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1、外研版七年级下册英语Module 1 Lost and found 第1页,共 5 页2016-2017 学年度第二学期七年级英语测试卷( 一) (时间: 45 分钟满分: 100 分)班级:姓名:学号:成绩:一、 单项选择 (15 分) ( ) 1. There is _ eraser on the desk. A. a B. an C. the D. / ( ) 2. I want a new _ and I want to put some pocket money ( 零花钱) in it. A. crayon B. wallet C. watch D. pencil ( ) 3. _

2、 black bag is this? It s Tony s.A. Who B. What C. Whose D. Where ( ) 4. Please be careful _ my iPhone! Its expensive. A. by B. at C. on D. with ( ) 5. Is this book Toms? Let me see. No, _ has a lovely cat on the cover (封皮). A. yours B. mine C. his D. hers ( ) 6. Mary can t find her English tapes.Tha

3、t s _ she looks sad. A. what B. why C. when D. how ( ) 7. My grandma often _ the keys at home when she goes out. A. forget B. leave C. forgets D. leaves ( ) 8. Can I help you? Yes. Two _, please. A. kilo of bananas B. kilos of banana C. kilo bananas D. kilos of bananas ( ) 9. Is this football _? No,

4、 its _. A. yours; Kate B. your; Kate C. yours; Kates D. your; Kates ( ) 10. How many trees are there in the park? About two _ trees. A. thousand B. thousand of C. thousands D. thousands of 外研版七年级下册英语Module 1 Lost and found 第2页,共 5 页二、完形填空 (15 分) Welcome to Class Four. Lets play a game now. It s 11 f

5、inding lost things. Whose T-shirt is this? It is 12 . It has a picture of a whale (鲸鱼) on it. Tom 13 it very much. And 14 wants to go to the aquarium ( 水族馆 ) to see whales one day. Whose wallet is this? It is Lily s. There is a 15 of Zhang Jie in it. Zhang Jie is Lily s favourite star. Whose 16 are

6、these? They are Jacks. 17 ? Because Jack has an art class today. And he is 18 his crayons at the moment. Whose camera is this? Is it Johns? 19 ! I think it s Lisa s, because there are 20 pictures of Lisa in the camera. Is your guess ( 猜测) right? ( ) 11. A. about B. in C. by D. at ( ) 12. A. TimsB. T

7、omsC. PetersD. Lilys ( ) 13. A. comes B. meets C. likes D. has ( ) 14. A. it B. you C. she D. he ( ) 15. A. box B. watch C. photo D. bag ( ) 16. A. crayons B. erasers C. taxies D. ducks ( ) 17. A. How B. Why C. Whose D. When ( ) 18. A. looking at B. looking after C. looking on D. looking for ( ) 19.

8、 A. Yes B. OK C. Here D. No ( ) 20. A. much B. little C. some D. any 三、 阅读理解 (20 分) A Welcome to the Town Park Lost and Found Office. Every weekend many parents and their children come to our park and play here. And some of them are not careful with their things. They often leave their things in the

9、 park, for example, their bikes, their keys, and their mobile phones. So we have the lost and found office for them. Do you often come to our park? Are you looking for your lost things? Come to our office and have a look at the things. Today we have a bag in the box for you. It s waiting for you at

10、the Town Park Lost and Found Office. You can also call us at 644-7009. 外研版七年级下册英语Module 1 Lost and found 第3页,共 5 页( ) 21. Where is the Town Park Lost and Found Office? A. In a school. B. In a park. C. In a zoo. D. In a museum. ( ) 22. Why do they have this office? A. Because too many people visit th

11、e park. B. Because they want to find lost things for others. C. Because they want to help old people. D. Because there are too many people in the town. ( ) 23. What do people often leave in the Town Park? A. Money. B. Mobile phones. C. Children. D. Cars. ( ) 24. What s in the lost and found box toda

12、y? A. A bag. B. A watch. C. A football. D. A basketball. ( ) 25. When can you call 644-7009? A. When you cant find the way to go home. B. When you want to call a taxi. C. When you want to watch a movie. D. When you can t find your things in the Town Park. B The Lost Thing is a story about a young ma

13、n. He often wears a pair of glasses. He likes collecting (收集) bottle caps when hes travelling around the world. One day, he takes an old train to the beach. He sees a strange red teapot ( 茶壶). It is about 3-4 m tall. Its very friendly to him. They play with a ball in the afternoon. When the sun goes

14、 down, he starts to know that his friend doesn t have the owner (主人). He thinks, “It might be a lost thing.” He wants to know more about the red teapot, so he tries to help it find its owner. Will the teapot find its owner? Its a secret. ( ) 26. What does the young man often wear? A. A hat. B. A pai

15、r of glasses. C. A pair of gloves. D. A pair of earrings. ( ) 27. The young man likes _. A. taking a train B. collecting bottles C. taking photos D. collecting bottle caps ( ) 28. The young man goes to the beach by _. A. B. C. D. ( ) 29. The underlined phrase “goes down ” means _ in Chinese. A. 出现B.

16、 升起C. 离开D. 落下( ) 30. Which of the following is TRUE? 外研版七年级下册英语Module 1 Lost and found 第4页,共 5 页A. The Lost Thing is a story about an old man. B. The teapot is blue and its very beautiful. C. The teapot is about 2 m tall. D. The young man wants to help the teapot find its owner. 四、 词汇运用 (20 分) A.用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空,每词限用一次。31. What is in the _ and found box? 32. I want to go to the _ to take my plane to Beijing. 33. Look! Some _ are swimming in the lake. 34. Is this your basketball, Wang Kai? No, _ i


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