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1、冀教版八年级1-4 单元复习7 I. 词汇( 10 分)A). 根据句意用所给词的适当形式填空。1. The sun _ ( rise ) in the east in the morning. 2. This is the _ (three) time I have been here. 3.There will be some _(shower) this evening. 4.Are you _ (scare) of snakes? 5. It s _ (please) to walk among the trees. B). 根据句意及汉语提示、首字母提示填入适当的单词。1.We sh

2、ould try our best to help the animals in _( 危险 )。2. Don t _(推) others when we get on the bus. 3.The i_ in your pen comes from plants. 4. My grandma r_ some ducks in her yard. 5.It s r_ cold today, you d better wear a winter jacket. II. 单项选择( 25 分)1.-Peter, can you tell me the differences _ the four

3、words? -Sorry, I don t know. A. between B. among C. for D. in 2. The ground is covered _ snow. A. of B. by C. with D. in 3. The children like to hear the birds _ in the tree. A. singing B. sings C. to sing D. sang 4. Do you often _ your pet _ a walk. A. take; in B. take; for C. bring; in D. bring; f

4、or 5. Mrs. White _ dinner when her son came home. A. is cooking B. was cooking C. are cooking D. were cooking 6.At 7 o clock, the zoo is _. A. opened B. open C. opens D. opening 7. Half of the students _ planted some trees this spring. A. has B. have C. is D. are 8.- They went swimming yesterday. -_

5、 A. So do we. B. So we do C. So did we D. So we did. 9.- Danny, may I _ your bike? - Sure, but you d better not _ it to others. A. lend; lend B. lend; borrow C. borrow; borrow D. borrow; lend 10.They will not leave _ the rain stops. A. after B. until C. because D. when 11. There are _plants in the w

6、orld. A. billions of B. billion of C. five billions D. five billions of 12. It s bad for our eyes to read _ A. under the sun B. in the sun C. below the sun D. of the sun 13. After class, the students left the classroom_ A. little by little B. side by side C. step by step D. one by one 14. He got up

7、late this morning, so he went to school without _ breakfast. A. having B. had C. to have D. have 15. Sunglass can _ you _ the sunlight. A. protects; from B. protect; from C. protect; of D. protect; into 16. You shouldn t play computer games _ A. some more B. any more C. no more D. not more 17. This

8、isn t my shirt, it s _ A. me B. her C. hers D. mine 18. There are many apples _ the tree, some boys are picking them _ the tree. A. in; in B. on; on C. in; on D. on; in 19. It s kind _ you to help the old man. A. for B. to C. of D. in 20. I want to go_ to take a winter holiday. A. anywhere warm B. s

9、omewhere warm C. warm anywhere D. warm somewhere 21. _ watching TV now? A. How about B. Let s C. Why not D. Shall we 22. Nothing can stop us _hard. A. to work B. from work C. of working D. from working 23. Do you like shoes _of straw? A. make B. making C. is mde D. made 24.A_ person doesnt like to w

10、ork. A. shy B. mad C. lazy D. kind 25.Hello, May I spesk to Wang Li, please? -_. She is coming. A. Hold on B. Hold up C. Sorry D. This is Wang Li III. 动词考查。(10 分)A)选择正确的选项填在括号内.( 5 分)( )1.I shall _ shorts tomorrow. A. to wear B. wearing C. will wear D. wears ( ) 2. I am sorry to keep you _ so long.

11、A. waiting B. to waiting C. waited D. waits ( ) 3.There is a purse _ on the ground. A. to lie B. lain C. lying D. lies ( ) 4. Mr. Black _ two years ago. A. die B. dying C. dead D. died ( ) 5. Doctors use medicine _ the sick people. A. help B. to help C. helping D. helped B)用方框内短语的适当形式填空。(5 分)1. Gori

12、llas might _ one day. 2. I want to _ an animal. 3. This city _its beautiful lake. 4. Last April Fool s Day, we _ Li Ming. 5. The girl has _ a pretty lady. IV. 按要求完成句子。 (每空 1 分,共 10 分)1.Danny runs fast. I run fast, too. ( 写出同义句 ) Danny runs fast, _ _ I. 2.He needs to water the plants every day. ( 对划线

13、部分提问) He needs to water the plants every day, _ _? 3.Liu Peng watches TV every night. ( 用 this time last night 改写 ) Liu Peng _ TV this time last night 4.I was listening to the music at that time.( 改为一般疑问句,并作肯定回答) _ you _ to the music at that time? _ ,I _ V. 完形填空。(10 分)We know that trees are useful i

14、n our everyday life. They _1_ us many things, such as wood, oxygen(氧气 ), rubber, medicine and so on. They can also _2_ us a lot about our climate (气候 ). The following is the reason. If you _3_ a tree, you can see that it has many rings ( 年轮 ). Most trees grow one new ring _4_ year. Because of this r

15、eason, we know _5_ a tree is. A tree over a hundred years old means that it has more than a hundred _6_. When the climate is dry or very cold, the trees don t grow very much and their rings are uaually _7_. When it is wet and warm, the rings are much thicker. If the rings are suddenly very thin or s

16、uddenly very thick, this means that the _8_ changes suddenly. If we look at the rings on this tree, we can learn about the _9_ for a hundred years. We can see _10_ our climate are changing today. ( ) 1. A. tell B. ask C. give D. get ( ) 2. A. talk B. say C. speak D. tell ( ) 3. A. cut down B. climb up C. walk past D. look at ( ) 4. A. every B. many C. the first D. from ( ) 5. A. how big B. how long C. how old D. how much ( ) 6. A. trees B. leaves C. people D. rings ( ) 7. A. big B. small C. hung


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