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1、2022考研英语翻译常用方法总结2021考研英语翻译常用方法总结 同位语译法 1. There is a principle that all citizens should meet minimal qualifications of age and literacy. 有一个这样的原则,那就是所有公民应当满足最低的年龄要求和识字能力要求。 2. Part of the fame of Allens book is its contention that Circumstances do not make a person, they reveal him. 爱伦的书之所以出名,部分原因是因

2、为它辩论的观点,即: 环境并未造就人,而是揭示了人的本性。 3. The word amateur does carry a connotation that the person concerned is not fully integrated into the scientific community and, in particular, may not fully share its values. 业余爱好者一词的确带有这样一种内涵,那就是,没有完全整合进科学界的人不会分享其价值观。 4. Online culture thinks highly of the notion tha

3、t the information flowing onto the screen comes there by specific request. 网上文化推崇这样一个概念,即在你提出具体的要求之后,信息才会出现在你屏幕上。 5. The idea that the journalist must understand the law more profoundly than an ordinary citizen rests on an understanding of the established conventions and special responsibilities of

4、the news media. 新闻工作者对于法律的理解应当比普通公民更加深刻,这个观点建立在对新闻媒体既定规范和特殊社会责任的理解的基础之上。 6. Being interested in the relationship of language and thought, Whorf developed the idea that the structure of language determines the structure of habitual thought. 沃尔夫对语言与思维的关系很感兴趣,因此他逐渐形成了这样的观点:一个社会中,语言的结构决定习惯思维的结构。 7. The

5、common belief of some linguistics that each language is a perfect vehicle for the thoughts of the nation speaking it is in some ways the exact counterpart of the conviction of the Manchester school of economics that supply and demand will regulate everything for the rest. 一些语言学家的共同见解是,每一种语言都是使用该语言的民

6、族用以表达思想的完美载体。这一观点在某些方面与曼彻斯特经济学派的观点,即供给与需求会将一切调节至尽善尽美,有异曲同工之处。 8. There is a principle that all citizens should meet minimal qualifications of age and literacy. 有一个原则是:所有公民应当具备最低的年龄要求和识字能力要求。 名词性从句译法 (1) what引导 1. When I think of a sad memory, I do what everyone does. 当我回忆起悲伤事件时,我所做的和所有人一样。 2. What m

7、akes this figure different from the last, he says, is that there are still buyers in the market. 他说道,使得这一数字与先前不同的原因在于,市场中仍然存在买家。 3. Knowing what youre good at and doing even more of it creates excellence. 了解了你擅长的领域,并多加练习,就能变得优秀。 4. We unconsciously associate fast food with speed and impatience and c

8、arry those impulses into whatever else were doing. 我们无意识地将快餐和速度及不耐烦联系起来,并把这种冲动带入到日常所做的每一件事中去。 5. One difficulty is that almost all of what is called behavioral science continues to trace behavior to states of mind, feelings, traits of character, human nature, and so on. 一个困难在于,几乎所有成为行为科学的学科都继续到心态、感觉

9、、性格特征、人性等因素中去探究行为。 6. To filter out what is unique from what is shared might enable us to understand how complex cultural behavior arose. 如果能将独特性与普遍性相分离,我们就能够理解文化行为产生的复杂性。 (2) how引导 1. The question is how we can get the loan. 问题是我们获得贷款的方式。 2. The Greeks assumed that the structure of language had som

10、e connection with the process of thought, which took root in Europe long before people realized how diverse languages could be. 希腊人认为本语言结构与思维过程之间存在着某种联系,这种观点早在人们意识到语言的千差万别之前就已经在欧洲扎下了根。 3. A Google search can leak between 0.2 and 7.0 grams of CO2, depending on how many attempts are needed to get the

11、right answers. 在谷歌上进行一次搜索便会产生0.2到7.0克的二氧化碳,具体数值取决于人们得到正确答案所需的查询次数。 (3) 其它 1. Anyway, the townsfolk cant understand why the Royal Shakespeare Company needs a subsidy. 无论如何,镇民们还是不能够理解皇家莎士比亚剧团需要补助的原因。 2. They caught up to where they should have stayed. 他们终于来到他们本该呆的地方。 3. He told them who he was and wha

12、t he had done in the past. 他向他们讲述他的身份和经历。 4. When the first draft should be finished and how it should be ameliorated are just two of a great number of difficulties that the fledging newspaper reporter encounters. 完成初稿的时间以及修改方式,是这个初出茅庐的新闻记者面临的众多问题中的两个。 5. This is why the more neutral substance is no

13、w used by many physicians and psychologists. 这就是很多医师和心理学家现在更多使用中性物质的原因。 6. Depending on whom you are addressing, the problems will be different. 根据演讲对象的不同,问题应该也有所不同。 状语译法 1. Hearing the news, they immediately set off for Shanghai. 听到这个消息,他们立即出发到上海去了。 2. Seen from the pagoda, the south foot of the Pu

14、rple Mountain is a sea of trees. 从这个塔上远眺,紫金山南麓是树的海洋。 3. Printed white, the house looks bigger. 漆成白色后,这房子像是更大了。 4. Having written an important letter, I listened to the music for a while. 写完一封重要的信之后,我听了一会儿音乐。 5. Arguing from the view that humans are different from animals in every relevant respect, e

15、xtremists of this kind think that animals lie outside the area of moral choice. 持极端观点的人认为,人与动物在各相关方面都不相同,所以对待动物无须考虑道德问题。 6.Writing in the last year of his life, Darwin expressed the opinion that in two or three respects his mind had changed during the preceding twenty or thirty years. 达尔文在生命的最后一年里表达到,在最后二三十年里,他的思想在两三个方面发生了改变。 定语从句译法 (1) that型 1. A further concern is that the use of electronic means of payment leaves an electronic trail that contains a large amo



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