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1、Vocabulary1. The discovery of new facts _ the rational thinker to reexamine the adequacy of his previous generalization.A compelsB repels C obliges D constrains翻译:新的事实发现迫使理性的思想家去重新检验他先前的归纳的充分性。解析:compel迫使,repel击退,oblige责成,constrain约束2.The change in government is a(n) _ event of our time.A. historicB

2、. historicalC. permanentD. eternal翻译:政府的变革是我们时代的一次具有历史意义的大事件。解析:historic有历史意义的,historical有关历史的,permanent永久的,eternal永恒的3.It is against the law to_ you against your will for any length of time.A. proteinB. detainC. maintainD. retain翻译:违背你的意志拘留你任意时间都是违法的。解析:protein蛋白质,detain拘留,maintain保留,retain保持。4.Onl

3、y when capitalism has been _will it be possible to _poverty unemployment and war.A. abolished abolishB. abandoned abateC. annihilated banD. extinguished extinguish翻译:只有当资本主义被彻底废除,才有可能减少贫困,失业的人口以及战争。解析:abolish彻底废除,abandon废弃,abate减少,annihilate消灭,ban禁止。5.To call the music of another music-culture “prim

4、itive” is _ ones own standards on a group that does not recognize them.A. puttingB. emphasizingC. forcingD. imposing翻译:把音乐称为另一种原始音乐文化,这种行为是把自己的标准强加于并不赞同这些观点的群众上。解析:impose把.强加于,force强迫emphasize强调。6.I could see that my life was_ having that fur coat whether I approved of it or not.A. adequate forB. in

5、tent onC. short ofD. deficient in翻译:我能看出我的生活需要一件毛绒外套,不管我是否喜欢。解析:adequate for充足.,short of ,deficient in缺乏.7.The government is trying to do something to _ better understanding between the two countries.A. raiseB. promoteC. heightenD. increase翻译:政府人员正试图采取行动来促进两个国家更好的理解彼此。解析:promote促进8.A desire to go to

6、 medical school _ her to study hard everyday.A. motivatesB. inspiresC. stimulatesD. encourages翻译:药学梦激励着她每天努力学习。解析:motivate激励,使有动力(强调某物激发某人的动力),inspire启示,stimulate刺激引起。9.Being somewhat short-sighted she has the habit of _ at people.A. staringB. glancingC. peeringD. peeping翻译:近视眼的她有费力看他人的习惯。解析 start a

7、t凝视,glance at浏览,扫一眼,peer at努力看,费力看,peep at偷看。10.If the fire alarm is sounded all residents are requested to_ in the courtyard.A. assembleB. convergeC. accumulateD. crowd翻译:如果火警铃响了,那么所有居民必须在院子集合。解析:assemble集合召集,converge(向某一点)相交,accumulate积累,crowd聚集(指人很多)11.Before the school _ what students must wear

8、they just wore anything.A. managedB. authorizedC. regulatedD. standardized翻译:在学校规定学生该穿什么前,他们可以随便穿。解析:manage管理控制,authorized批准授权,regulate管制调整,standardize立下标准,指定标准。12.He speaks French well enough to pass _ a French man.A. intoB. overC. throughD. for翻译:他法语说得很好,足以去冒充一个法国人。解析:pass into变成,称为,pass over忽略不注意

9、,pass through穿过,pass for冒充。13.His job at the hospital did not pay much so he found another_.A. on the riseB. on the declineC. on the spotD. on the side翻译:他在医院的工作工资不高,所以他找了另一个工作作为兼职。解析:on the rise在增长,on the decline在衰退中,on the spot在现场,on the side作为兼职。14.Astronauts are _ all kinds of tests before they

10、are actually sent up in a spacecraft.A. inclined toB. subjected toC. prone toD. bound to翻译:宇航员们在被派到太空舱之前都要经受一系列的测试。解析:incline to想要,subject to受到,prone to 有.倾向,bound to一定会。15.It was felt that he lacked the _ to pursue a difficult task to the very end.A. persuasionB. commitmentC. engagementD. obligatio

11、n翻译:他好像缺少对完成一项有难度的工作的坚持。解析:persuasion信念,commitment坚持(be ccommitted to do坚定于),engagement交战,约定,obligation义务,责任。Grammar1. Its easy to blame the decline of conversation on the pace of modern life and on the changes()place in our ever-changing worldA) takingB)to takeC)takeD) taken翻译:人们很容易将谈话的减少归咎于现代生活的节奏

12、,以及我们这个不断变化的世界正在发生的模糊变化解析:现在分词作定语修饰vague changes,表主动,是进行的状态。2()can be seen from the comparison of these figures the principle involves theactive participation of the patient in the modification of his condition.A) AsB) WhatC)ThatD)It翻译:从这些数字的比较可以看出,这一原则包括病人积极参与改变他的状况。解析:As can be seen from是定语从句as做关系

13、代词代指整个主句。3. California has more light than it knows () to do with but everything else isexpensiveA) howB) whatC)whichD)where翻译:加利福尼亚阳光多到连它自己都不知道怎么用了但是其他的东西就很贵了!解析:California has (more light) (than it knows what to do with) 主语 谓语 宾语 定语but everything else is expensive.(这又是一个完整的句子了)这是一个定语后置句but连接并列成分!答

14、案根据翻译得出。4. Anyone with half an eye on the unemployment figures knew that the assertion abouteconomic recovery () just around the corner was untrueA) would beB) to beC)wasD)being翻译:任何对失业数据稍加关注的人都知道,有关经济复苏即将到来的断言是不正确的。解析:非谓语动词的用法,排除A、C。现在分词表主动,economic recovery 与just around the corner是主谓关系,排除B。5. Marl

15、in is a young man of independent thinking who is not about () complimentsto his political leadersA) payingB) having paidC) to payD)to have paid翻译:马林是一个独立思考的年轻人,他不会向自己的政治领袖献殷勤。解析:考查be about to do6. As Ill be away for at least a year Id () from you now and then tellingme how everyone is getting alongA) hearingB) to hearC) to be hearing D) having heard翻译:因为我要离开至少一年,如果能听到


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