter级 密 ( ) 13 、 What is Mary s mother doing.年A She is readingB She is having dinnerC She is watching TV() 14、 W

4、hat does Mary s brother do.A He is a studentB He is a teacher C He is a worker () 15、 What is Mary doing.A She is watching TVB She is playing computer games学校C She is reading16.I can English and violin.A. talk, play theB. say, playC. speak, play theD. speak, play17. What club do you want .- club.A.

5、to join, SwimmingB. to join, SwimC. join, SwimmingD. join, Swim18. I get up . I am never late class.A. late, toB. late, forC. early, toD. early, for19. What does your brother do at six in the morning.- He .A. brush toothB. brush teethC. brushes teethD. brushes tooth20. do you go to school.- I go to

6、school at half eight.A. How, toB. How, pastC. What time, toD. What time, past21. I to school and my father goes to work .A. ride my bike, by busB. ride my bike, takes the busC. by bike, by busD. by bike, takes the bus22. is it your home to school.It s about ten kilometers.A. How long, betweenB. How

7、long ,fromC. How far, betweenD. How far, from 23. Reading books is good us.A. atB. withC. forD. to24. The boy usually soccer on Sunday afternoon, but now he TV .A. plays, watchesB. is playing, watchesC. plays, is watchingD. is playing, is watching 25. This is a great school, there are rules.A. but,

8、too manyB. but, too muchC. and, too manyD. and, too much26. It s important English well.A. learnB. to learnC. to learnsD. learns27. Li Yong is one of my . I often play soccer him.A. friends, withB. friends, andC. . friend, withD. friend, at28. We must . So I get up at six o clock.A. on timeB. be on

9、timeC. are on timeD. in time 29. I often help my mother breakfast in the morning.A. makesB. to makeC. makingD. to making30. Does he eat in the dining hall.Yes, he .A. has to, doesB. have to, doesC. must, doesntD. must, mustII 、完形填空(共10 小题,每题1 分,满分为10 分);Look. here is a photo of my31 . The tall man i

10、s my father. He32in a radio学习必备欢迎下载station. He likes his job. Every morning he gets up 33 6:30, 34 he doesnwt ant to arrive 35 for work. The radio station is far 36 our home, so my father 37 to drive to work. It usually 38 him about forty minutes. The woman in white is my mother.She is a teacher. No

11、w, she is39music in my school. She usually goes to school on foot. She likes walking and she says it s good40 . Can you see the girl in black. It mse. Myname is Lisa. I walk to school with mymother every day.IV 依据汉语意思,首字母提示及句意写出正确的单词;( 5 分)46.We can see lots of 动 物 in this pictures . 47.Look . The s

12、tudents are running 快 .48.Our teachers are very s with us . 49.The food t good . I like it .50. There is a store b the bus stop and our schoolV 阅读懂得; (依据要求答题30 分)31. A. room32. A. worksB. schoolB. livesC. friendsD. familyC. playsD. thinks33. A. inB. forC. onD. at34. A. soB. butC. becauseD. also35. A

13、. easyB. lateC. busyD. early36. A. fromB. onC. withD. in37. A. haveB. hasC. canD. must 38. A. getsB. takesC. makesD. wants39. A. teachesB. teachingC. teachD. teacher40. A. numberB. dreamC. exerciseD. subject III 补全对话(其中两项余外)( 5 分)A: Can you come to my party tomorrow. B: Yes, I can. 41. A: That s eas

14、y.4 2. Thats about half an hour.B: OK. 43. A: 44. It takes about ten minutes.B: OK. First the bus, then the subway to Tangs Mall.A: Yeah, then you walk up to North Street until you see a bookstore. 45. B: OK, thanks. That sounds easy.A. Then you can take the subway to Tangs Mall.B. How can I get to your house.



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