
上传人:凯和****啦 文档编号:201712037 上传时间:2021-10-11 格式:PDF 页数:7 大小:252.05KB
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1、Language Points in Unit 10 Being honest and open Sentence analysis 1. They had a simple saying hanging on their living-room wall: “Life is like a field of newly fallen snow. WhereI choose to walk every step will show.” (Line 2)句中 “Life is like a field”运用了明喻的修辞手法生动地说明了生活的实质。明喻(Simile) 是一种最简单、最常见的修辞方法

2、,是以两种具有共同特征的事物或现象进行对比,表明本体和喻体的关系,其基本格式是“A 像 B” ,常用的比喻词有“as, like, as if, as though” 等。句中 “ where” 作连词用, 引起地点状语。 意为:“at the place (at) which” 在任何地方 “to any place that” 去任何地方。Translations: 英译汉并指出句中明喻。1) Living without an aim is like sailing without a compass. (John Ruskin). 生活没有目标犹如航行没有指南针。2) Records

3、fell like ripe apples on a windy day. (E.B. White) 被打破的记录犹如刮风天成熟的苹果纷纷坠落。3) I am as light as a feather, I am as happy as an angel, I am as merry as a school boy.(Charles Dickens) 我像羽毛一样轻,我像天使一样幸福, 我像小学生一样快活 Complete the following sentences with “ where” as a conjunction. Where ignorance is bliss, it

4、is folly to be wise. 如果无知是福的话,愚蠢就是智慧。Where conscience remains, integrity stays. 诚实乃本性之所在。Where bees are/where there are bees, there is honey. 哪儿有蜜蜂哪儿就有蜜。Where some are old and weak/where the weak and old are, others must shoulder the burden. 在有些人年老体弱时其他人就该担起责任。Translation: 在他们起居室的墙上挂着一副字,上面写着一句朴实无华的

5、格言:“ 生活如雪后初霁的大地。足之所至,迹必留之。”2. They understood instinctively that integrity involves having a personal standard of morality and boundaries that does not sell out to convenience and that is not relative to the situation at hand. (Line 5) 句中用了三个 “that ”从句。“that integrity involves”为“understood ”的宾语从句。后面

6、两个是由“and” 连接的定语从句修饰 “standard ”。sell out (to): let down ones cause, or ones side (to someone)出卖,背叛1) 他为财富而背叛了自己的抱负和志愿。He sold out to ambition and the determination for wealth. 2) 这个军官被指控投敌。The officer was charged with selling out to the enemy. 3) 他背叛了他的艺术原则,现在只为钱写作。He sold out his artistic standards

7、 and now just writes for money. 他们生来就认为,所谓正直,就是有自己的道德界定标准,既不贪财图利,也不因所处的环境而妥协。3. A good test for this value is to apply what I call the “IntegrityTriangle”,whichconsists of three key principles. (Line 9) 句中 “which”引导的非限定性定语从句修饰“Integrity Triangle”; “what”引导的名词性从句作“apply ”的宾语。1) 这篇文章探讨的是作者称之为“ 代沟” 的问题

8、。The article deals with what the author calls the “generation gap”.2) 谁也无法预知未来会发生什么。No one can tell what will happen in the future. 3) 孩子们正在玩我们称之为“ 捉迷藏 ” 的游戏。The children are playing what we call “hide and seek”.检验这一价值观的一个好办法就是运用本人所说的“ 正直三原则 ” , 即下列三大原则: 4. Stand firmly for your convictions when con

9、frontedwithpersonal pressure. (Line 12) 句中 “confronted ”为过去分词,与“when ”一起作句子的时间状语。过去分词与现在分词一样可以在句子中作状语,表示原因、时间、假设的状况等。过去分词表示被动意义或过去已经发生的动作。作状语时还常构成“ 连词/介词分词短语” 的结构。完成句子并指出分词的成分。When heated, the metal expands, and if allowed to cool/if cooled, it will contract. 金属受热会膨胀,而如果冷却就会收缩。 (表条件)Once deprived of

10、 the right to be/of being educated, these children will become the new generation of illiterate. 一旦被剥夺了受教育的权利,这些孩子将成为新一代文盲。(表假设)When comparing the economic developments with developed countries, China has a long way to go. 和发达国家的经济发展相比,中国还有很长的路要走。(表时间)Since exhausted by the long journey, the little

11、girl soon fell asleep. 由于旅途疲劳,小女孩很快就睡着了。 (表原因)在面对个人压力的时候要坚定自己的信念。5. Integrity means you do what you do because its right and not just fashionable or politically correct. (Line 44) “what”引导的名词性从句作“do”的宾语; “right ”和“fashionable ”看似并列关系, 但完整的句子应为: “you do what you do because its right and not just beca

12、useit is fashionable”,而不是 “because it is not just ”。翻译时需要注意。1) I don t teach because I think I know the answers to the questions.A: 因为我自认为知道问题的答案,所以我不去教学。B: 我教学不是因为我自认为知道问题的答案。2) I eat vegetables because they are good for my health and not just personal preference. A: 我吃蔬菜因为它们有益身体健康, 而不仅仅是个人喜好。B: 我吃

13、蔬菜因为它们有益身体健康, 以及不仅仅是个人喜好。为人正直意味着去做你应该做的事,因为那是对的, 而不是因为合乎潮流或迎合了政治上的需要。6. A life of principle, of not yielding to the tempting attractions of an easy morality, will always win the day. (Line 45) 句中 “life”后跟了两个“of ”引导的定语。“A life of principle, of not” = “If you have principles in yourlife, if you wont g

14、ive up for some easy morality, you will be successful.” yield to: give up to 屈服于,放弃1) 人不应屈服于敌人的怜悯。One shall not yield oneself up to the mercy of the enemy. 2) 我们对自由的热爱不亚于任何人。We yield to nobody in the love of freedom. 3) 屈服于金钱的诱惑,他把公司的新设计出卖给了他们的对手。Yielding to the temptation of money, he sold out the

15、new design of the company to their opponent. 在生活中如果能坚持原则, 抵制住放松道德标准的种种诱惑,那你就会永远立于不败之地。Words& phrases 1. They didn t have to talk about it; they demonstrated this truth by their life style. (Line 3) demonstrate: 1) vt. show clearly 1) The teacher demonstrated how to conduct this biological experiment

16、. 老师演示了如何做这个生物实验。2) The Japanese technicians demonstrated how the robot walked. 日本技术人员演示了这款机器人如何行走。demonstrate: 2) vi. take part in a march or meeting to protest or to make demands 1) Thousands of demonstrators took part in yesterday s demonstration. Theydemonstrated against extreme rightists. 数千名示威者参加了昨天的示威游行。他们抗议极右翼分子。2) A group of Green Peace members demonstrated against the introduction of genetically engineered food. 一些绿色和平组织成员抗议引进转基因食品。2. and boundaries that does not sell out to convenienc


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