三年级英语上册 Module 7 Unit 2 What's that教案 外研版(三起)-外研版小学三年级上册英语教案

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三年级英语上册 Module 7 Unit 2 What's that教案 外研版(三起)-外研版小学三年级上册英语教案_第1页
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《三年级英语上册 Module 7 Unit 2 What's that教案 外研版(三起)-外研版小学三年级上册英语教案》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《三年级英语上册 Module 7 Unit 2 What's that教案 外研版(三起)-外研版小学三年级上册英语教案(6页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit 2 Whats that?预设目标1.Be able to understand and say the new words,square,circle, triangle and rectangle very freely and correctly.2.Be able to chant.3.Be able to recognize the shapes and make things with shapes教学分析The difficult and important points: The pronunciation of square.精彩问题设计 What shape is

2、 it?教学资源准备 Word cards,tape,recorder,CAI教学预案Step 1Warm up1.Greetings.2.Free talk.3.Sing the song-If you are happy.Step 2 Presentation1. T:Wow,youve done a very good job. Do you like English?Ss: Yes.T: I like English ,too.And I like to listen to English songs. Do you want to enjoy an English song?Ss:

3、Yes.CAIT: Do you like the song? Ss: Yes.T: Shapes are everywhere in our life. If you observe carefully, you may discover we live in a beautiful shape world.Today a Japanese friend wants to learn the shapes with us. Who is he? Please look at the screen, hes coming.(CAI ) (设计意图:课件以孩子们熟悉和喜爱卡通人物卡布达来创设情景

4、,激发学生兴趣, 活跃气氛,为新知的出现进行铺垫。)Ss: Kabuda, Kabuda.Kabuda: Hello, boys and girls ! Im Kabuda .Im from Japan. Im very happy to come to your school. Its clean and beautiful ,and youre very friendly.Today I have a present to you, but you dont open it now, if you past the test, you can get it. Come on.2.(T sh

5、ows a box to the Ss.) (盒子的封面是一副七巧板图案) CAIT: Look, Kabuda sent us a beautiful gift. If you want to get it, you must past three barriers.Do you have a try?Ss: Yes.The first barrier-say and draw1) Teach the word: triangle.( CAI show a triangle, T take out a triangle from the box.)T: Whats this? Whats t

6、hat ?(分别放在近处和远处询问来区分 this 和that) Help the Ss: Its a triangle. Its a red triangle.(CAI,在三角形上一根一根地加线,把英语和数学整合。)T: How many triangles are there?(CAI show a flag,Take out a flag)T: Whats this? Whats that? Help the Ss: Its a flag.T: How many triangles are there?Help the Ss to count: One,two,threesixteen.

7、 (CAI)Help the Ss to answer: There are sixteen triangles.2)Teach the words : square, rectangle. (CAI)T: How about one triangle and one triangle?S1: Maybe two triangles.Help the Ss: Its a square.(设计意图: 学科整合,通过两个相同的三角形组合会形成一个新的图形,这样开动了学生的脑筋,活跃了思维)T: How about one square and one square?Ss: Maybe two sq

8、uares.(T put two squares on the blackboard.)T: What shape is it?Help theSs: Its a rectangle, a blue rectangle.(Put four rectangles on the blackboard.)3)Teach the word: circle(Take out a piece of color paper from the box.)T: Whats this?Help the Ss: Its a piece of paper.T: What shape is it? Ss: Its a

9、square.T: What can I do with this piece of paper?(Fold the paper, then takes out and cut it.)T: What shape is it now?Help theSs: Its a circle. Its a pink circle.(T. takes out three circles from the box.)T: How many circles? Ss: Three circles.(Put the three circles on the blackboard.)CAI( 设计意图:奥运五环的引

10、入,让课堂更具活力。 )T: How many circles can you see? What colour is it?Ss: Five circles. The first circle is blue.4)Teach the word: star.(Take out a piece of color paper from the box)T: What shape is it?Help theSs: Its a square.(T. fold and cut it)T: What shape is it now?Help the Ss: Its a star,a blue star.

11、(Put two stars on the blackboard.)(贴在黑板上的图形构成了一个漂亮的机器人。)T:(Point to the robot on the blackboard)Whats this?Ss: Its a robot.T: Whats missing?Ss: A mouth.(T put a small triangle on the blackboard.)3. Practice the new words.(大小声练习,开火车练习,听听做做,画画说说CAI,找一找,CAI将图形隐去一大部分猜一猜。)1)Quickly response. (Give prize

12、to the best and quickest groups.)(学生拿出各自手中的形状卡片)T: Now lets play a game- Quickly response.I say a word, you show this shape quickly,I show a shape, you say this word quickly,OK? Ask a student show the shape in his hand, T ask: Whats that? The other students answer.Practice the dialogue group by grou

13、p.A: Whats that?B: Its a circle/triangle/rectangle/square/star.2)Quickly answers.T: What is a circle? (triangle, rectangle, square, heart, star)e.g: The sun is a circle. The TV is a square.(学生快速指出或说出周围所见或生活中常见的各种形状的事物。)T: Shapes are everywhere in our life. If you observe carefully, you may discover

14、we live in a beautiful shape world.(谈论生活中与形状有关的东西。让学生认识到生活中形状无处不在,我们其实是生活在一个美丽的形状世界里。)Step 3 Activity 1T: Congratulations! You are great. You can come into the second barrier. Lets find all of the shapes.CAIT: Boys and girls, Today Kabuda want to find a peace star with us. Do you want to go?Lets com

15、e into the third barrier.Ss: Yeah!( CAI ) (屏幕上呈现出一个大正方形,有十五个方格,右下端为入口,和平星在左上端的出口处。)T: Let boys PK girls, OK?The peace star is in the exit. Which team get there at first ,they will be the winner. ( 游戏规则:分成男女生两组,每组派四个选手,轮流掷骰子来决定跳几格,每一格都有一个任务,完成了任务就能按照要求继续往前跳几格,没完成就按照要求往回跳几格,哪组先到出口夺得和平星为胜利。 )Step 5 Activity2


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