2016春外研版(三起)五下Module 2 Unit 2《Mr. Li was a teacher》ppt课件5

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1、Unit 2第一PPT模板网-WWW.1PPT.COMam, is dowalkgoeatcanrunlivewaslivedrancouldatewentwalkeddidwritewrotesendsentWhat did she/he do yesterday.He read a book.He made a cake.PPT模板: PPT 素材: PPT 图表: PPT下载: PPT 教程: 资料下载: 范文下载: 试卷下载: 教案下载: PPT论坛: PPT课件: 语文课件: 数学课件: 英语课件: 美术课件: 科学课件: 物理课件: 化学课件: 生物课件: 地理课件: 历史课件:

2、Ten years ago,she was a pupil.Now,she is a Teacher.Then I was a student.Now I am a teacher.Then I couldnt teach. Now I can teach.Then I was 21 years old. Now I am 27 years old.A : Five years ago, she walked to school.Five years agoNowB : Now she goes to school by school bus.B : Now he sends E-mail.F

3、ive years agoNowA : Five years ago, he wrote letters.Five years agoNowA : Five years ago, he lived in a small house.B : Now he lives in a big house.教室1.What did Mr Li do ten years ago.2.What do Mr Li do now.He taught Chinese.He is retired.ABC ABC Mr LiMr LiChen HaiChen Haiwas a teachertaught Chinese

4、 is retired is learning Englishwas a good pupilstudied very hard is an English teacher is teaching Mr LiMr Li was a teacher .ten years agoMr LiHe taught Chinese .teach-taught 教 class班级Chen Hai was in this classclass.Chen Haiten years agoHe studiedstudied very hardhard.hard努力的Chen Haiten years agoHe

5、waswas a pupil a pupil.study-studied学习Mr Li is retiredretired .NowMr LiABC He is learning English.retired退休的ABC Chen HaiNow Ten years ago,Mr Li ( )a teacher.He ( )Chinese.Chen Hai( )in hisClass.He( )a good pupil.He( )very hard.wastaughtwaswasstudiedNow,Mr Li is( ).Hes( )English.Chen Hai is( )English

6、 Teacher.Hes( )Mr Li. retiredlearninganteachingTen years agoNowMr Li was a teacher.He taught Chinese.teach 教Chen Hai was in his class.He was a good pupil(学校生)He studied very hard.study学习Mr Li is retired.Hes learning English.He is learning.他正在学习.Chen Hai is an English teacher.Hes teaching Mr Li.He is

7、 teaching.他正在教.A:Five years ago,he walked to school.B:Now he goes to school by bus.A:Five years ago, he wrote letters. B:Now he sends email. A: Five years ago, he lived in a small house. B:Now he lives in a big house.Test Ten years ago, Mr Li was a _. He _Chinese. Chen Hai was in his class. He was a

8、 good pupil. He _very hard.Now, Mr. Li was _. Hes learning English. Chen Hai is an English teacher.Hes _ Mr. Li.teachertaughtstudiedretiredteachingPractise1.Whos this. is my grandma.2.Why is she (wear) these clothes. she was a dancer.3.She (dance) in lots of Chinese cities many years ago.4.Did she (

9、learn) (some) foreign languages. Yes , .5.Is this your grandpa. Yes , .6.He is (learn) English now.ItwearingBecausedancedlearnanyitshedidislearninggrandparents 年纪大,retired 退休在家里,夕阳红来夕阳乐,活到老来学到老,learn English 学得乐,study hard 不显老; 巧 学 妙 记PPT模板下载: 行业PPT模板: 节日PPT模板: PPT素材下载: PPT图表下载: 优秀PPT下载: PPT教程: Word教程: Excel教程: 资料下载: PPT课件下载: 范文下载: 试卷下载: 教案下载: PPT论坛: 可以在以下情形使用不限次数的用于您个人/公司,企业的商业演示;拷贝模板中的内容用于其它幻灯片母版中使用;不行以在以下情形使用用于任何形式的在线付费下载;收集整理我们发布的免费资源后,刻录光碟销售;


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