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1、六年级英语上册Module 3练习题 班级 一、看图写句子。 _ _ _ _ _二、看图,改正所给句子的错误,并将正确的写下来。1. Ive got lots of dolls. _2. She can play volleyball. _3. I have not got a toy ship. _4. Ive got a book. _5. Flying kites is his hobby. _ 三、答复下列问题。1. How many people are there in your family? _2. How tall is your father? _3. Have you g

2、ot a hobby? What is it? _4. Have you got any pets? _5. What do you like doing? _四、从所给的词中选择一个,完成短文。Hello. My name is Simon. Im an _ ( America / American ) boy. I _ ( have/has ) got a cousin. His name is Daming. Hes from _ ( China / Chinese )_ ( Collect / Collecting ) _ ( stamps / stamp ) is my hobby.

3、 I know many things about stamps. The _ ( first /one ) stamp was made in _ ( English / England ). Its name was “Penny Black. I like _ ( play / playing ) sports too. My _ ( favorite / great ) sport is _. ( swim / swimming ). Lets be pen friends.五、读一读,写一写。Simon wants to have a pen friend. Please write

4、 to him and tell him about yourself. You can tell him your hobby, your school or your family, etc. Have a try.Dear Simon,参考答案一、看图写句子。These are some stamps from Canada. Theyre famous men and women.This stamp is from China. Its got a picture of some flowers.This stamp is from England. Its got a pictur

5、e of Big Ben.This stamp is from Mexico. Its got a picture of Mexican food.This stamp is from Canada. Its got a picture of a big bridge.二、看图,改正所给句子的错误,并将正确的写下来。 1. Ive got a doll. 2. She can play the violin. 3. I have got a toy ship. 4. Ive got three books. 5. Riding bicycle is his hobby.三、略四、American, have, China, Collecting, stamps, first, England, playing, favourite, swimming.五、略



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