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1、新目标英语八年级下Unit 9语言要点与中考1. have been to 与have gone to的区别Linda has been to the aquarium. (P69) 琳达去过水族馆。要点分析:have been to表示“曾经去过某地,指去过某个地方,现在已不在那个地方,经常与表示次数的时间状语连用。如:Have you ever been to the Great Wall? 你去过长城吗?Yes, twice. 去过,我去过两次。We have been to Beijing only once. 我们只去过一次。have gone to 表示“去了某地,指已离开此地,现

2、在正在途中或已到达目的地,常用于第三人称。如:Where is Tom? 汤姆在哪儿?He has gone to the post office. 他去了邮局。中考真题 (,) She isnt at the cinema now because she _the library.A. has been to B. have been to C. have gone to D. has gone to2. ever adv. 曾经Have you ever been to an amusement park? 你去过游乐场吗?Yes, I have. (P68) 去过。要点分析:ever解作

3、“曾经时,多用于完成时态句子,有时也可与一般现在时或一般过去时连用,主要用在疑问句或带有否认意义词的肯定句中。如:Did you ever go to concerts? 你是否去听过音乐会?Have you ever seen such a tall tower? 你曾看见过这么高的塔吗?No one in this village has ever heard of you. 这个村子没有人曾经听说过你。用于条件句时,可解释为“无论何时。如:If you are ever in Thailand, come and see me. 无论何时,你假设来泰国,务必来看我。注意:ever不用在肯

4、定句中,不可以说I have ever seen him. 我曾见过他。应将ever改为once。中考真题 (市)Have you _ joined in a dragon boat race? Yes, I have. A. never B. still C. seldom D. ever 3. What + do/does + somebody + do? 句型的用法What does Mei Shan do? (P72) 梅珊是做什么工作的?要点分析:“What + do/does + somebody + do? 用来询问某人的职业,相当于“What + be + somebody或“

5、Whats ones job?句型。对其答复可以是“主语+ be .,也可以是“主语+ 行为动词。如:What does she do? 她是做什么工作的?She is a doctor. 她是医生。What is your friend? 你朋友是做什么的? 中考真题 ( 市)What does your father do? _. A. He is a policeman B. He wants to be a reporter C. He is reading 4. wonderful adj. 极好的;精彩的For many Chinese tourists, this small i

6、sland in Southeast Asia is a wonderful place to take a holiday. (P74) 对大多数中国旅游者来说,东南亚的这个小岛是一个度假的好地方。要点分析:wonderful与terrible相对,在句中做表语或定语,常用于口语中。如:We watched a wonderful game. 我们看了一场精彩的比赛。What a wonderful present! 多么好的礼物呀!You are wonderful! 你真棒!中考真题 (,) What do you think of the NBA basketball match la

7、st night ? It was _. I really enjoyed it. A. boring B. wonderful C. strange D. terrible 5. environment n. 环境At the Night Safari, you can watch these animals in a more natural environment than a normal zoo. (P74) 在夜晚陆地旅行动物园,你可以在比一般的动物园更自然的环境中观看这些动物。要点分析:environment习惯用单数形式,不用复数形式。如:We live in a quiet

8、environment. 我们住在安静的环境中。His home environment was good. 他的家庭环境很好。 中考真题,These natural disasters have warned us that everyone should start to protect the _ immediately.A. amusement B. development C. environment D. government6. rather than 而不是要点分析:rather than这一表达方式经常用在平行结构中,即与两个形容词,两个状语词组,两个名词或代词,两个动词不定

9、式或两个动词-ing形式连用。如:These shoes are comfortable rather than pretty. 这些鞋子谈不上漂亮,但穿起来倒很舒适。Id prefer to go in summer rather than in winter. 我宁愿夏天去,不愿冬天去。I decided to write rather than (to) telephone. 我决定写信而不打 。 中考真题 (市)Why would some workers in Foxcon die _ continue working in the factory? Psychologists say they are under too much pressure. A. better thanB. by accidentC. instead of D. rather than



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