最全面201x届中考英语复习 第一篇 语言基础知识 第11课 八下 Units 3-4基础知识

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《最全面201x届中考英语复习 第一篇 语言基础知识 第11课 八下 Units 3-4基础知识》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《最全面201x届中考英语复习 第一篇 语言基础知识 第11课 八下 Units 3-4基础知识(30页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、.第11课 八下 Units 34课前预热中考词汇拓展重点易错单词1. rubbish 垃圾2. fold 折叠3. pass 递;走过4. hate 厌恶;厌恶5. waste 铺张6. provide 供应7. depend 依靠8. since 既然;自以来9. neighbor 邻居10. allow 答应11. wrong 错误的12. argue 争执13. elder 年纪较长的14. instead 代替15. whatever 无论什么;任何16. nervous 焦虑的;紧急的17. offer 自动提出;自愿赐予18. proper 正确的;恰当的19. secondly

2、 其次;其次20. explain 说明21. return 归仍;回来22. member 成员23. pressure 压力24. opinion 看法;看法25. continue 连续;连续存在26. compare 比较27. crazy 疯狂的28. push 督促;推动29. cause 造成;引起30. perhaps 可能;大致;或许词汇拓展1. sweep(v.) swept (过去式/过去分词)扫;打扫10. argue(v.) argument (n.)争辩;争执11. cloud(n.) cloudy (adj.)多云的精品.2. throw(v.) threw (过

3、去式) thrown (过去分词)扔;掷3. lend(v.) lent (过去式/过去分词)供应;借出 borrow (反义词)借;借用4. develop(v.) development (n.)进展;发育;成长 developing (adj.)进展中的 developed (adj.)发达的5. fair(adj.) fairness (n.)公正;公正 unfair (反义词)不合理的;不公正的6. ill(adj.) illness (n.)疾病;病7. drop(v.) dropped (过去式/过去分词)落下;掉下8. relation(n.) relationship (n.

4、)关系;联系9. communicate(v.) communication (n.)沟通;沟通12. proper(adj.) properly (adv.)合适地;相宜地13. two(num.) second (序数词)其次 secondly (adv.)其次;其次14. clear(adj.) clearly (adv.)清晰地;明白地15. typical(adj.) typically (adv.)典型地16. quick(adj.) quickly (adv.)很快地17. usual(adj.) unusual (反义词)不常见的;不一般的18. depend(v.) depe

5、ndent (adj.)依靠的;依靠的 independent (adj.)独立的;自主的 dependence (n.)依靠;依靠;信任中考词组短语词 组1. take out the rubbish倒垃圾24. allow sb. to do sth. 答应某人做某事精品.2. all the time反复3. as soon as 一就4. in order to为了5. depend on依靠6. take care of照管;处理7. look through浏览8. big deal重要的事9. work out解决10. cut out删除11. compare with. 与比

6、较12. in ones opinion依某人看13. get a ride搭车14. finish doing sth.完成做某事15. come over走上前来16. work all day成天工作17. in surprise惊奇地18. pass sb. sth.=pass sth. to sb. 递给某人某物19. lend sb. sth.=lend sth. to sb. 借给某人某物20. spend time on sth. 把时间花在某事上21. provide sth. for sb./offer sb. sth.=offer sth. to sb.25. give

7、sth. back to sb. 把某物归仍给某人26. offer to help主动供应帮忙27. communicate with sb. 和某人沟通28. leave sth. at sp. 把某东西忘在某地29. not.anymore不再30. borrow my things without returning them借了我的东西不仍31. speak in front of people在人群前发言32. compete with. 与竞争33. take so many after-school classes上如此多的课后补习班34. the Taylors泰勒一家35.

8、 not.until. 直到才36. have a quick dinner快速吃饭37. its time for sth./to do sth. 是时候做某事了38. turn down the TV把电视音量调低精品.供应某人某物22. as a result结果是23. fall ill生病中考句型回忆书面表达素材1. 对分担家务的看法 The earlier kids learn to be independent, the better it is for their future.孩子们越早学会独立,对他们的将来就越好;Housework is a waste of their

9、time. 家务活铺张他们的时间;Everyone should do their part in keeping it clean and tidy. 每个人都应当尽自己的职责来保持它的洁净和洁净;Doing chores helps to develop childrens independence and teaches them how tolook after themselves. 做家务有助于培育孩子们的独立性,并且教会他们如何照管自己;It is the parents job to provide a clean and comfortable environment at

10、home for their children. 在家里给他们的孩子供应一个洁净又舒服的环境是家长们的责任;I think it is important for children to learn how to do chores and help their parents with housework. 我认为对孩子们来说学习怎样做家务和帮忙他们的父母做家务很重要;2. 人际交往与沟通精品.My problem is that I cant get on with my family. 我的问题是我不能与家人好好相处; Why dont you sit down and communic

11、ate with your brother.你为什么不坐下来和你兄弟谈一谈?I hope things will be better for you soon. 我期望事情对你来说很快就变得更好;Although its normal to want successful children, its even more important to have happy children.虽然想要胜利的孩子这一想法很正常,但拥有欢乐的孩子更加重要;语法精萃He should talk to his friend so that he can say hes sorry. 他应当和他伴侣交谈以便他能

12、对伴侣说对不起;You shouldnt wait until the last minute to study for a test. 你不应当等到最终一刻才去考前学习; Although hes your best friend, you should still tell him that copying others homework is wrong.虽然他是你最好的伴侣,你仍需告知他抄他人作业是不对的;情形交际 Could you please take the dog for a walk. 请你遛一下狗好吗?Sorry, I cant. I have to study for

13、my math test. 对不起,我不能;我要为数学考试而学习; Could I watch TV. 我可以看电视吗?精品.Yes, you can, but first you have to clean your room.可以,但你必需先打扫房间;课堂突破中考重点单词与短语一、instead的用法【例句展现】1. Jim didnt buy himself anything. Instead, he bought his mother a scarf.吉姆没给自己买任何东西,而给他的妈妈买了一条围巾;2. At last, I decided to cook at home inste

14、ad of eating outside.最终我打算在家烧饭,而不在外面吃;【精讲辨析】1. instead作副词,意为“代替;反而”;常放在句首或句尾,放在句首常用逗号与句子隔开;2. instead of后跟名词、代词或动名词,意为“代替;而不是”;【活学活用】用instead或instead of填空;1. If you have no cream, you can use milk_ .2._ going out, he invited his friends to his home.二、return的用法【例句展现】1. Please return the book to the library on time.精品


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