四年级英语上册 unit5 lesson25(1)教案 人教新起点

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1、(人教新起点)四年级英语上册 unit5 lesson25Unit5 safty lesson25教学目标:1. 知识与技能目标: 能够在相应的情景下,感知、学习与安全有关的6个单词和词组,即,play with fire, downstairs, climb, touch, dangerous, careful 和祈使句的否定形式 Dont. 2. 过程与方法目标:能在相应的情景下展开与安全有关的对话和听力活动,能够通过歌谣学会制止别人做某事和了解安全知识。3. 情感态度价值观:形成安全防范意识和自我保护意识。教学内容:1. 词汇:play with fire, downstairs, cl

2、imb, touch, dangerous, careful 2. 功能句型:Dont Be careful. Its dangerous. 和 Sorry,I wont.3. 情景对话:A:Be careful! Dont run downstairs. Its dangerous.B: Sorry, I wont.教学重点:学生借助教学课件,单词卡片和录音磁带,学习与安全有关的六个单词和词组。学会祈使句的否定形式。学说小歌谣。教学难点:Dangerous 和 careful 的读音和拼写。能够运用所学的生词、句型完成真实的交际活动,提高综合语言运用能力。表演对话。课前准备:教学单词卡片、奖

3、品等。教学过程:一:Warming up and lead in1. Greeting2. TPR 活动: T: Please say and do with me1) T: Up, up, up. S: Up, up, up2) T: Down, down, down. S: Down, down, down.3) T: Touch your nose. S: Touch my nose. T: Stop. Dont touch your nose. 学生相应停止。4) T: Touch your pencil box. S: Touch my pencil box. T: Stop. Do

4、nt touch your pencil box.5) T: Touch your English book. S: Touch my English book. T: Stop. Dont touch your English book.6) T: Run, run, and run. S: Run, run, and run. T: Stop. Dont run.7) T: Walk, walk, and walk. S: Walk, walk, and walk. T: Stop. Dont walk.8) T: Swim, swim, and swim. S: Swim, swim,

5、and swim. T: Stop. Dont swim.9) T: Play with a ball. S: Play with a ball. T: Stop. Dont play with a ball.设计意图:通过TPR活动为活跃课堂气氛。引导学生为新课的学习做好准备。同时运用手势和动作帮助学生理解 stop, dont 的含义为单词和举行的学习作铺垫。二:Presentation:1. T:Can you guess? What shape is it? 教师画图形,让学生来猜。 S: It is a triangle .It is a square. T: What is it?

6、 黑板上的图形组成一个房子,让学生来猜。 S: It is home. T: There is also stairs in the home. 教师为房子画上楼梯,学习单词 downstairs. T: What can you do at your home? S: I can draw picture. S: I can watch TV. .2. 初步感知本课内容,同时完成听力练习。1) 引导学生看大屏幕,师生交流,熟悉 A 部分的内容。T:Boys and girls, do you want to see Joys home? Lets watch the big screen.

7、There are many people in Joys home. Who are they?S: They are Andy, Joy, Bin bin, Bill, and Yaoyao.T: Where is Bill? S: He is in the kitchen.T: What other people can you see? Can you see Joys mother and her little brother?S: Yes. T: Where are they? S: They are in the bedroom.T: How about Joys father

8、and little sister? Where are they?S: They are in the living room.2)完成听力练习。T: Do you want to know what are they talking? Lets listen to the tape.First time: T:Just listen. Please listen carefully.Second time: T:Open your book at page 42 and Get your pencil ready.Third time: lets listen again and chec

9、k the answer.教师和学生共同订正答案,进一步熟悉本课内容。T:In the bedroom Joys little brother is climbing the window. Mother says: “Dont climb the window.” Whats the number? S: Its number 1.T: In the kitchen, Bill is playing with fire. Joy says: “ Dont play with fire”. Its dangerous. Whats the number? Its number 4.T: And

10、y and Bin bin are running downstairs. Lily says, “ Dont run downstairs”. Whats the number? S: Its number 3.T: In the living room Joys little sister is touching the socket with her wet hands. Father says, “ Be careful. Dont touch it.” Whats the number? S: Its number 2.T:If you got them all right. Ple

11、ase draw a big star for yourself. 全对的同学为自己画五角星。设计意图:师生交流自己在家做些什么,有意识的将本课内容与学生的生活情景和已有的认知经验有机的结合起来。 三: Creating a situation to learn the new words and sentences.T: I will introduce a boy for you. He is my nephew, he is at home. 教师引导学生观看录像,发现录像中的四个不安全的错误的行为。1. 第一遍:请学生完整的看一遍录像仔细发现其中的不安全行为。2. 第二遍:T:Lets

12、 look again; please find the four incorrect actions. If you find, please say, “stop”.再次观看录像,录像中的男孩在爬窗户.这时学生纷纷喊 stop.画面同时定格。T: Why stop? What is he doing?S: He is climbing the window.学习词组climb the window.T: What can you tell him? 引导学生说出由 Dont 引导的否定祈使句。S: Dont climb the window. 教师出示不要爬窗户的图标。带领学生读句子。贴图

13、标于黑板上,板书句型。Dont climb the window.T:Why dont climb the window? 教师出示“危险”的单词卡片学习 dangerous。S: Its dangerous.教师找若干个学生朗读单词。T: Oh Its dangerous. So you should be careful. 教师出示“小心”的单词卡片学习 careful。S:Be careful.学生依次读句子练习。4. 继续观看录像,录像中的男孩在玩火。这时学生纷纷喊 stop 画面同时定格。T: Why stop? What is he doing?S: He is playing w

14、ith fire.学习词组 play with fire。T: What can you tell him? 引导学生说出由 Dont 引导的否定祈使句。S: Dont play with fire. 教师出示不要玩火的图标。带领学生读句子。贴图表于黑板上。全班读 Dont play with fire.5. 继续观看录像,这时候录像中的男孩在用湿手触摸电源.这时学生们又喊 stop 画面同时定格。T: What is he doing? Oh, He is touching the socket with her wet hands.S: Touch the socket.学习 touch。

15、T: What can you tell him? 引导学生说出由Dont 引导的否定祈使句。S: Dont touch it. 教师出示不要触摸的图标。带领学生读句子。贴图标于黑板上,请学生说出 Dont touch it.6. 继续观看录像,这时候录像中的男孩在跑下楼。这时学生们喊 stop 画面同时定格。T: Why stop? Is he playing with fire? S: No. T: What is he doing?S: He is running downstairs.T: What can you tell him? 引导学生说出由 Dont 引导的否定祈使句。S: Dont run downstairs. 教师出示不要跑下楼的图标。带领学生读句子。贴图标于黑板上,请学生说出 Dont run downstairs.学生小组练习句型。7. 根据黑板上的图标请学生把句子贴在对应的图标下。设计意图:用课件营造学生熟悉的日常生活的情景,通过让学生观看录像,使他



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