四年级英语上册 lesson7 Betty’s Clothes教案 (新版)冀教版

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1、Lesson7 Bettys Clothes课题Lesson7 Bettys Clothes课型新授课课时1教学目 标知识目标1.学生能够听懂和理解这个简单的故事。2.学生能就故事进行提问和回答。3. 学生能够用自己的语言分角色表演故事。能力目标在日常情境中注意观察,并用简单的英语对话情感目标在每天的生活中试着模仿和运用英语。重点同知识目标1难点理解第8幅图的句子的意思教具教学光盘 教 学 过 程 二次备课开始上课和复习Class opening and review问候Greeting 复习上节课学过的衣服单词,复习一星期七天的知识。课文导入Lesson hook:现在,我们来认识一位女孩,

2、她叫Betty,她将要参加一个聚会。她到底穿什么衣服去呢?让我们从课文中找出答案吧!看图片预测。新概念New concepts:Story time: Bettys Clothes读前活动:看图讨论看教科书,利用每一幅图讨论故事梗概。思考问题:Where is the girl? Whats the girl doing? What clothes are in the pictures? What are they talking about?阅读活动:将故事从头到尾逐图过一遍,帮助学生理解故事情节。Panel 1: Whats the girls name? What day is it?

3、 What is she going to do?Panel 2: What colour are the shorts? What else can you see in the closet?Panel 3: What colour are the trousers? What colour is the T-shirt? Does Betty like them? Panel 4: What colour is the sweater? Does Betty like the sweater?Panel 5: What colour is the shirt/skirt? When wi

4、ll Betty wear them?Panel 6: What day will Betty wear this scarf?Panel 7: What clothes does Betty decide to wear?Panel 8: What do you want to wear at the party?大声朗读:1.教师范读,速度要慢,辅以动作和手势。适时解释个别不懂的单词。2.播放光盘,学生大声跟读,读出韵味。读后活动:1.用汉语复述故事。2.分角色表演故事。将全班分成8人一组(Betty和7件说话的衣服),给学生一些时间来练习语言和动作,然后在全班展示。结束课堂教学:Good-bye!教学反思板书设计Bettys ClothesOn Monday shortsOn Tuesday trousers and T-shirtOn Wednesday sweaterOn Thursday shirt and skirtOn Friday scarfOn Saturday dress


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