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1、学习必备欢迎下载人教版六年级下册英语其次单元测试题一、写出以下单词的过去式;(11 分)watch wash clean play visit do go read am/is have fly 二、英汉互译:每道题 1 分,共 10 分 1、上周末6、washclothes2、去游泳_7、visitgrandparents3、去钓鱼8、listentomusic4、去郊游9、playfootball5、看电视10、gotothepark三、依据句意和已给出的首字母,补全单词;(每道题1 分,共 10 分)1、Hewtoaparkyesterday.2、Icmyroomlastweekend.

2、3、Didyourthemagazine.4、DidLucycamountain5、LastSaturday ,Candyvher uncle.6. What didyoud last weekend .7. She r a book last night .8. Hewents yesterday .9. Amyl to music last Tuesday .10. Wew fishing yesterday四、挑选 每道题 2 分,共 32 分1、-Didyouhelpmecleanmyroom .学习必备欢迎下载-Yes ,I.A、didB、 doC、does 2 -WhatdidLi

3、sadoyesterday.-Shetomusic .A、listensB、listenC、listened 3、-Whatdidyoudolastweekend.-ITV.A、sawB、lookedatC、watched4、Heintothelakeandtoit.A、jumped,swimedB、jump, swamC、jumped,swam 5、DidJohnfootballyesterday.A、playB、playedC、 plaied 6、Theybookslastweekend .A、readB、 readedC、look7、DidyouplayfootballZhang Pen

4、g.A、withB、 andC、to 8、 Tombusy yeaterday.A、didB、 wasC、were9、Lisausuallyherhomeworkaftersuper.A、doesB、doC、did10、Didyouswimminglastweekend.A、goB、goesC、went 11. What he yesterday .A. does, doB. do , didC. did, do 12. he football last weekend .学习必备欢迎下载A. Did, playedB. Did, playC. Did, plays 13. She yeste

5、rday.A. wentfishB.wentfishingC. goesfishing 14. He the clothes yesterday.A.didn t washedB. didn t washC. don t washed 15. They English last night.A.studyB. studyedC. studied 16. It a windy day yesterday .A.isB.wasC.am五、连词成句;每个 2 分,共 10 分1、did ,what ,you, yesterday ,do.2、you , full , did , the , moon

6、 , see3、went ,I,to , park,a ,yesterday4、jumped ,the, into , lake , he5、with , Wang Ping , his ,played ,friends , last , football , weekend六、从 B 栏挑选 A 栏的正确答语;5 分 AB 1. What did he do yesterday .A. Yes, she did. 2. Did she wash the clothes yesterday .B. I went fishing . 3. What did you do last weekend

7、 .C. No, I didnt .学习必备欢迎下载 4. Did you went to the park .D. He read a book yesterday. 5. What was the weather yesterday .E. It was sunny .七、读以下短文,挑选正确答案(每题2 分,共 10 分)Todaywashot.Iwenttothefarm (农场)withmyparents. Therewas arivernearthefarm . Iwenttotheriverwithmydog.Weranandplayed . SuddenlyIdropped (

8、掉进)intotheriver “,Help , Help”Mydogjumpedinto(跳进) theriverandswamtome , Tenminuteslater , I wassaved(救);I wasgratefultohim.Wearegoodfriends.1、Itwasvery.A、coldB、hotC、 windy 2、Iwenttothefarmwithmy.A、parentsB、friendsC、teacher 3、Iranandplayedwith.A、mycatB、mydogC、mysister 4、jumpedintotheriverandsaved me.A、MydogB、MymotherC、Myfather 5、Iwasverygratefultomy.A、motherB、friendC、dog八、请你依据实际情形回答以下问题;(每题 3 分,共 12 分)1、Whatdoyouusuallydoontheweekend.2、Whatdidyoudolastweekend.3、Didyouhelpyourmothercleantheroom. 确定回答 4、Didyougototheparkyesterday.(否定回答)



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