三年级英语上册 Unit 8 第一课时教案 人教新起点

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1、人教新起点三年级上册英语Unit8 Revision第一课时课 题Unit8 Revision Lesson 43课 时1课时教学内容The new words in Unit 1, 2, 5.The new sentences in Unit 1, 2, 5.The new dialogues in Unit 1, 2, 5.教学目标1. Can pronounce the new words well and correctly and can use them freely.2. Can make the sentences by using some words they know.3

2、. Show the dialogue correctly and freely.教学重点To grasp the new words, make some sentences and dialogues.板书设计Unit 8 Revision Lesson 43 Whats he / she / it like?He / She / It has .教学难点T To introduce the pets fluently.教学准备pictures word-cards tape-recorder教 学 过 程二 次 备 课I. Organization1. T and students si

3、ng a song.2. Free talk : What do you eat?Do you eat?II.Presentation1. Show the word-cards and make some sentences: name Whats your name? / Whats its name? hair I have long black hair.pet What pet do you have?2. Describe the pets: S1: I have a goldfish. Its red. It has big eyes. It can swim. Its cute

4、.3. Listen, find and say:T: There are some children in the garden. Theyre playing. But Andy is not. Whats he looking for? Lets listen and help him find it.Practise the question : Whats he like?Then make some dialogues with the other dogs like this.4. Lucky pet: Ask Ss choose a lucky pet, draw and describe it. The other Ss guess what pet it is.5. Finish Part C.家庭作业1. Listen to the tape and read the text.课后回顾



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