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1、国家奖学金申请汇总表(博士组)序号年级学号姓名导师成绩GPA/ 加权平均论文名学术成果加分明细(杂志名,SCIorEI/ 影响因子 /分区)社会工作117博士173301069陈维周科朝3.21、 Controlling the microstructure andmechanical properties of a metastabletitanium alloy by selective lasermelting2、添加少量Zn、 Cu 的 5083 铝合金的力学和腐蚀性能发表论文情况:已发表SCI 1 篇1、 Materials Science &Engineering A2、 铝加工C

2、A无217博173301019 龚晓娟李云平3.31、 Corrosion behaviour of CoCrMoalloy fabricated by electron beammelting2、 Building direction dependence ofcorrosion resistance property ofTi 6Al 4Valloy fabricated byelectron beam melting发表论文情况:已发表SCI 2 篇1、 Corrosion ScienceSCI/4.862/1 区2、Corrosion Science SCI/4.862/1区党支部支委

3、316博163301008 刘柳成龚浩然3.61、 Solubility, diffusivity,andpermeability of hydrogen at PdCuphases2、Fundamental effects of Ag alloyingon hydrogen behaviors in PdCu发表论文情况:已发表SCI 2 篇1、Journal of membrane scienceSCI/6.578/1 区2、Journal of membrane scienceSCI/6.578/1 区无417博173301039 马永进潘军3.71、 Construction of Z

4、- Scheme Systemfor Enhanced Photocatalytic H2Evolution Basedon CdS QuantumDots/CeO2 Nanorods Heterojunction2、 Controlling shape anisotropy ofhexagonal CdS for highly stable andefficient photocatalytic H2 evolutionand photoelectrochemical watersplitting发表论文情况:已发表SCI 2 篇1、ACS Sustainable Chemistry &En

5、gineering SCI/5.951/2 区2、 Journal of Colloid and InterfaceScience SCI/4.233/2 区3、一种 Sn1-0.25xCuxS2 纳米化及其制备和应用(授权专利)4、一种一步合成制备的钠掺杂石墨相氮化碳及其应用(申请发明专利)5、一种亚稳相铋氧化物的制备方法及其在光催化降解有机污染物中的应用(申请方专利6、一种硫化镉纳米花制备及其应用(申请发明专利)良好部长团+1.2516博163301047 梅方胜袁铁锤3.61、 Improving the densification ofindium tin oxide targets

6、via secondarycold isostatic pressing and oxygenexchange treatments2、 Micro-structureof ITO ceramicssintered at different temperatures andits effect on the properties ofdeposited ITO films3、 Effect of heattreatment on thedispersion and sintering behaviour oftin doped indium oxide powders4、 Microstruc

7、ture evolution and grainorientation in ITO targets and theireffects on the film characteristics5、 Effects of sintering processesonsecond-phasegrain morphology ofITO ceramics and grain growth发表论文情况:已发表SCI5 篇1、Scripta Materialia SCI/3.747/2区2、Journal of the EuropeanCeramic Society SCI/3.411/2 区3、Ceram

8、ics InternationalSCI/2.986/2 区4、Journal of Materials Science:Materials in ElectronicsSCI/2.019/3 区5、Journal of Materials Science:Materials in ElectronicsSCI/2.019/3 区6、一种金属钙热还原一步制备高纯铷的方法申请发明专利无616博163301013 谭黎明江亮3.61.Flow behaviors and microstructuralevolutions of a novel high-Co powdermetallurgy su

9、peralloy during hotworking2.Effects of Temperatureand Pressure of Hot Isostatic Pressingon the Grain Structure of PowderMetallurgy Superalloy3.Effects ofstrain amount and strain rate on grainstructure of a novel high Conickel-based polycrystallinesuperalloy4.The evolutionhistory of superalloy powder

10、s duringhot consolidation and plasticdeformation1. Journal of Materials ProcessingTechnology SCI/3.647/2 区2. Materials SCI/2.467/2 区3. Materials & Design SCI/4.525/2区4. Materials CharacterizationSCI/2.892/3 区5. 一种镍基合金、其制备方法与一种制造物品(申请发明专利)6. 一种镍基合金、 其制备方法与一种制造物品(申请发明专利)7. 一种镍基合金、 其制备方法与一种制造物品(申请发明专利)

11、无714直博143306029 谭鹏飞潘军3.441、 Rational Design of Z-SchemeSystem Based on 3D HierarchicalCdS Supported 0D Co9S8Nanoparticles for SuperiorPhotocatalytic H2 Generation2、 Insights into the efficient chargeseparation and transfer efficiency ofLa,Cr-codoped SrTiO3 modified withCoP asa noble-metal-free co-ca

12、talystfor superior visible-lightdrivenphotocatalytic hydrogen generation3、 Manganese oxide at cadmiumsulfide (MnOxCdS)shellsencapsulated with graphene: Aspatially separatedphotocatalyticsystem towards superior hydrogenevolution4、 BODIPYmodified g-C3N4 asa highly efficientphotocatalyst for degradatio

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14、or nucleation andpropagation of incoherent twins in aCoCrFeNiMo0.15high-entropy alloysubject to cold rolling and annealing.2、Nanosized precipitates anddislocation networks reinforcedC-containing CoCrFeNi high-entropyalloy fabricated by selective lasermelting.3、Effects of torsionaldeformation on the

15、microstructuresand mechanical properties of aCoCrFeNiMo0.15high-entropy alloy发表论文情况:已发表SCI 3 篇1、 Intermetallics SCI/3.140/2 区2、Materials CharacterizationSCI/2.714/3 区3、Philosophical MagazineSCI/1.505/3 区无917博173301059 谢思遥袁铁锤3.41.Viscous flow activation energyadaptation by isothermal spark plasmasint

16、ering applied with differentcurrent mode2.Laser deposition technology assistedby friction stir processing forpreparation of nanostructuredFe Cr Sialloy layer3.Laser cladding assisted by frictionstir processing for preparation ofdeformed crack-free Ni-Cr-Fe coatingwith nanostructure发表论文情况:已发表SCI 3 篇1.Scripta Materialia SCI/3.747/2 区2.Surface & Coatings TechnologySCI/2.589/3 区3.Optics and Laser TechnologySCI/2.109/3 区无1014直博143306022 徐圣航刘咏3.631.Microstructureandmechanicalproperties of Ti-15Mo-xTiC



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