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1、情人节英文祝福短句情人节英文祝福短句 1 、愿你心心相映,白头到老! May your heart and soul meet each other forever! 2 、情人节我祝你找到真爱,一生幸福。 Valentines day I wish you find true love and a happy life. 3 、你的梦幻妩媚,让我痴心无悔。岁岁七夕之会,年年与你相随。 Your dream is charming, let me infatuate without regret. The Chinese New Years Eve will be with you every

2、 year. 4 、我的爱人,情人节快乐! Happy Valentines day, my love! 5 、祝福会为你祈愿,我会为你爱恋,爱你情相牵,爱你心相连! Blessing will pray for you, I will love you, love you love each other, love your heart connected! 6 、让祝福的心为你祈福,我提前祝你情人节快乐。 I wish you a happy Valentines day in advance. 7 、情人节之夜,爱情永不灭;传送真挚情,没有真不行;老公,情人节快乐! Valentines

3、 day night, love will never die; transmission of sincere love, no really can not; husband, Happy Valentines Day! 8 、看你是一种享受,抱你是一种浪漫!亲爱的,情人节快乐! Seeing you is a kind of enjoyment, holding you is a kind of romance! Happy Valentines day, dear! 9 、爱情到,牵手一生幸福到老。 Love to, hand in hand life happiness to old

4、. 1 0 、愿和相爱的人,相依相伴! Willing to be with the people who love each other, together! 1 1 、浓浓爱里,永远有你。 In love, there will always be you. 1 2 、彼此温暖,互不辜负。 We are warm and live up to each other.情人节英文祝福 1 、天上人间情难断,恩恩爱爱心不变。 It is hard to break the relationship between the heaven and the earth. Kindness and lo

5、ve remain unchanged. 2 、情真真,意迢迢,又寄素心愿你晓。 Love is true, meaning is far away, and send a wish you know. 3 、亲爱的,七夕到了,爱你的心永远不变。 Dear, its Chinese Valentines day. Love your heart forever. 4 、牵你的手,朝朝暮暮。 Take your hand, day and night. 5 、你比玫瑰更娇艳,栽在心中永不败。 You are more beautiful than rose, and you will never

6、 fail in your heart. 6 、浪漫情人节,花香飘四方。情人不分老少,大家齐把节过。 Romantic Valentines day, the fragrance of flowers. Lovers, young and old alike, celebrate the holiday together. 7 、只求今生,与你相伴。 Just for this life, with you. 8 、祝世间所有的爱情既相遇,莫相忘! Wish all the love in the world meet and never forget! 9 、今生只愿温柔的懂你,细腻的疼你,

7、热烈的爱你。 In this life, I only want to know you gently, love you delicately and love you warmly. 1 0 、在我无限的梦中,有无限的你。 In my infinite dream, there is infinite you. 1 1 、未来很远,有你美好无限。亲爱的,我们一起过情人节吧! The future is far away, with you beautiful infinite. Honey, lets have Valentines day together! 1 2 、情人节,祝你情场得

8、胜,情满天下。 On Valentines day, I wish you success in love and love all over the world. 1 3 、情人如春露,温馨在心头;情人节,祝福他们,对她们一定要好。 Valentines day, bless them, be good to them.情人节英文祝福语大全 1 、暖暖心里,占据是你。 Warm heart, occupy is you. 2 、朝暮与年岁共往,我与你一同行至天光。 Morning and evening go together with age, I walk with you to the

9、 sky. 3 、生生相随,世世相伴。 Life goes with life. 4 、送你一颗情人草,爱情美满伴到老。情人节快乐! Send you a love grass, love happy companion to old. Happy Valentines Day! 5 、祝愿你,有相知,爱永远,风雨携手心不变,幸福生活比蜜甜。 Wish you know each other, love forever, wind and rain hand in hand heart unchanged, happy life is sweeter than honey. 6 、因为有你,一

10、切都是甜蜜。 Because of you, everything is sweet. 7 、愿我们相爱一生,相守一世,等天老了,地荒了,海枯了,石烂了。 May we love each other all our lives. When we grow old, when the earth is desolate, when the sea is dry, when the stone is rotten. 8 、我对你的爱,天可翻地可覆。 My love for you is earth shaking. 9 、生死情不渝,幸福永徜徉! Love of life and death, happiness forever! 1 0 、情人节到,祝福你的爱情天长地久! Valentines day to bless your love forever! 1 1 、整点浪漫,弄点情调,情到浓时,就抱抱!情人节快乐! Whole point romance, make a point of sentiment, when the feeling is strong, hug! Happy Valentines Day! 1 2 、相约海枯石烂,此心永不变。 Our hearts will never change. 4 / 4



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